When Nan Yan said this, he raised his head and looked at Zhu Feng, with bright light in his eyes, and said: "The emperor, what the Tai Chi picture says, you have me in you, I have you in me, isn't it? Up?"

Seeing the excitement on her face, Zhu Feng wanted to laugh a little.

Ordinary women, even the concubines in their own palace, would avoid or even talk about the rude things such as war and bloodshed.

But this little girl is different.

Although she has experienced several dangerous situations, she has not been really intimidated.

On the contrary, every time she encounters a dangerous situation, she will actively find a way to break the game.

Zhu Feng remembered that she told herself that although she was regarded as a young lady in the Si family, she was bullied by her mother and siblings since she was a child. She refused to give in. She fought with them openly and secretly, and she also developed a tough body.

So, even though she is Miss Si Jia on the surface, in fact, her temperament is as aggressive as a wild cat in the snow.

It's just that this pungent little wild cat is now nesting in his arms.

Like a kitten that has been raised.

He gently took her shoulders, let her lean firmly in his arms, and gave a low "um".

When Nan Yan heard his determination, his eyes were bent with a smile.

She asked: "Then, what are our chances of winning?"

She opened her eyes to look at Zhu Feng, expecting him to tell herself with satisfaction that 90%, if not 90%, at least 70% to 80%.

But Zhu Feng looked down at her, but smiled and said, "50%."

"50%? Only 50%?"

Nan Yan suddenly wrinkled his face, and said in an annoyed way: "How come it's only 50%?"


"We have been preparing for so long, but we have planned so much."

Seeing her annoyed look, Zhu Feng smiled, and then said: "Silly girl, do you think it's really easy to fight a war. If you think about it and plan it, you will have a 70-80%, or even an 80-90% chance of winning?"

"Is not it?"

Zhu Feng shook his head and said: "If you count, you can only count as much as 50%."

"But now, Ji San is stopped in Hot Moon Bend, can't it help us add another chance?"

"Of course not."


"Ji San stopped hot and acted on the spot in the crook of the moon, and it can only be counted in the human calculation."

Nan Yan hesitated for a moment, and immediately said, "The emperor wants to say that people are not as good as the sky? So the remaining 50% is the sky?"

Zhu Feng said: "The time is not as good as the place, and the place is not as good as the harmony of people, but the right of the time and the place is not unimportant, especially in this case, the right of the time and the place for us may be the key to victory."

Nan Yan's brows frowned.

She only knew that Zhu Feng had a good line of troops, even if the time and place were not good for him, he could turn bad into good.

But this time, he seemed to place too much emphasis on the right time and place, and even regarded it as the key to victory.


She looked at Zhu Feng suspiciously, but Zhu Feng smiled when she felt her troubles, and then said: "Okay, don't think about it anymore, you shouldn't consider this matter."


"Go to bed early, and if you delay it, your body can't stand it."


Nan Yan nodded obediently.

Ran Xiaoyu brought hot water, they rinsed briefly and went to bed.

Nan Yanwo was in Zhu Feng's arms, looking at the mottled shadow of the tree outside the window that was slightly shaken by the wind, the faint anxiety has been shrouded in her heart like a haze.

Stumbled to the next morning.

Before opening his eyes, he felt a slight movement around him, it was Zhu Feng who got up and got out of bed.

Ran Xiaoyu came in to serve and said, "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng said immediately: "Shhh, don't wake her up."

Nan Yan was still a little sleepy at first, but when he heard him say this, she couldn't help but want to laugh, so she simply closed her eyes and pretended to be still asleep.

Ran Xiaoyu took the hot water and walked in lightly. After Zhu Feng washed his face and put on the clothes, he whispered to her: "Don't wake your mother, let her sleep for a while. "


After a while, he heard his footsteps go away.

When I walked to the door, he seemed to stop and muttered something, but soon he left.

Nan Yan opened his eyes and leaned on the pillow to look outside. Zhu Feng had already left.

But Ran Xiaoyu gave him away, then turned back, saw her at a glance, and said, "Is the mother awake?"

"Woke up early."

"Then why don't you speak, the emperor still thinks you are asleep."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Since he wants me to sleep a little longer, I will ‘sleep’ a little longer to make him feel more at ease."

Ran Xiaoyu couldn't help but smile, and said: "The mother is really, the older you are, the more you will become a child."

Now that Nan Yan has woken up, she will naturally no longer lie down on the bed, so Ran Xiaoyu went to bring her hot water in to freshen up again.

Nan Yan sat in front of the bronze mirror, asked Ran Xiaoyu to comb her hair, looked at her appearance in the mirror, and thought of the words Zhu Feng said last night in a daze.

Could not help but sigh lightly.

Time and place...

What is the right time and place, which has such a great influence on the war?

Ran Xiaoyu said: "The mother sighed, this is not good for the child."

Hearing this, Nan Yan's heart sighed: "Why, the emperor also sighed?"

"Yes, just when I walked out."

"By the way, when I heard him going out, it seemed to say something, what did he say?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "The emperor looked at the sky, and then said-'The sky is warm', and then he sighed a long way."

"...Is it warm?"

Nan Yan repeated these words in surprise.

It's warm, is there anything wrong?

At exactly this moment, Ran Xiaoyu combed her hair, and Nan Yan couldn't take a picture, so he got up and walked to the door.

At this time, the weather has indeed turned warm.

In the capital, the flowers and trees in the city have even begun to spit out new shoots, but in the northwest, the weather is still a bit colder than there, and even so, it has already begun to warm up by this time.

No longer like before, the wind and snow will not stop all night.

The sky is clear, and you can even see the shadows of some birds flying by.

Heaven is really getting warmer.

The right time and place... Does this have anything to do with the war?

Ran Xiaoyu stood aside, looked at Nan Yan, and whispered, "Niang, what's wrong?"

Nan Yan thought for a long time, but didn't think of a reason, so she shook her head, turned around and walked into the room, and asked, "Where is the emperor?"

Ran Xiaoyu said, "It seems to be going to see Young Master Gu."


Nan Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Looking back at the sunny weather outside, I felt the no longer cold wind blowing in from the door.

Nan Yan murmured, "I see..."

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