Zhu Feng held her hand slightly.

The expression on his face also froze.

But Nan Yan did not notice the subtle changes in the mood of the person next to him, and continued: "He is her lover."

"Lover, shouldn't we keep warm and support each other?"


"I thought it was the person closest to me, but in fact, he is the closest person to the pillow, the husband who grinds his ears every day, he should protect her."


"He hurt her like that."

Zhu Feng had been silent for a long time, and finally spoke at this time, but his tone was so cold that it suddenly suppressed the warmth in the room: "What are you trying to say?"

Nan Yan was taken aback by his cold tone.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw frost on Zhu Feng's face.


"You want to say that Jiang Qu, who didn't protect his wife, personally hurt her."


"You feel the same as the original intention, so I am the same as that Jiang Qu, right?"


"Not only did I fail to protect you, but I also-hurt you."


"Is that right?"

Nan Yan didn't expect him to say this, and was silly for a while, staring at him blankly: "The emperor, I—"

Zhu Feng looked at her and said, "You haven't forgotten that thing, have you?"


"No matter what I say, you still haven't forgotten that at that time, you miscarried and lost our baby, right?"


"You think it was because I didn't protect you well that made the tragedy happen."

Until this time, Nan Yan recovered a bit, looking at Zhu Feng's slightly red eyes, listening to him seemed low, but with a trembling voice unconsciously, her throat was suffocated and said : "Concubine, concubine has long forgotten."

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "If you forget, you won't keep mentioning this matter."


"If you forget, you won't have so much empathy for that original intention."


"You feel the same for her because you still remember what happened back then and the injuries you suffered."


Hearing him say this, Nan Yan's face also became cold.

Said: "If the emperor must say that, the concubine has nothing to say."


"It's late, and my concubine is going to bed."

After speaking, he turned and lay down, pulled on the quilt and fell asleep.

Zhu Feng looked at her back, gritted his teeth and was silent for a while, before lying down.

However, when he was about to pull on the quilt, he found that Nan Yan had already wrapped most of the quilt and went away, and the quilt on his side could not cover his body completely.

He simply put it in half, lying on his side, facing her with his back.

Although the two people were sleeping on the same bed under a quilt, they were separated by a distance as wide as one person.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Nan Yan woke up before dawn.

Looking out of the quilt, the sky outside the window was still dark, but when it was past Mao, she had to get up early if she wanted to reach White Dragon City earlier.

But when he turned his head, he found that he was empty around him.

Zhu Feng has disappeared.

Even when he reached out and touched the place where he lay, it was all cold and cold. It had been a long time before he left no body temperature.

Somehow, looking at the empty side of the bed, Nan Yan's heart was also somewhat empty.

last night……

Last night, the two of them indeed had an unpleasant evening.

She also did not expect that because of her pity for the original heart, she would annoy Zhu Feng, making him think that she was still worried about the time when she lost her child and was left out by him.

He said that he has never forgotten what happened at the beginning, so he can empathize with the past that was hurt at the beginning.

in fact--

Will care, think of the original things, because, yourself, have never forgotten!

Nan Yan was lying on the bed, feeling the icy cold on the other side of the bed, and couldn't help feeling a bit of chill. It was so warm in the room and the blanket was thick, she shuddered.

At this time, Ran Xiaoyu's voice sounded outside the door——


Nan Yan coughed lightly, making her voice less hoarse, and said, "Huh?"

"The empress is already awake? The servant girl has come in."

"come in."

When Nan Yan got up from the bed, she saw Ran Xiaoyu walking in with a basin of hot water and a towel with Qingyan. While serving her to wash, Ran Xiaoyu glanced at the bed again.

He whispered softly: "The emperor left in the middle of the night."


Nan Yan's hands washing her face paused, "Midnight?"

"Yes, the servant girl heard footsteps outside while packing up, and got up to see him leave."

"Then how do you feel when you see him?"

"Not so good."


"The slave servant saw that the emperor's face was not pretty, and she stood in the yard and blew for a while before leaving."


"Niang, you have a quarrel with the emperor?"

If it is said that the other concubines in the palace, no one dared to quarrel with the emperor, let alone quarrel, even a little disobedience would not work, Zhu Feng was not gentle, and no one dared to make trouble in front of him.

Only Nanyan.

Not only often quarreled with him, the two were even angry.

There have been cold wars, disputes, and even... hatred.

All of this seemed to be Nan Yan's unique privilege, but from Zhu Feng's expression last night, Ran Xiaoyu was a little worried whether this privilege would always be possessed.

Seeing her worried look, Nan Yan also gave a wry smile.

But he didn't say anything, just continued to lower his head to wash his face, and said dullly: "Don't ask, get ready early, let's go early."


Soon, Nan Yan finished freshening up, and the kitchen prepared a hearty breakfast early. Although she had no appetite because of what happened last night, for today's long journey, she reluctantly ate half a bowl of porridge and broke the other half steamed bread.

After eating, listen to Fulai News, the outside team is ready.

Nan Yan wore a thick fox fur cloak, and when she walked out, she saw a group of guards standing by the door guarding her car. There was a small car behind her, carrying her luggage and some other supplies.

Ying Shao stepped forward and saluted her.

Then said: "The imperial concubine empress, this team is the elite of the imperial soldiers specially selected by the Weichen."

As he said, he whispered again: "More than that."


"The empress can rest assured."

Nan Yan smiled and nodded.

However, there was no complete joy and relief in her smile, especially to see that Zhu Feng was not in the crowd who came to see off.

She hesitated for a while, but still asked: "Where is the emperor?"

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