Nan Yan frowned. Seeing that he didn't say anything, she simply pulled down a corner of the cloth wall and looked outside.

Upon seeing it, she gasped.

The green light around, originally thought it was still far away from them, now that I look at it again, it is so close, even under the faint light of the fire, some of the tall bodies of wild wolves can be seen clearly, and some of them are constantly changing. Close.

There was a fishy wind in the air, and a smell of killing that belonged to a beast.

Nan Yan frowned.

And the guard saw that she saw this scene, and hurriedly pulled the yellow cloth up, and said: "The imperial concubine, you are pregnant with a dragon fetus, don't look at these things, if you are frightened, the little ones don't So I can explain to the emperor."


Listening to the low roar in the wind, Nan Yan couldn't help sweating.

She said, "These-can you?"

The guard lowered his head and said, "Please don't worry about the imperial concubine. The duty of the villain is to protect the safety of the imperial concubine. The villain will protect the empress even if he desperately died."

At this time, the soldier's sensitive nature made him look back.

Immediately said, "Manny, go back and sit down and rest. Let the little people here."

After speaking, he turned and rushed to the other side.

Nan Yan opened his eyes and watched his back disappear quickly into the dim flame. At this moment, he heard several guards shouting from the other side: "Be careful, it rushed up!"

"Get ready!"

Immediately afterwards, there were a few swishes, the sound of sharp arrows breaking through the air.

Immediately, a whining sound came from there.

Nan Yan's hand holding the yellow cloth trembled slightly. At this moment, the other side stretched out one hand to hold her hand, and took her hand off.

Turning around, it was Ran Xiaoyu.

Her expression was dignified, but also firm, especially the hand holding Nan Yan's hand. She firmly grasped her slightly, and said, "Don't worry about your mother."


"These are the elites selected by Master Yingshao from the imperial guards. It is impossible to beat a beast."

Nan Yan frowned and said: "Of course I know it, but tonight-a bit strange."

While speaking, I heard several low roars of wild wolves coming from the sound of the wind.

Turning his head, the wolves were already running closer.

Of course, those guards could not sit and wait for death. Some of them who are good at riding and shooting have already taken out their bows and arrows, standing a long way outside the yellow cloth wall, pulling their bows, and seeing the wild wolves have reached their range. .

An order was given: "Shoot!"

Suddenly, there were a few sharp noises, and the arrow flashed a fleeting cold light, and was submerged in the dark night. Immediately, a few miserable howls were heard, and several wild wolves fell to the ground, whining straight. call.

This wave of offensive scared away the wolves that followed.

However, they still remain.

Closer to the yellow cloth wall, they gradually gathered, staring at this side eagerly.

Nanyan Road: "It's really strange."

Ran Xiaoyu said: "What?"

South Yandao: "The wild beasts are afraid of fire. Everyone knows this. As long as you light a pile of fire on the wasteland, those wild beasts dare not approach, but they—you look at them. There are so many torches here. Many people, these beasts are still approaching and even actively attacking."


"Also, the thing that broke the wagon wheel just now."

When she mentioned this, Ran Xiaoyu's eyes lighted up, and she whispered: "Manny doubts--"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, and said: "Now, my palace's mind is very messy. I can't think of anything about the situation outside. But this matter is definitely not ordinary."


"If this is the case, then there are traces of the strangeness of these wolves."


"I'm afraid, it's not just the wolves."

Hearing what she said, Ran Xiaoyu frowned, and hurriedly pulled down one end of the yellow cloth to look out.

Except for the outside, the wild wolf faintly revealed under the light of the fire, as well as those green eyes that are not far away. Farther away, there is already a darkness that is completely integrated with the sky and the earth, so deep and even light. They can't get in.

But how much danger is there in this darkness?

The fangs that have not been exposed are the most terrifying and hurting.

Ran Xiaoyu's complexion was gloomy. After thinking for a while, he let go of the yellow cloth, then turned to look at Nan Yan, and said in a deep voice, "Even if someone is really calculating, the lady can rest assured."


"There are slaves and maids."


"Even if the slave-maid has changed her temper now, her fist and fist are still there."


"If they dare to come up, the servants will crush their heads!"

Hearing what she said, although worried, Nan Yan was amused and laughed, and then said: "You are right, even if no one is reliable, this palace knows that there is still you."


"You are the strongest backing of this palace."

At this point, her expression couldn't help but stagnate.

Because of this time and this environment, she somehow remembered the night in the deserted city. That night, it was Zhu Feng who took her to break through the weird formation, and finally got her life back. Later, in the deserted city. At the door, she was overjoyed to see Ran Xiaoyu following after all the hardships and breaking her eyes with a lot of effort.

At that time, she rushed over and said to Ran Xiaoyu--

"You are the best person in the world to me!"

Later, she recalled that when she said this, she had only Ran Xiaoyu in her heart, but she vaguely remembered that at that time, Zhu Feng's face was not very good.

Now, if he hears this again, I'm afraid there will be another big uproar.


Seeing her expression, Ran Xiaoyu said, "Did the empress think of the emperor again?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, then smiled faintly.

Said: "No."


"Even if I think about it, I will try to minimize the time I think about him."


"My palace said, if you want to like him less, the first thing to do is to think less about relying on him."


"In this way, maybe I can calm down a bit."

Ran Xiaoyu didn't say anything, but helped her walk back to the bonfire and sit down. In this moment, there were several sounds of arrows bursting out of the air, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger. .

As time passed, the number of attacks by the wolves continued to increase.

Moreover, they are getting closer and closer here.

Even if Nan Yan did not walk to the yellow cloth wall, he could clearly hear the low roar of the wolves in the wind, and he could even see the blood splashing on the yellow cloth, blooming scarlet blossoms. Flowers.

And the strong smell of blood in the wind,

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