"As a result, until dawn, the sand bandit retreated, and he never came back."

When Nan Yan heard the news, he couldn't help but sank.

Said: "Could it be that he has been killed?"

Xue Yundao: "We guessed that way at the time, and Linger was crying to death. However, if she was killed, she would always have to see the corpse."

"Didn't he find his body?"

"After that night, the people in the city cleaned up the people killed by the sand bandits, and Ling'er went to see the corpses one by one, and she had to look through the corpses to identify them."


"She said that Santing was not dead."


"If she really died, she would definitely recognize him."


"But, if he didn't die, how could he just disappear like this, without even a single piece of news?"

Nan Yan frowned.

She looked back at Zhu Feng, but saw Zhu Feng's expression still, only a faint light flashed in her eyes.

Then asked: "Then, what happened later?"

Xue Yundao: "We all comforted Ling'er, but she refused to shed a single tear. She believed that Santang was not dead, and she refused to marry."


"If the elders in the family force her to marry, she will go on hunger strike."


"Later, the other side also knew about her and Santing, so this marriage could only be given up."


"Since then, Ling'er has been away from home every day and ran out every day. Sometimes she rode a horse out of the city alone, and even once, she left White Dragon City with someone else’s caravan and went west. She said, three stops. He must be alive, not in White Dragon City, but somewhere else, she will travel all over the world to find him."

Nan Yan couldn't help but sighed lightly.

Looking back, I thought of the little girl in the captain's mansion who was extremely smart, and seemed harmless to humans and animals, but was extremely deep in her mind.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, he experienced so many things.

Even, there is such a tough mind.

Although she couldn't forgive her for poisoning Ye Yu at all, she couldn't help feeling a little bit in her heart.


Why would she do things for sand bandits?

Thinking of this, she asked: "What happened then?"

Xue Yundao: "As a result, when she was walking westward with the caravan, she was robbed by sand bandits in Reyuewan."


Nan Yan's heart jumped suddenly.

Even Zhu Feng frowned: "She was robbed by sand bandits?"

Could it be that the time Ye Xun rescued these prisoners from Hot Moon Bend before, did he say that she was taken away by sand bandits?

Xue Yun naturally didn't know what they were thinking.

He just nodded and said, "Yes, she was robbed by the sand bandits. The people in the family thought she would go out and run wildly for a few days as before, and she would come back if she couldn't find anyone. As a result, the caravan asked When the people who came back said, everyone was terrified."


"You know, those sand bandits don't blink their eyes when they kill, and the woman falls into their hands, I'm afraid--"

Having said this, Xue Yun probably remembered his desperate mood at the time, his voice was a little hoarse, and he couldn't continue.

Nan Yan's brows were also twisted into a knot.

She asked softly: "What happened later?"

Xue Yunping recovered his emotions, then slowly raised his head, looked at them, and said: "Just when the people in our family were almost desperate, something strange happened. Linger, she, It's back again."


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