Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1866: Surrounded by wind sword and frost sword

Nan Yan said slowly: "She claims to be a civil woman."


Ran Xiaoyu widened her eyes suddenly, and muttered: "Maiden......?"

As she said, she couldn't help laughing, but sneered.

South flue: "Is the aftertaste here?"

Ran Xiaoyu sneered: "If she really hates that Jiang Qu as she herself said, she will certainly not be willing to admit that he is her husband, let alone think that she is the other party's wife. In terms of it, it is simply a nightmare, and even more a shame."

"Not bad."

Nan Yan stretched out her hand and wiped the corner of her clothes that was lifted by the wind, and said lightly, "But she claims to be a peasant woman."


"It can be seen that from the heart, she accepts each other."


"At that time, she had lived in the West Wing for a while, and my palace guessed, I'm afraid Li Lai has used his rhetoric to convince this woman."

Ran Xiaoyu sneered and said: "The slave servant once heard that when the emperors of the past dynasties canonized the queen concubines, or the princes of the princes, they would write the words'character value' on the edict. The slave servants still found it strange. There is also preciousness."


"Understood now."


"In this world, it is rare to have a valuable character. There are some people who have a character—not so valuable."

It is rare to hear Ran Xiaoyu speak so harshly, Nan Yan couldn't help but laugh.

But she also knew that she was complaining about herself.

He, as well as these people in the captain's mansion, can't be considered as devoted to the original intention.

She was blind, Nanyan let people take care of her, and she was very careful about her daily diet and daily life. But even so, knowing that she and the emperor were calculated by sand bandits and might die, but her original intention was never a word of reminder. .

If tonight, the emperor was a complete defeat.

Can those sand bandits still spare them?

"The mother let her go, why?"

Nan Yan was silent for a while before saying: "Because she is a trouble."


"Yes. When things are over tonight, and when Reyuewan is suppressed by the emperor, how to deal with her is a troublesome matter. She just didn't tell us, but didn't start to harm us. It's not easy to deal with her if you want to talk about it."


"If you really punish her, punish such a blind man, it will not sound good when you spread it out, I am afraid that the emperor will be insulted as a tyrant."


"However, if you don't punish her, I can't get out with the tone in my heart."


"So, simply let her go and let her go where she should go."

Ran Xiaoyu said: "But how can the empress be so sure that if she leaves like this, she will receive her due punishment?"

Nan Yan was silent for a while before saying: "Because my palace feels that the emperor's words are reasonable."

"What did the emperor say?"

"He said, a person chooses what path he takes; what he encounters on that path is his own choice, and he can't blame others at all."

Ran Xiaoyu smacked for a while, as if he understood what was coming.

She said, "Niangniang meant that Li Lai--that is, Jiang Qu, had her own way."

Nan Yandao: "Is it right? Just wait for the later news."

After speaking, she let out a faint sigh, and said: "I'm a little thirsty."

Ran Xiaoyu hurried into the room and poured her a cup of hot tea to her hand, then looked at Nan Yan's calm and unwavering eyes, thoughtfully.

Nan Yan looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Ran Xiaoyu whispered: "The slave girl felt that the lady's wrist was much harder than before."

Nan Yan smiled.

There was some coldness in the smile, but it seemed extra firm.

She said: "This time has come, how can this palace be softer?"


"No matter how soft it is, I will be a fish."


"The emperor is surrounded by wind swords and frost swords, not to mention me? I have to make myself strong, not only strong, but also strong."

Ran Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at her: "...Manny."

Nan Yan took a sip of tea, and then looked up at the flying snow falling in front of her. No one thought, even when she prayed, that after the spring, this cold spring would bring this one. Such a heavy snow.

After a while, a layer of white mist was cast around.

Nan Yan said softly, "I don't know how they are now."


Yang Dai arrived at the base camp inside Hot Moon Bend.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the fire blazing into the sky ahead, the main hall had been completely engulfed by the flames, the fire dragon roared raging, and even the surrounding cold and hard mountain walls were torn apart.

In the flames, Fang Buyuan walked towards him.

"Master Yang."

"Commander Fang."

The two raised their hands and bowed, and they were not too enthusiastic. After all, the Duwei's Mansion and Jin Yiwei were completely different factions. The two sides were just fighting together, and they didn't have too deep feelings.

Yang Dai looked around and said, "What's going on here?"

Fang Buyuan said: "The master of Reyue Bend, Ulun, has been killed."

"Oh? Who killed it?"

"Master Tong."

"Master Tong? He, he is still alive."


"This is good, this is good!"

Yang Dai also breathed a sigh of relief. Their mission tonight is not only to attack Reyue Bend and clear out the sand bandits here, but also to rescue Tong Sinian alive.

That is the brother of the imperial concubine after all.

Now I heard that he was still alive, and finally a big rock fell to the ground.

However, there are--

He said to Fang Buyuan again: "Then, are there other people?"

In the flames, Fang Buyuan's expression sank. Seeing his expression like this, Yang Dai's heart murmured, "Huh? What?"

Fang Buyuan said, "I have made people try to seal all the intersections here, but—"

However, the route within Hot Moon Bend is too complicated.

Although they have already obtained a part of the road map, it is only part of it, and there are many ways out that they don't even know.

For example, if the place where Tong Sinian was detained just now, if it weren't for that Ji Santing secretly followed Wulun over, they would have been looking for a long time.

Upon hearing this, Yang Dai's heart sank.

Although the bandit leader is dead, there is another important figure that they haven't caught yet.

If you can't catch it, the trouble will be endless.

Just when the two people were facing each other in silence, a Jin Yiwei in front suddenly ran over: "Leader Fang——Master Yang? His subordinates found a room over there, and there seems to be someone inside."


The two looked at each other and their eyes lit up.

Hastily followed and ran over.

I saw a room over there, the door was locked from the outside, and the inside was dark, but it was obvious that someone could be heard.

Fang Buyuan's eyes flickered, and he immediately stepped forward and kicked the door open.

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