Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng and Nan Yan were stunned.

It was just about spending a thousand dollars, and after coming in, he had to talk to him for a long time before he was willing to take the action to diagnose Nanyan's pulse.

But now, he actually took the initiative to diagnose Zhu Feng's pulse.

Even, he did not hesitate to return the original number of the daughter's diagnosis!

Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled all at once.

As an emperor, he didn't like being spied on by others, whether it was his mind or his body. Just asked this Xue Yun to diagnose Nan Yan's pulse. First, he was worried about her pregnancy, and secondly, he wanted to explore the reality of Xue Yun.

But now, he wanted to diagnose himself for no reason, which made him vigilant.

However, he was not angry either, and only asked: "You want to check my pulse? Why?"

That Xue Yun still looked at him.

Although from the beginning, after Zhu Feng and Nan Yan went upstairs, everyone was looking at each other, looking at each other, and testing the depth of each other's reality during the conversation. This Xue Yun naturally looked at them both, but since After checking the pulse by himself, his eyes have been fixed on Zhu Feng's face, and he has hardly left.

At this time, his eyes were burning even more.

He looked at Zhu Feng, and then smiled and said: "Just now the son said, in order to respect the child in his wife's womb, Wanjin is fine. Then, the son is his father, and he is naturally very honorable."


"Take a pulse for the son, why not?"

Zhu Feng said: "For no reason, it is unnecessary."

Xue Yun saw that he always had the intention to refuse, and after thinking about it, he said, "Well, I will tell you the truth. I have a different expression on my face, I want to diagnose him."

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan's heart sank.

Hurriedly said: "Really?"

Although Zhu Feng's body has always been strong and he has never seen any sickness, but it is inevitable that people eat grains and get sick. If there is really any problem with his body, it will be a major matter for the world.

Suddenly he was a little worried: "He, is my husband's health bad?"

Zhu Feng glared at her: "What nonsense, do you believe these quack doctors?"

"The emperor... husband!"

Nan Yan suddenly screamed at him softly.

You know, Zhu Feng has never resisted her acting like a baby.

Hearing her call, although she still frowned, the expression on her face had softened.

Nan Yandao: "Husband, don't shy away from doctors. If there is any discomfort, how about letting the doctor see it? It's always good."


Zhu Feng was almost mad at her.

Originally, I just came to find the antidote. After seeing this Xue Yun, just ask about the antidote. I didn’t expect this Xue Yun to suddenly ask for a pulse diagnosis for herself, and this little woman actually fell into the set. , Foolishly follow others to persuade yourself.

Your body is so strong, do you still need to check your pulse?

It's okay to kill a tiger in front of you!

I usually think she is smart and can calmly solve problems. Why is she so stupid about this matter?

He was so angry and funny, his hands were a bit habitually itchy, and he wanted to wring a piece of meat from her face.

However, she couldn't really stretch her hand to twist her face in front of outsiders.

Can only glared at her.

Then turned his head to look at Xue Yun, only to see the other person smiling at him, but just as he turned his head to face him, Zhu Feng's eagle-like eyes were keenly caught, and Xue Yun's eyes flashed. A touch of emotion is similar to urgent.


However, he disguised it well.

When Zhu Feng looked at him, he immediately returned to his usual appearance, and even looked at him with a smile, just like a healer who saves the world.

Zhu Feng's heart suddenly moved.

By the way, he only cared about being angry with Nan Yan, but forgot one thing.

Why does Xue Yun have to check his pulse?

It is impossible for him to spend the money he has already obtained to do a useless thing for no reason, and it is impossible for him to know his identity to spy on the emperor's body.

and so--

Is there really anything wrong with me?

In other words, Xue Yun wanted to know the truth about him.

Zhu Feng pondered for a while, and Xue Yun was a little anxious in his heart. Although his face could not be revealed, a little eagerness was involuntarily revealed in the words.

"My son, what do you think?"


"Don't be shy from getting sick."


When Zhu Feng heard this, he slowly raised his head, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "It's not impossible if you want to check my pulse."


Upon hearing this, Xue Yun immediately smiled.

He was just about to take a step forward, but he heard Zhu Feng say again: "However, since I have given this daughter, it will not be taken back. You only have to promise me one condition."

Upon hearing this, Xue Yun's eyes flickered.

Obviously, he also felt something from Zhu Feng's words.

Neither of them cares about that daughter.

In the hearts of both people, there is something more important than the daughter.

And Zhu Feng cares, besides the fetus in his wife's belly, there seems to be something else.

Xue Yun hesitated for a moment, and then said, "What does Young Master Huang want?"

Nan Yan seemed to wake up a little after hearing this all the time.

I just found out that when I heard Xue Yun say that Zhu Feng’s face was different, I just cared about his body, completely forgetting that their purpose was to come to find an antidote, and was completely led by Xue Yun. Walked away with his nose.

And Zhu Feng's words were obviously intended to lead Xue Yun to their way.

Could not help but gasp in my heart.

Fortunately, fortunately, Zhu Feng is still sober.

Moreover, he does not make a loss business.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Zhu Feng with a guilty conscience and seemed to perceive her gaze. Zhu Feng also turned her head, but gave her a fierce look, and Nan Yan immediately lowered her head.

At this time, Xue Yun thought for a while, and said: "It seems that Young Master Huang came this time not just for the pregnancy of his wife."

Zhu Feng looked at him and said with a clear heart: "You don't care about the consultation fee."

Xue Yun smiled.

Ordinary people would inevitably lose in momentum when facing Zhu Feng. However, he always maintained such a faint smile and looked so soft, but it did not make people think that he was defeated.

Nan Yan couldn't help but glanced at him again.

I saw Xue Yun smiled and said, "I don't know what conditions Huang Gongzi has?"

Zhu Feng winked at Nan Yan.

Nan Yan understood, and immediately took out a note from her sleeve. It was the clue Xue Ling gave her before. She unfolded it and sent it to Xue Yun.

When Xue Yun looked at the note, his face changed drastically.

He snatched the note over, took another look, and then clenched it firmly in his palm.

He raised his head and said dumbly: "My sister is in your hands?"

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