Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1821: "Stealing Jade and Fragrance"

A soft little hand gently climbed onto his shoulder.

Zhu Feng's brows frowned, but before opening her eyes, she felt Nan Yan's body sticking up. She leaned to her ear and said softly: "The emperor, did the emperor take something from the concubine? Something?"


Dare to ask? !

Zhu Feng opened his eyes all of a sudden, and a pair of tiger eyes flashed brightly. If in normal times, he would almost see through the human body.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Nan Yan sitting next to him.

The limp body almost lay on his body.

And her face was still smiling.

If in normal times, facing such an angry face, even a pair of eyes are full of surging anger, almost can't restrain it, Nan Yan will also be afraid.

But at this moment, she was not afraid at all.

Not only was he not afraid, he even kept holding back his laughter, and even wanted to get into Zhu Feng's arms.

Meeting his "you still have the face to ask" eyes, she said, "Did the emperor really take it away?"


"The emperor, can you give it back to the concubine."

Zhu Feng gasped.

He vaguely remembered that every summer and autumn, the Yellow River would burst its banks, and the dikes reported below always made him a headache, but no matter how they built the river banks or dredged the river water, they still couldn't stop the turbulent Yellow River.

At that time, he would lose his temper in the Imperial Study Room.

Angrily accused the people below are a group of rice buckets.

But at this time, he seemed to understand.

No matter how he did his heart building at this moment, how he warned him not to be violent to her, how he suppressed the anger in his heart, but the anger still flashed from his heart to the top of his head.

The string of his reason broke almost instantly.


Just as Zhu Feng opened his mouth, his anger was pouring out like a flood bursting a bank, but he heard Nan Yan smile and say: "The emperor took it and took it, but how can the concubine return it to Miss Xue."


Zhu Feng's heartbeat stopped for an instant.

Breath is also choked.

He opened his eyes wide, almost full of bloodshot eyes. When he looked at Nan Yan, his eyes seemed to swallow her.

But he spoke, but his voice became dumb: "What did you say?"

What did he hear?

The three words Nan Yan just said are--

Xue, aunt, mother?

Nan Yan smiled and looked up at him, as if afraid he hadn't heard him clearly, and repeated: "Miss Xue, Miss Xue Yun."


"The concubine took someone's handkerchief and was thinking about finding a chance to return it to her."


"Who knows, the emperor-'steals jade and steals incense'."

As she said, her little hand slipped into Zhu Feng's sleeve. Zhu Feng only felt a cold on her wrist. Before he could react, she heard a "hoo" and she pulled the veil out.

Said: "Sure enough!"


"The emperor really took the girl's things!"


"Tsk tusk, how good this time is."

Zhu Feng looked at her shaking the veil and looked at himself with a sly smile, as if he was a little proud. His heart seemed to fall from a height of thousands of miles. He thought he was about to fall to pieces, but suddenly fell into one. Soft, even fragrant bedding.

Somewhat at a loss.

He said: "You said, Xue Yun is a woman?"

Nan Yan looked at him with a smile and said, "Didn't the emperor see it?"


Zhu Feng's mind is still a bit chaotic. Although it has gradually been a sudden "surprise", but he can't fully express it. After all, he does not intend to let people know his own guesses, and from last night to just now, in his heart A mess of confusion.

He said, "You, do you see it?"

South flue: "Yes."



"Yesterday? When was yesterday?"

"When she gave me a pulse."


Nan Yan told him his guess, of course, later Ran Xiaoyu also told her the caution she had obtained when asking the store, which further confirmed her guess.

Zhu Feng was dumbfounded.

After speaking, Nan Yan looked at him and said: "Xue Yun is a woman, didn't the concubine tell the emperor?"


"Oh, come to think of it, the concubine was originally meant to tell the emperor, but at that time, Master Yang sent someone to report the news to the emperor, and the concubine had no time to say it."


Zhu Feng frowned, and then thought about it again.

Indeed, after returning from Dongxitang yesterday, they walked all the way to talk about what they had learned about entering Xue's house. Speaking of the relationship between Mrs. Xue and Xue Yun, there seemed to be something that could not be treated by outsiders. Nan Yan seemed to say that she had seen something.

But there was no time to ask clearly.

Later, she went to rest later, and Xue Yun came again later.

Then, I went to her room by myself and found the handkerchief on her body, so I—

Zhu Feng suddenly felt a slight fever on his face.

Nan Yan leaned on him and saw that his ears were a little red, and he smiled straight in his heart, but he held back his face. Instead, he looked at Zhu Feng solemnly and said: "The emperor was so angry last night, today I completely ignored my concubine in the morning... Could it be because of this handkerchief?"


Zhu Feng stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and coughed slightly embarrassingly.

Look at this little girl holding a rationale again.


Nan Yan's face became more serious, and said: "The emperor, is it possible to doubt that the concubine has any thoughts about that'Mr Xue'?"


"The emperor, do you think the concubine is such a person?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her, but it seemed a little unspeakable.

He didn't really believe her.

Two people have gone through so many things. After life and death, he understands too well that only this woman is sincere for himself, and only she is truly putting himself in his heart and being put in his heart.

He can only trust her.

He and only her.

Therefore, the more this happened, the more he was at a loss after discovering the handkerchief. Even if he was angry, he did not want to ask, let alone violent her.

He admitted that it was jealousy.

Even if you know it, maybe it's groundless, or even know that Nan Yan's mind cannot be interested in that kind of "sissy", but as long as she has a little relationship with any man, he will be jealous. .

But now I know how ridiculous this jealousy is.

Even if it is Jian Ruocheng.

Even Li didn't hurt that stinky boy.

How could it be a woman!

Xue Yun is actually a woman!

Not only did I not see it, but even...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to support his forehead, which also blocked the rising heat on his face, almost making his cheeks red.

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