Nan Yan sighed softly and said, "Even the emperor must bear it down."

Ran Xiaoyu frowned, as if the anger in his body couldn't vent, and walked back and forth twice in the room with his fists.

Seeing her like this, Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

Ran Xiaoyu looked back at her and said, "It's damned!"


"How can the emperor bear it? On weekdays, the emperor has the worst temper and the most intolerant of sand in his eyes."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Even you know that you can't act rashly. How could the emperor not know?"

Zhu Feng is not just blindly charging forward.

When he should endure, he can endure better than anyone else.

Nan Yan recalled that he entered the palace-as the emperor Wen's elector, when he entered the palace, it was the time when Emperor Wen had the most severe method of cutting the feudal clan. At that time, it was said that the entire Palace of Yan Wang had no soldiers and was dispatched by the emperor inside and outside. Surrounded by layers of forbidden army, not even a fly can fly out.

And I heard that the fetus in Xu Miaoyin's belly was lost because of a fright at that time and aborted.

Even then, Zhu Feng endured it.

It can be seen that it is not that he cannot bear it, but his heart is very clear that if he wants to bear it, he must have a huge benefit in front of him to bear it.

And now, that's it.

From just now, he would directly say to himself the words Nin Yi Nin, he could hear that in his heart, he was very angry at what Wu Ying asked them to do.

However, anger cannot overwhelm reason.

It has only been a few years since he became the throne. Two brothers, King Ning and King Jing, both fell. These brothers lent Doyan Sanwei to him during the battle of Jingnan, and they did their best; and the king, Wu Yingqiu, was also in Jingnan. The person who helped him seize the throne in the battle.

He cannot move too fast.

Otherwise, let alone the name of tyrant, the emperor would not be able to bear the words ingratitude alone.

Now, only if they didn't care about them tampering with the emperor's manuscript, Wu Ding's injury could be suppressed, and Wu Yingqiu would suffer this dumb loss.

On the contrary, I am afraid that Wu will really be forced to respond.

Zhu Feng obviously didn't want to establish such an enemy for himself.

But letting Wu Ding go on the expedition last night, and finally returned with serious injuries. Even for the second half of his life, he could only lie in bed and be a living dead.

There is no such person as Wu Ding in the cabinet.

In this way, the Guogong faction will take some time to recover.

After hearing these words from Nan Yan, Ran Xiaoyu bit her lower lip and remained silent for a long time. After an unknown period of time, she finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Slaves, understand thoroughly."

Nan Yan smiled and looked at her: "Did you lose your breath?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "What's so angry about the servants. Besides, even the emperor and the noble concubines can bear it. Is there anything that the servants can't bear."

Nan Yan smiled.

This girl, although her temper is still the same, but being able to tolerate things is the first progress worthy of praise.

She said: "Well, you can go out and see Xue Ling."


Ran Xiaoyu nodded, then turned and walked out.

Nan Yan was still sitting in the chair, motionless.

In fact, she hadn't slept almost all night last night. At this time, she was noisy for a long time. She was supposed to be very tired and wanted to lie down to rest, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

There was a buzz in my head.

She tried to sort out the mess in her mind, and at this moment, Zhu Feng walked in.

As soon as Nan Yan looked up, he saw a thoughtful look on his face.



Hearing Nan Yan's voice, he walked over directly, but did not sit down. Instead, he stood in front of Nan Yan, reached out his hand and touched her cheek, and more clearly saw that her eyes were covered with red blood.

He said distressedly: "I didn't sleep last night, now I am tired. Do you want to rest for a while?"

"My concubine is not tired, and now I am not sleepy at all."

Nan Yan said, then asked, "The emperor, what happened just now?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said, "Since you can't sleep, go with me over there, and I will take you to see someone."

"See someone, who?"

"You know it when you see it."

Nan Yan didn't get too verbose when he heard what he said, and immediately got up.

However, I got up too anxiously, and my mind was a little dazed and stood there and shook twice. When she saw her like this, Zhu Feng immediately became anxious and stretched out his hand to hug her: "Look at you, I'm still tired, go and rest!"

Nan Yan looked up and smiled at him: "It's just anxious."


"Okay, the emperor, you also know that even if you let your concubine really lie down now, your concubine will definitely not be able to sleep."


"Let the concubine pass."

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng couldn't help but sighed.

He exhorted: "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately, don't force yourself, you know?"

"Know it."

So, the two went out together.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the courtyard, I saw Ran Xiaoyu talking to Xue Ling. When he saw the two of them coming out, he turned around quickly.

Zhu Feng thought for a while and asked him to follow along.

The group of people walked forward, and after a while, they reached the west wing.

Only Xue Ling, Li Lai and Chu Xin lived here before, and it was very quiet, but now, it is crowded with people coming in and out.

When they saw Zhu Feng and Nan Yan, they hurriedly came forward to salute.

Zhu Feng only asked: "Where are people?"

Xiao Shunzi ran over immediately. Obviously, he had just visited here, and said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, Niangniang, the person is right in front-in the house where I lived before. I have already woke up."

Zhu Feng said: "Let's go."

Nan Yan couldn't help but wonder when he heard this.

What? Did they save their original intention again?

No, not to mention that Chuxin ran out secretly yesterday. If she did not see Li Lai, she would not be willing to come back so easily; not to mention, Zhu Feng and the others did not seem to bring back Li Lai’s news. Just talking about Zhu Feng himself, he dislikes Chuxin very much.

How could he save her?

It is even more impossible to bring yourself to see her.

With such doubts in her heart, she followed Zhu Feng, and after a while, she walked to the room.

Two guards guarded the door.

After entering, the room was very bright. A military doctor stood by the bed with a person sitting on the bed.

The curtain was drooping, just covering the man's face, but from her clothes, she could barely see that she was a woman. She was curled up, looking very careful, and even more frightened.

Nan Yan frowned slightly.

this is--

The people on the bed seemed to hear their footsteps, and said cautiously: "You guys, who are you?"

With that, she turned around and faced them.

The moment Nan Yan saw that person's face, Nan Yan's eyes widened in shock.

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