Nan Yan pursed his lips and smiled.

Just as they were about to speak, they just walked back to the door of the inn, Xiao Shunzi had already greeted him: "Master, madam."

He suffered a lot of trouble in the East West Hall. He was always worried about the emperor and the imperial concubine going to East West Hall again. From the time they went out, he walked around the gate below, for fear of their accident.

Now that I saw people come back intact, I was relieved.

Come out immediately to meet you.

Zhu Feng saw him and said, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Shunzi said softly, "Master Yang sent someone to deliver the letter."


Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

They only arrived one day when news of Yang Dai came.

Zhu Feng turned his head to the south flue: "Go up."

Nan Yan also nodded, Ran Xiaoyu helped her, and the group quickly walked into the inn where people came and went, and went to their upper room on the second floor.

Here, it was still the same as yesterday, with a strong scent of incense. The shopkeeper and the others came to clean the room early in the morning and refurbished the bed. Seeing them come back, they also brought hot tea.

Zhu Feng waved his hand to let people go out.

Then he looked up at the guard who had just come from Shazhouwei in front of him: "What did Yang Dai ask you to do?"

The guard leaned over and saluted, and said, "The emperor, Master Yang asked the minister to report to the emperor. There was some action in the hot moon crescent."

"Oh? How did you know?"

"Since the last night attack, the Captain's Mansion has sent additional people to look for news near Hot Moon Bend, especially-that road."

Zhu Feng nodded gently.

This is what he explained.

Although it is impossible for people who know them to enter the hot moon bend, it is okay to walk around and listen to some news inside.

So he asked: "What's the action inside?"

The guard said: "Looking at the situation, there seems to be a change in personnel in Hot Moon Bend."

"what for?"

"Before, there were several people and horses in Hot Moon Bend. In addition to the previous generation heads who had abdicated, they also had three heads. Every time they looted, or worked with people from the captain's mansion, they all acted together. ."


"But later, especially the time Master Ye broke into Hot Moon Bend, we found that there seemed to be one missing person inside."


"But in the past two days, that group of people have appeared again."

Hearing this, Nan Yan couldn't help widening his eyes, and looked at Zhu Feng in amazement.

And Zhu Feng, as if he had already expected this, calmly finished listening, and nodded: "Okay, I see."

The guard said again: "Furthermore, the Shazhou Guard has recently added a guard around it, as if it is expected that we will do it, and the number of guards at the outpost has doubled."


A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhu Feng's mouth.

After a long silence, he said, "That's right."


"You can go back to life."


The guard responded, and looked at him carefully: "I wonder what else the emperor has to explain to Master Yang?"

Zhu Feng said: "Go and tell him, not to move."


"This is ‘bad news’."

The guard was taken aback.

However, he understands that this is obviously not the news to tell him, as long as he relays it back truthfully, he will turn around and leave immediately.

But as soon as he turned around, Zhu Feng suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

The guard immediately turned his head: "What else does the emperor have to order?"

Zhu Feng glanced at him, then turned his head and said, "Fang Buyuan."

Jin Yiwei Commander Fang Buyuan immediately stepped forward: "What is the emperor's order?"

Zhu Feng said: "Add two people to go back with him, take care of each other along the way, and rush back to Shazhouwei before tonight, and you are not allowed to be delayed on the road."


Although the guard felt strange why he had come alone, but arranged for someone to go back with him, but since it was the emperor's order, he naturally obeyed the order and turned around and left.

After a while, I heard the sound of the horse riding away below.

Zhu Feng waved his hand again, letting them all go down, each one doing his own.

Only leaving Nan Yan with him in this room, Nan Yan immediately walked to him and said softly: "The emperor is worried, he will be the same as the previous Wei Liang?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Then he said in a deep voice, "Wei Liang is the person I have used. I know that he is a human being and will definitely not betray me."


"It's just now, it's not time to investigate."


"First take the brood of bandits in front of you."

Nan Yan nodded.

She looked at Zhu Feng's brows frowning slightly, and there were a few faint hanging needle patterns on his eyebrows. She knew that he was facing a lot of problems in the past two days and was a little worried.

So I went to make a cup of tea myself.

The tea drunk here has spices and some weird things. The taste is like poison. Both of them are not used to drinking, so according to Zhu Feng's preferences, they make tea by themselves.

Then it was delivered to him.


Zhu Feng felt the heat in his palms, then raised his head and saw her standing beside her with a concerned look on her face.

So smiled gently.

Reached out to take the teacup, and took her into his arms.

Nan Yan didn't struggle, she nestled in his arms obediently, and sat down on his lap, and said softly, "The emperor, Mr. Yang said, the personnel in Hot Moon Bend have changed, is it just-- "

Zhu Feng said: "You can see it too."

South flue: "There are three masters in Reyue Bend. Is the one that is being released now is Ji Santing?"

Zhu Feng took a sip of tea and nodded.

"Want to come, eight or nine will not leave ten."


"After he and Xue Ling are reunited, Xue Ling must hope that he will leave with him, but he has already joined the sand bandits and it is not so easy to leave. Just now, the girl Ran Xiaoyu also said that joining the sand bandits is worthy of fame."


"Besides, if he really sat in the position of head, I'm afraid he would know a lot of things inside."


"Right now, when Reyuewan is confronting the court, the people inside will definitely not let anyone who knows so many secrets about them leave. If he cooperates with the court, then Reyuewan will It's over."

Nanyan Road: "So, when they wanted to leave, the sand bandits shut Ji San up."


"And the reason why Xue Ling would use it for them and help them do things is because they negotiated this condition."


"As long as she does all this, those people will let Ji Santing go?"

"Not bad."

Zhu Feng said: "It's just now, they must not be able to leave Ji San stopped, they just gave them this promise."


"Wait until the matter is over, then let them go."

Hearing this, Nan Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

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