Under the dark night sky, on the other side, it was also a sleepless night.

In the base camp of Reyue Bend, Ulun and Hussein, as well as Wu Taisui and Quincy, are all sitting in their own places. In front of the vertical map in the lobby, there is still standing the white-clothed military master Long Ting. Yun, looking at the mark on the map without speaking.

The lobby is very quiet.

It's very lively outside. The sand bandits rarely go to bed early and get up early. For them, it is common for them to drink all night long. At this time, the atmosphere of the party just reached its climax.

But in the lobby, it was a little unusually quiet.

There was no sound at all.

After a while, Ulun finally started to speak uncontrollably: "Military, do we really need to send more people?"

The military master Long Tingyun was silent for a while before turning his head.

Said: "No need."

"But, it's been so long, and there is no news yet."


"I'm afraid there will be changes over there."


"It's better to send more manpower to increase our chances of winning."

Long Tingyun shook his folding fan in his hand, and the breeze blew his two beards constantly. It looked ridiculous, but the expression on his face was very solemn.

He said: "No, it's useless to send more people."

When everyone heard this, they were all taken aback.

Hussein sneered immediately: "The military division means that this game tonight is lost?"

Long Tingyun only glanced at him faintly, and then said: "The arrangement of this military division is perfect. If they don't have additional arrangements, then our troops are definitely sufficient."


"But, if they have—other arrangements."

Speaking of the words "other arrangements," a cold light flashed in Long Tingyun's eyes. After a pause, he said again: "Then, no matter how many more people are added, it is not enough."

Everyone looked at each other.

Hu Saihei sneered and said, "In short, it's lost."

Long Tingyun ignored him, only turned his head to Ulun and said, "I'll wait for the news. But, is the head master really not letting that person go?"

Speaking of "that person", Ulun and Houthihei both had a hesitation on their faces.

Of course, Houthihei is more obviously unwilling.

He said coldly: "Military officer, don't forget that that person is going to betray us. You want to let him go again and again, what do you want to do?"

Military strategist Long Tingyun still ignored him, and only said to Ulun: "The Great Master, we have already said it before, and we also have an agreement with that person. The words are not believed. For the Great Master, Not a good thing."


"In the future, how will you lead the people here?"


"How to cooperate with our host?"

Then Wulun looked at Long Tingyun, thought for a while, and then smiled: "Military teacher, don't worry, we have already cooperated, and what kind of unbelievable things do we say? I have always been sincere."


"How about this."

Na Ulun said: "Look at the situation tonight first. If the situation goes well tonight, then I will let that person go, and I will never embarrass you, how about it?"

Long Tingyun frowned slightly.

After thinking for a while, he could only sigh, and said, "Okay. Just wait for the news."

After speaking, he walked to the door again and looked at the dark night sky outside. The stars were dotted with stars, as if countless eyes were looking at them, but he didn't know how things would develop under the same gaze.


The cold wind howled, and soon took away the strong smell of blood on the wasteland.

However, the blood has been soaked on the snow, and the sand under the snow, so the red color cannot be erased, and I don't know what kind of flowers will bloom in this wasteland under the infiltration of such blood in the coming year.

The yellow cloth wall still stands, and a large bonfire is burning in the middle.

However, the one sitting inside is no longer Nan Yan.

Because at this time, the carriage had been repaired, but it was too late, plus the previous fight, everyone was a little weak, so Zhu Feng ordered to rest in place.

He took Nan Yan and rested in the carriage.

And those guards, except those who patrolled around, stayed in the yellow cloth wall to rest.

The corpses of the killed sand bandits and the corpses of the wild wolf are piled aside.

The living prisoners, one by one, had their hands tied behind their backs and were tied to a place not far from the carriage. Several guards walked back and forth to guard them.

All these people were downcast.

There was only one person, and there was no frustrated expression on his face, but his eyes flickered slightly in the dark light, and he moved his body very cautiously to get closer to the carriage.

Faintly, even the sound of the carriage can be heard.

Suddenly, it was the sound of unfolding the leather mattress.

With a soft and sudden sound, you can see the shadow reflected on the window of the car. Someone unfolded a blanket and put it on others.

Is the emperor.

Soon, I heard the voice of the imperial concubine, as if she was acting like a baby: "The emperor, the concubine is really unnecessary."

"No, it will be cold!"


"Your body is inherently weak and cannot catch colds. Besides, the children in your stomach cannot catch colds either."

"How can the concubine be so weak. Besides, the concubine is really hot now, don't believe me, touch my hand."

Another person raised a slender hand on the window, and another broad palm reached out to hold her.

After a moment of silence, he reluctantly said, "This blanket can be left uncovered, but the underneath will not work. If you catch a cold at this time, it will be difficult to handle it if you lack medical care and medicine."


The two sat quietly and leaned against each other for a while.

The imperial concubine's voice sounded again: "By the way, how could the emperor think that he would follow his concubine to White Dragon City tonight?"

"You still say?"


"If it weren't for me to follow, do you think you can really get to White Dragon City in peace?"

"But before, didn't the emperor disagree with his concubine going to White Dragon City?"

"Do you think I should agree?"

The emperor seemed to sneer, and then said: "Not to mention that such a place is not under the jurisdiction of the court at all. Just because you met the sand bandits halfway down the road, you know that it is not safe at all."


"You just want to go to raise a baby."


"If it weren't for him to tell me secretly—"

Having said that, he seemed to realize something, and he truncated before finishing speaking.

The sand bandits sitting on the ground were confused. Some people even started to doze off. Only one of the sand bandits, whose eyes flickered slightly, held his breath more and more, listening carefully to the sound in the carriage.


The emperor continued: "If I can save you this time, you will be fortune-telling!"

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