Upon hearing this, Xue Ling immediately understood in his heart and hurriedly bowed his head and knelt down: "The emperor is forgiving."

Nan Yan moved slightly.

Of course, she knew very well that in the entire campaign to suppress Reyue Bend, too many forces competed on both sides. After the matter was over, they must be liquidated one by one, from Wu Yingqiu and Wu Ding to Li Lai and Chuxin. It was Xue Ling's turn.

However, Xue Ling also had difficulties.

Nan Yan wanted to intercede for her, but hesitated not to speak.

After all, these matters handled by the emperor were state affairs, and the harem could not be involved in politics. In this matter, she could only listen, not speak.

Looking at Zhu Feng with some anxiety, for fear of hearing a word "kill" from his mouth.

The room became quiet.

Zhu Feng glanced at Xue Ling coldly, and then said, "Come here."

Two guards came in from outside: "What is the emperor's order?"

Zhu Feng said: "I think it's wise to take her down and return to her original house. She is not allowed to walk around in the captain's mansion at will, nor is she allowed to visit. Wait for my message."


Xue Ling was also detained.

Nan Yan opened his eyes and looked at Xue Ling's away back, and then at Zhu Feng, with a look of stunned expression.

Zhu Feng turned out to just ask Xue Ling to be imprisoned, and did not deal with her immediately, nor did he even mean to be severely interrogated.

Did he actually open up to Xue Lingwang?

Zhu Feng calmly watched Xue Ling's back disappear outside the door. When he turned around, he met Nan Yan with a surprised look. He said, "What's wrong?"

Nan Yan hesitated for a moment, or said, "The emperor... is this a letting off of her?"

Zhu Feng said: "Stop talking!"


"Did I say to let her go?"

Nan Yan said: "The emperor did this, I'm afraid that he no longer intends to severely punish her. If it were before, the emperor would not take her lightly if he didn't take her skin off."

Zhu Feng squinted at her: "Are I such a tyrant?"


These words made Nanyan unable to open his mouth.

The word "tyrant" was very sensitive to her and Zhu Feng. Nan Yan knew very well in his heart that even if Zhu Feng never said it, he had been trying to stay away from these two words.

So he smiled and said: "Of course not."


Zhu Fengbai gave her a look.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and then said, "The emperor, she was in the beginning--"

Zhu Feng glanced at her from the corner of his eyes: "What?"


Nan Yan was a little embarrassed.

After all, the two of them had quarreled because of this woman before, and had a cold war. Now that after hearing the story of Li Lai and Chu Ping, she only felt that she was blind and stupid at that time.

She whispered: "The emperor didn't like the original intention from the beginning. That's right."


"This person is selfish and cruel in nature. It's too unbearable."

Zhu Feng let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "Actually, it's not just her personality that makes me dislike her and don't want to believe her, but when her story is told, it is already a big problem. ."

"Oh? Where is the problem?"

Zhu Feng turned to her and said seriously: "Think about it for yourself, Li Lai used the alias Jiang Qu to deceive her and gouged out her eyes. If the other party is only for a pair of eyes, why spend so long and so much Energy? Isn't it good to do it the first time we meet?"


"Jiang Qu has stayed with her for so long, gaining her trust and feelings, and he happened to spend a candle night in her happiest bridal chamber."


"The main purpose of this is obviously not eyes, but to make her suffer. This must be done with a deep hatred to seek revenge. It must be what she did to make others suffer so much, so that others will deliberately take revenge. ."

Hearing him say so, Nan Yan suddenly realized.

Sighed: "Sure enough, I was blindfolded by my concubine. I was too partial to listen and believe."

Speaking of it, I have experienced a lot of things in the harem, and I can be considered shrewd by looking at people, but this time it was really a blunder. When I saw the pitiful appearance of the original heart, I sympathized with him, and did not think about what she said. .

Seeing her frowning, Zhu Feng reached out and rubbed her brows vigorously.


"Let me go!"

Zhu Feng glared at her: "How many times have I told you that you are pregnant now, so this is not allowed."

Hearing his almost cruel words, Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere is also a little more relaxed.

The two wentssiping, Nan Yan asked again: "By the way, the emperor, are you really not going to deal with Xue Ling?"

When talking about Xue Ling, Zhu Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

Nan Yan looked at him like this, feeling a little strange, but before he had time to speak, another person walked outside, but it was the imperial soldier commanding Yingshao.

He walked to the door and said to the inside: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng said immediately: "Come in."

Ying Shao walked in, bowed to them, and then said: "This morning, the sand bandits who broke into the captain's mansion and tried to kidnap the imperial concubine are already in custody. Weichen and others interrogated several of them. ——They have already spoken."


When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately stood up.

Nan Yan also got up: "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng looked back at her, and then said: "Okay, everything here has been dealt with for the time being, so you can take a good rest."

After speaking, before Nan Yan could say anything, he turned and walked out.

Nan Yan walked to the door, but couldn't keep up with them. He could only watch Zhu Feng's back, walking much faster than usual.

After walking out of this yard, Zhu Feng was calm and relieved.

Just now, Nan Yan almost really stopped him.

In fact, he did not intend to severely punish Xue Ling, not only because she repented, but also, together with Ji Santing, helped the court's soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress Reyue Bend, and more importantly--

Xue Yun.

He needs Xue Yunlai to detoxify himself.

From the perspective of buying people's hearts, Xue Yun must be used, but the younger sister cannot be severely punished.

However, he planned to hide this matter from Nan Yan for the time being. After all, he had to keep the detoxification secret, and he didn't want anyone to know it to stop him.

It's not a big deal now, and he has to be careful when Xue Yun arrives.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and walked forward.

Nan Yan stood at the door, watching his back disappear in front of him, then sighed softly, then turned back and sat down.

In fact, she was very tired at this time.

But in her heart, she was still pressing a stone, making her a little hard to sleep.

The hot moonbend thing is dealt with, but what about that mysterious person?

Did he just give up like this?

Just now Ying Shao said that the sand bandits opened their mouths and confessed about the "military division" in the Hot Moon Bend. I wonder what this "military division" would involve?

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