And the heartache at this moment seemed to remind her clearly--

She still cares about him.

No matter how much suffering and sin suffered over the years, this man is the man she loves the most.

She spoke again, crying in her voice: "Don't say it anymore."

Hearing her voice was crying, but Li Lai's voice was filled with a smile.

He smiled and said, "I knew it."


"I know you still haven't changed."


"I knew that you still have me in your heart."

Chuxin gritted her teeth and swallowed the tears back, although by this time, she had already burst into tears, showing all her fragility before others.

She asked: "Then you, what are you going to do?"


"When will you wait to tell me the truth?"

Speaking of this, another cold light flashed in Li Lai's eyes.

Although he knew that there was no one at the door of this room, he lowered his voice and said softly, "Wait until the matter here is over, and when they send troops to attack Shazhouwei for the second time, I will give you an explanation no matter what the result is. "


Chuxin's brows were slightly twisted.

It seems a little hesitant, but also a little hesitant.

Even if she thinks that she has exercised restraint, she is not overwhelmed with joy or anger, but in fact, at such a close distance, in front of people who have been so close, all of her subtle expressions are completely unobstructed, and her mood is also expressed. A bird's eye view.

Feeling her hesitation and hesitation, Li Lai went on to say: "At that time, you will know my difficulties."


"by that time--"

As he said, he walked to Chuxin, gently held her cold hands, and said, "Maybe, we can go back to the past."


"I will make up for the pain you have suffered over the years and compensate you for what I owe you over the years."


"We, we can still—"

He didn't finish his words, Chu Xin pulled her hand out of his palm, turned and walked outside the gate.

Although she is blind and blind, the tempering over the years has made her actions less difficult. As long as she walks one side of the road, she can remember the way she came from, and she can walk like a normal person. But she stumbled and walked a few steps to the door. She staggered several times and almost fell.

Li Lai stood in the middle of the room, looking at her back.

She also looked at her ears exposed outside her temples, which were slightly red.

When he walked to the door, Chuxin stopped again.

Li Lai immediately said, "Chu Xin?"

At first, I didn’t look back. I just gritted my teeth and left a seemingly cold, but in fact, some soft words: "I hope you will do what you say. When this is over, you have to tell me the truth and give me An explanation."


"of course."

"Others, I won't think about it at all, and don't think about it!"

After speaking, he went out without looking back.

When she walked out of the gate, her foot tripped on the threshold because of her panic, and almost fell off the stone steps at the gate.

Li Lai looked at her back motionlessly, as if running away.

After a long while, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After listening to the sound of footsteps outside, he walked forward and closed the door of the room that had not been closed when he left in a hurry, before returning to the table and sitting down.

The candlelight flickered, reflecting his steady and cautious face.

However, the look in his eyes was completely different.

There was a trace of contempt in the indifference, even if the candlelight that was so close on the table swayed and illuminated his eyes, it could not dispel the chill in his eyes.

He said coldly: "The truth?"

"Of course I will give you the truth."

"It depends on the truth, do you want to afford it."

A cold light flashed from his eyes, and slowly, he returned to his former stability and caution, as if he had just exposed his fangs, but it was just an illusion.


The squally gusts of the night swept away the dark clouds on the top of this wasteland. The next morning, it was a rare sunny day.

But Guo Gong Wu Ying's complexion was a bit ugly.

Standing in front of the window, the sun was shining brightly outside, but his expression turned gloomy when he heard the report from his son Wu Ding behind him.

"what did you say?"

Wu Ding's face was gloomy with a little panic, and said: "The person who went back said that today, he has sent extra manpower by Gu Yiyou's side. No matter whether the soup or medicine is delivered, it must be checked before entering."


"Father, have we—were discovered?"

Wu Yingqi's brows wrinkled.

After a while, he said, "Do you know who made the order?"

"This, I heard that it is a noble concubine, but where does the noble concubine have the power to control the people in the captain's mansion."


"I'm afraid, the emperor knows."


"Father, have we discovered what we did before?"

As Wu Ding said, sweating over his head, he became more and more panicked, and said: "If we are really found out, it would be bad."

Hearing what he said, Wu Yingqiu turned around and said coldly, "What are you so worried about!"


Wu Ding looked at him with wide eyes.

I saw Wu Yingqiu's wrinkled face, full of murderous air at this moment, but he was calm and still, saying: "If it is really discovered, you think that the emperor will ask again and again based on what we did. Can't ask?"

"This—it's true."

"Besides, our people used to feed Gu Yiyou water. It was him who was thirsty and wanted to drink water. Who is the blame?"


"The imperial concubine didn't even suspect us, why are you panicking?!"

Hearing what his father said, Wu Ding finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Father's words are reasonable, but the son has lost his attitude. If they want to come, they will send more staff, I am afraid that someone will make the same'mistakes' that they did yesterday. Right?"


Wu Yingqiu's gaze flickered slightly, and he said, "As long as we don't mess around with ourselves, no one can do anything to us."

Wu Ding said: "Father is right."

Wu Yingqiu said again: "However, we must pay attention to the movement of the imperial concubine. I always think this woman...has a problem."

Wu Dingdao: "Father suspected her--"

Before he could finish his questioning, Wu Yingqiu interrupted him and asked: "Did the people below go and see, what is the imperial concubine doing today?"

Wu Ding said, "The person who just came back to report said that the imperial concubine went there to visit her brother early in the morning, and then left."

"Where did you go?"

"It seems to be, to the west wing."

"West Wing...? What did she run there to do?"

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