Long Tingyun smiled and said: "The second master is a good strategy. It is really impressive."


"Actually, it's okay for him to be at odds with the third master. Brothers, if you can't figure it out, just let it go. After all, everyone is in this hot moon crook. It's a bit ugly. Grasshopper."



When he said this, he deliberately prolonged his voice, saying: "The master is now in the court contest, when most should work together, but the second master does this for his own benefit."


"If he really doesn't like the third master, then he will be the one who knows how to use it."


"But he designed to let Jiang Qu send false news from the captain's mansion, and let the big master come and kill the third master."



He didn't finish his words, but Ulun's face was already showing a hideous face, gritted his teeth and said: "That's lying to me, playing Lao Tzu as a fool."

"That's it."

"It's all right?"

Wulun was about to get angry, but Long Tingyun stepped forward and said in a low voice: "You think the master, he asked Jiang Qu to send false news back. These news are related to the battle between the court and us."


"If you make a wrong judgment based on false information, it will be fatal!"


"The second master did this to ruin the entire Reyuewan!"


Ulun furiously slapped the table with a palm, almost smashing the table into a depression.

Seeing his angry look, Long Tingyun said softly again: "The master, you have to beware of the second master."


"You know, the court's soldiers and horses are not the same as the caravans. We are wolves, and the caravans are lambs to be slaughtered by us, but the court's troops are tigers and leopards!"


"A little carelessness, the entire hot moon bend, I am afraid it will be destroyed."

Hearing Long Tingyun's words, Ulun gritted his teeth and his eyes showed a hideous look.

Coldly said: "He is unkind, I am unrighteous!"

After speaking, he squeezed the note in his hand and got up and walked out.

When Long Tingyun saw him like this, he knew he was going to do something, and hurriedly reached out to stop him.

"Master, wait a minute!"

Ulun stopped and frowned at him: "What? Are you going to stop me?"


"He's eating inside and out like this, do I have to show mercy to his men?"

Long Tingyun smiled and said: "The master has misunderstood, and I have no intention of this."

"Then you are—"

"Below is just a reminder to the master, the war is imminent, don't mess up people's hearts."

"Is it impossible to just let him go?"

"of course not."


"However, if the second-in-chief's own men and forces, if they quarrel with him now, the court's men and horses will certainly take advantage of it. By that time we will lose ourselves without fighting."

"What should I do then? You can't let him mess around."

A gleam of cold light flashed in Long Tingyun's eyes, and he smiled: "The master, didn't you just say it in the next-the battle is imminent."

Ulun's eyes also lit up.

"what do you mean--"

When the two of them were discussing, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Wulun looked up and said, "Who is outside?"

An Yan's voice came from outside.

"Brother, it's me."

"It's you, didn't you let you go on patrol?"

"I've read it again, and I'm about to come back to report to Big Brother."

"How's it going?"

"Brother can rest assured, we have sent someone to guard this pass, there will be no mistake."

Ulun said, "Well, what is the road?"

An Yan walked in from outside the door.

He arched his hand at Ulun and said, "Knowing that the older brother is worried, the younger brother took a personal look. Now that the weather is getting warmer, the ice over there is about to melt."

"Fastening, that is, not yet?"

An Yan hurriedly said, "Although it hasn't melted yet, we have tried it. Picking up a stone at random, the ice surface can't bear it."


"How can I dare to deceive Big Brother? The people who took me are outside, and Big Brother can ask them to come in at will."

"Of course I am not distrusting you, but that road is our only weakness. We must ensure that we are foolproof."

"I knew it, so the little brother passed by himself."


Having said this, Ulun breathed a sigh of relief.

Having been entrenched in Reyuewan for so many years, he not only relied on his cruel methods and the many men under him, but more importantly, he attacked and defended inside.

Although the terrain of Reyue Bend is complicated, every road is under his control.

That road, of course, is also there.

Otherwise, the people of the imperial court would not suffer such a big loss there.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, that road is of course hard to walk, but he is still not at ease, he must make sure that nothing goes wrong.

Muttered: "No matter what, the upcoming battle still has to be guarded by people, but not too many people."

Long Tingyun stood aside, and suddenly his eyes lit up when he heard him talking to himself.

He smiled and said: "The master, you have to send someone to guard there, that's just right."

When Ulun heard this, he suddenly recovered: "You mean—"

Long Tingyun said: "The second master is not worthy of trust, but the big master can't completely tear his face with him now. The upcoming battle still needs his efforts. It is better to let him guard that road."


"Since the ice on that road has melted, it doesn't matter."


"As long as he is allowed to carry it there, and he is not allowed to participate in our war, I am not afraid that he will destroy the overall situation."


Wulun laughed, and while laughing, he stretched out his hand and patted Long Tingyun's shoulder: "Military, you are still resourceful and thoughtful."

Long Tingyun said, "I am also doing this for the sake of the master."


"The second master disregards the overall situation, and would rather ignore the life of the most important master and the safety of the entire Hot Moon Bend. Such a person must not be burdened with heavy responsibility, otherwise, it will really fall short."

"you are right."

Ulun sneered and said: "When that day comes, I will make arrangements like this!"

Long Tingyun said again: "That way, the most important way--"

When Ulun heard these words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Of course he knew that what Long Tingyun was talking about was the road that the imperial court had discovered before, that is, the road given by Jiang Qu.

The so-called true or false, false and true, must be judged in battle.

And that is the way they have made arrangements long ago.

Dedicated to the emperor-a dead end!

Ulun said: "Such an important road, now, naturally can not be handed over to Houthihei."

Long Tingyun said: "The master is planning to—"

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