Soon, it was getting dark over the capital, but in Shazhouwei, there was still a faint afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon.

Nan Yan originally planned to take a nap when he went back.

But when I woke up, that was it.

She fell asleep all over, lying on the bed in a daze, her mind empty, just thinking whether she should close her eyes again, and simply sleep till dawn.

But at this moment, Ran Xiaoyu opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Nan Yan lying on the bed with her eyes wide open, she said, "The mother finally woke up."

"Xiaoyu, here you are..."

When someone came, Nan Yan naturally had trouble staying in bed, so she stood up with her soft hands. Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly went to help her and said, "The slave and maidservant have come several times."

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"The emperor said that the empress must not have a good rest, let her sleep for a while."

"Hey, if you sleep like this, my palace will be gone."

"Mother, don't say that. You are pregnant and working hard. You should have a good rest."

At this point, Nan Yan was a little sober.

Ran Xiaoyu took a pillow and placed it on her back and let her sit comfortably on the bed. Nan Yan looked up at her and said, "What happened to Ye Xun?"

"Doctor Wang has been trying to find out what poison he was poisoned after he administered the injection."

"Are there any results?"

"The imperial doctor said it was not so fast."


"However, in one afternoon, I have analyzed several things. Moreover, after he gave the injection, Ye Xiao's complexion looked a lot better, and he could swallow it by himself after he was fed soup and medicine."

Hearing this, Nan Yan showed a little smile on his face.

That proved that Ye Qi was no longer in a deep coma, but just lethargic, and responded to some external stimuli.

In this way, he really got better.

So he said, "That's good, Doctor Wang's medical skills are brilliant, and Ye Wei will definitely be fine."


Nan Yan said, looked up at her again, smiled and said, "You did a good job today."

Although this was a compliment, the emperor had complimented this way before, but for some reason, facing Nan Yan, Ran Xiaoyu's face blushed.

Turning around hurriedly, he poured a cup of tea to her hand and said: "Thank you, Niang Niang, for your praise."

Nan Yan held the tea cup and looked at her with a smile: "Do you think this palace is complimenting you?"

"...Praise the servant girl, calm down?"

"This is one of them."


Ran Xiaoyu seemed to know what she was going to say, but she didn't answer the conversation.

Or Nan Yan took it on with a cheeky himself, and said, "I want to praise you for being clever."

At this moment, her face was really red.

Immediately said: "Manny, don't laugh at slaves and maids."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "This palace is not a joke at you. Actually, this palace and the emperor are worried today that you will directly attack Xue Ling and remove her arms and legs."


"Unexpectedly, there used to be such a small pepper beside my palace. I only knew that you had great fists and feet, but now I know that your tongue is so sharp. Seeing that Xue Ling was scolded by you just now, you can't catch a word.

Ran Xiaoyu's face turned red.

I want to turn around and leave, but I can't leave.

I could only sit on the side of the bed while biting my lower lip, and said, "Don't make fun of your mother."

Nan Yan stretched out his hand on the back of her hand with a gratified expression, and said softly, "Don't think that this palace is just making fun of you. Although it is a joke, this palace is really relieved."


"You can be calm, have a mind, and know who you are in front of, when and what to say. This is the skill that Mrs. Yipinzheming should have."


"Although this is not enough, it is already very good if you are willing to do it."


"Even if Ye Yu wakes up and sees you like this, he will be happy for you."

Ran Xiaoyu hesitated: "Will he be happy that I became like this?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "He will be happy, and you are willing to make progress."


"The original good or bad of a person is important, but it is not important, because some natural things can be changed."


"You are willing to change yourself and let yourself grow. This kind of heart is the best."


"He will understand."

If it is normal, Ran Xiaoyu is afraid that he will still say: "Who wants him to understand."

But this time, she just thought for a while, and said softly: "It's good if he understands."

Nan Yan smiled softer.

Looking at this pair is like looking at their own children. Although they are not much older than them, they feel more worried than their children’s marriage.

If I can get a good result, I would also like to see it.

After speaking for a while, her body became a little more comfortable.

He got out of bed and washed a little bit, and the sky was getting dark.

Nan Yan said: "By the way, why do you think of coming over to me."

"Wang Baizhi was watching Ye Xu, and I was there, always obstructing him, so I simply came to take care of the empress. The empress is pregnant now, and she can't be alone by her side."

"How can it be so serious, it's only two or three months."

"Don't say much, but if the slave and maidservant can't come, the empress will forget about the dinner."


Nan Yan smiled embarrassedly.

I really forgot.

Ran Xiaoyu snorted her coldly, and then went down to pass the dinner. Nan Yan thought that it would be a while before sending it, and said, "Go out with this palace."

"where to?"

"Go and see Yiyou."

The two biggest stones on her heart now are Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian. One is seriously injured and unconscious, and the other is still in the hands of sand bandits. The life and death of these two children is unknown. These two children are recommended to Zhu by herself. Feng, now the credit has not been granted, but has been charged.

If you really implicate yourself, you are afraid that you will not be downgraded enough, and the status of the Gu family and Si family in the court will also be affected.

She only hoped that Gu Yiyou would wake up earlier and clarify the truth.

Ran Xiaoyu helped her out.

The sky was dark outside, Ran Xiaoyu picked up a lantern, swayed, and arrived at Gu Yiyou's room in a short while.

Here, it is brightly lit.

But when Nan Yan looked from a distance, the door of the room was hidden.

She couldn't help frowning.

If there is no one inside, the door of the room should naturally be closed. If someone enters or exits, the door of the room can be left wide open, but what is going on like this?

She thought for a while, speeded up her pace and walked over, feeling the eagerness of her pace, Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly followed up with the lantern, and whispered: "Manny, what's wrong?"

Nan Yan shook her head and motioned to her not to ask.

The two quickly reached the door of the room. As soon as Nan Yan stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, he saw a person sitting by the bed and immediately said loudly, "What are you doing?!"

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