If, I can use his medical skills to solve the poison of the marrow flower...

As Zhu Feng was thinking about it, he heard "Ah--" beside him.

Turning his head to see, Nan Yan stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and yawned greatly. After the fight, the corners of his eyes were a little red, and his eyes were lazy.

Zhu Feng said: "Tired?"

"Also... okay."

But as he said, he couldn't help but yawn.

Zhu Feng laughed.

He stretched out his hand to embrace her and said, "Don't rush to sleep when you are tired. I haven't eaten yet."


Nan Yan nodded obediently. Although one or two yawned and her sleepiness was constantly pouring up like a tide, after hearing Zhu Feng's words, she still resisted and waited for the people below to bring up the food. I sat down at the table again, holding the chopsticks with great energy, but it was empty several times.

Zhu Feng saw it, so angry and funny.

I took the food to her and delivered it to the bowl, and then turned back and told Xiao Shunzi: "Go and ask the store if there is any room next to it, so he can give us another one."


Xiao Shunzi immediately agreed to go on.

Hearing this, Nan Yan reluctantly reluctantly turned to look at him: "Why does the emperor want to open another room?"

Zhu Feng said: "This room is close to the stairs. It will wake you up when someone walks around, so you didn't sleep well."


"Let them give a quieter room, so you can have a rest."

Unexpectedly, he was so careful.

Nan Yan couldn't help but smiled, holding the bowl and eating intently.

After a while, Xiao Shunzi came up and talked back. Just early this morning, a group of businessmen had just left and some rooms were vacated. The shopkeeper cleaned a quieter room right next to it.

Zhu Feng exhorted: "After dinner, go to rest."


Nan Yan finished his bowl of rice in two or three mouthfuls, and then went over. When he walked to the door, he thought about it, and then turned around: "Where are you the emperor?"

Zhu Feng said: "I still have to look at the map."

This means that you have to think about how to deal with the hot moonbend.

Nan Yan knew that he couldn't stop talking about the war, so he obediently turned and left.

Entering the new room, I found that the room just now was similar, very spacious and bright, but because it was a side room, it was very quiet, and the mattress was soft and incense. She fell into a cloud. .

Deep sleepy.

But at this moment, Ran Xiaoyu followed in: "The empress can't sleep like this, she will catch cold."

Nan Yan smiled bitterly: "You are really long-winded."

Of course she knew that she couldn't sleep like this, so she got up and cleaned a little bit, but when she took off her big clothes and was about to lie down to sleep, something dangled from her sleeve. .

Ran Xiaoyu said, "Hey, what is this?"

She knelt down and picked it up to take a look.

It is a handkerchief.


Nan Yan saw a smile on his tired face and said, "Oh, I forgot."

Ran Xiaoyu recognized it at this time: "This, it seems to be the handkerchief of the man Xue just now?"

When I was in Xue’s house before, when I diagnosed Nan Yan’s pulse, because of Zhu Feng’s “calculus”, there must be a layer of cloth between the two people in contact, so Na Xue Yun took out a handkerchief and put it on her wrist.

After taking the pulse, he just talked to Zhu Feng, but forgot to put the handkerchief away.

And Nan Yan put it away.

As soon as Ran Xiaoyu recognized this handkerchief, she frowned subconsciously and looked at Nan Yan: "Niang Niang, you--"

You know, this is a man's handkerchief.

Although she knew that Nan Yan didn’t have any bad thoughts, she was a noble concubine after all, and she was a noble concubine who often made the emperor jealous. Once, for a word between Jian Ruocheng and her, she almost lived three thousand court ladies. .

Now, she secretly hides a man's handkerchief?

Isn't this going to cause chaos in the world?

And Nan Yan didn't seem to know how dangerous her move was, and smiled: "Fortunately you saw it, I almost forgot it."

After speaking, he took the handkerchief over, looked at it, and muttered: "I originally wanted to tell him, but I just forgot."

She looked back, and hesitated.

After a while, he said, "Forget it, wait for a good night's sleep and talk to him when you wake up later."

With that, he actually put the handkerchief next to his body, and then went to bed.

Ran Xiaoyu wrinkled her brows and walked over and said softly: "Manny, you, isn't it good for you to be like this."


"Then Xue Yun is a man after all, his handkerchief-how can you put it next to your body?"


"The concubine doesn't say anything else, if the emperor knows about it, I'm afraid it will be another big trouble."

Hearing her words, Nan Yan couldn't help but laughed.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Why are you laughing, Niang?"

Nan Yan smiled and looked up at her and said, "You really can worry about it."

"The servant girl is for your sake."


"You know the emperor's temper."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "I know, this palace knows."

While talking, he got into the quilt and looked at her and herself like "the emperor is not in a hurry", Ran Xiaoyu sighed, and Nan Yan wrapped the quilt around her body, looking up and seeing her frowning, knowing if she Not to mention, she will definitely not sleep for several days.

He smiled and said: "Do you still remember that just on the road, the emperor said that Xue Gongzi's mother was a little strange, remember?

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while: "Remember."


"The emperor said that she is protecting her son, and the old hen is like protecting her cubs, and when they talk, there always seems to be something that cannot be said to outsiders."


"By the way, the empress told the emperor at that time, what did you see."


"what is it?"

Nan Yan smiled and pulled the handkerchief out of her arms again, and sent it to Ran Xiaoyu: "You can take a closer look and see what it is."


Ran Xiaoyu took it suspiciously and looked through it for a long time.

This is just an ordinary white silk paw, clean and nothing special. Probably the only thing that can be seen is that the owner of this handkerchief loves cleaning.

Others, it is really invisible.

But Nan Yan still laughed.

Ran Xiaoyu frowned and thought about it, but he could only put the handkerchief under his nose and smell it lightly.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.


Nan Yan smiled and said, "Understood."

Ran Xiaoyu was shocked.

That Xue Yun was the young master of the Xue family and the owner of Dongxitang. The place where he lived was filled with a strong fragrance of medicine, but the handkerchief he used next to him was not.

But a faint, daughter fragrance.

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