When we walked out of the gate of Dongxitang Hall, there was still people coming and going. Many people asked the doctor to see a doctor, and then left with the medicine they took.

Nan Yan looked back again.

Feeling the sinking of the hand he was holding, Zhu Feng turned his head and saw Nan Yan still standing there. Looking at this thing in a daze, he pulled her hand again.


"Oh, oh."

Nan Yan recovered and was led out by him.

It was already midday, and the streets were naturally crowded. As soon as Nan Yan left the house, he saw a few familiar faces in the crowd, passing by.

It was the Jinyiwei who came out with them, who had been guarding in secret.

In fact, with Zhu Feng, she doesn't have to worry at all.

The two walked forward for a while, and Nan Yan found that Zhu Feng had been silent, as if he was still thinking about the words Xue Yun had just said, so he whispered: "The emperor--"

After speaking, Zhu Feng responded quickly and immediately looked back at her.


Nan Yan suddenly came back to his senses.

Although there are no other people here, there are many pedestrians on the road. It is inevitable that when someone passes by and hears a word, complete safety cannot be guaranteed here.

Nan Yan immediately changed his mouth: "Husband."

The corners of Zhu Feng's lips twitched imperceptibly, with a smile in his eyes: "Yeah."

Nan Yan said: "My husband is still thinking about what the son Xue Yun said just now."

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Still turning his head and continuing to walk forward, he said, "You think, I am thinking about what he said."


Nan Yan was speechless.

Of course she knew that about "washing the marrow flower", or that Zhu Feng's amnesia, everyone kept secret, even Heyi was very cautious about it.

After all, Zhu Feng is the emperor.

He went crazy, not just killing one or two people in front of him.

Through the dynasties, the deeds of tyrants, they have read too much in the history books.

And these people usually end up badly.

Nan Yansheng was afraid to provoke him. Not only did he dare not speak, but he didn't even dare to take a breath. He only lowered his head, letting his hand hold his hand and walk forward.

It's like keeping an obedient dog.

Feeling that the people behind him suddenly became quiet, Zhu Feng looked back at her and saw her lowered eyebrows.

Indeed, when you mention your own amnesia, all people look like this.

He didn't bother to say more, probably only he had to deal with some things.

However, he still remembered that at that moment, when his karma was so intense that he almost burned the strings of reason in his mind, it was this little woman's hand because she was holding herself and giving A trace of clarity of himself.

Also let myself find a trace of reason.

This feeling is somewhat familiar, as if it has happened in the past.

He glanced at her again.

Then he said lightly: "Did Xue Ling tell you about the things that Xue Yun said just now?"

Nan Yan shook his head: "No."

She was also relieved.

Zhu Feng was willing to talk about Xue Ling and the others, and letting go of Washing Marrow Flower would be regarded as letting her go.

After listening to her, Zhu Feng frowned slightly, and continued to move forward, and said as he walked: "She gave you the clues, not just for you to find the antidote, especially the name of Xue Yun. You, naturally, intend to let you know these things about her in the past, especially the relationship between her and the sand bandits."

"Her relationship with the sand bandits?"

Hearing this, Nan Yan was a little stunned: "What is the relationship between her and the sand bandits?"

Zhu Feng looked back at her again, his eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, Nan Yan was baffled by him, and said, "What?"

Zhu Feng shook his head.

Continue to lead her forward, muttering in her mouth: "I was pregnant for three years, I will not deceive me."

Although Nan Yan has been squeezed by too many things recently, his brain is not very good, but his ears are exceptionally spiritual. Hearing these words all at once, he immediately grabbed his hand and pinched him with his nail The back of his hand: "What!"

Zhu Feng looked back at her with a smile.

Then he said: "Of course she has a relationship with the sand bandits."


"Now, she is not helping the sand bandits. Otherwise, why do you think she shot Ye Yu with a poisoned arrow and deceived so many of us."

When he mentioned this, Ran Xiaoyu's face fell behind him.

Snorted coldly.

No matter how poignant a love story I just heard, for her, the protagonist of the story shot Ye Wei with a poisoned arrow, which was enough for her.

Nan Yan looked back at her to show her comfort.

Turning her head to Zhu Feng again: "But this is not obvious. She was originally helping the sand bandits and lurking in our captain's mansion. She still needs to travel all over the world to hear this inexplicable story?"

Zhu Feng shook his head: "This matter is not inexplicable."


"She was telling us that she did it for one person."


Nan Yan took a breath.

He immediately came back to his senses: "Ji Sanstop?"

Zhu Feng smiled and glanced at her: "Not stupid."

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "But, this--what is going on?"

Zhu Feng said: "Ji San stopped at Reyue Bend. That Xue Ling was for him, so he was willing to be driven by the sand bandits and did so many things for them."

Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, and it seemed reasonable to think about it, but she couldn't figure it out: "How do you know?"

Zhu Feng said: "Xue Yun said that he arranged for them to elope on the day before Xue Ling got married. Let me ask, the elders in their family already knew that Xue Ling was in love with Ji Sanstop, so how could they not prevent them from this trick?"


"Besides, look at the Xue family—"

With that, the two of them looked back at Dongxitang together.

They also knew that the Xue family was located in the center of the city, and ordinary sand bandits who came to looting the city would definitely leave after looting from the side of the city, and would never go deep.

Because the deeper it is, the more difficult it is for them to evacuate.

Moreover, they hadn’t noticed before. Now they came out after going in once. Although the inside of Xue’s house looks at the small bridge and the flowing water, the scenery is pleasant, but the guards inside are very strict. With Zhu Feng’s keenness, Several unknown outposts have even been observed.

He said: "The sand bandits have been here for so long, how can they not know that the Xue family is a big family in the city, they can all fund the formation of a militia to guard the White Dragon City, and the Xue family itself will be guarded ten times more strictly."


"If they weren't stupid, they wouldn't break in here."

Nan Yan frowned: "That night--"

Zhu Feng said: "That night, someone took advantage of the opportunity of the sand bandits to attack Ji Santang."

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