The room became quiet.

Nan Yan was lying on the bed. I don't know if it was because the candlelight in the room was constantly swaying, her eyes flickered sharply, but she said nothing.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt up again.

Then whispered: "Turn out the light, I'm sleepy."


Hearing the tiredness in her words and the emotions that she didn't want to say anymore, Ran Xiaoyu didn't have much to say. He only glanced at her, helped her tuck the quilt, then blew out the candlestick and exited her room.

When the door was closed, a low sigh could be heard inside.

Even with that, Ran Xiaoyu's breath became low.

She stood at the door for a while, finally speechless, turned and left.

The room was completely dark.

There were only two twilights, Nan Yan's eyes, shining slightly against the moonlight.

Although she was very tired, Ran Xiaoyu's words just made her sleepless.

She opened her somewhat hollow eyes, quietly watching the cold and white moonlight coming in from the window, her eyes flickered, but she didn't know what she was thinking.


Nanyan got up early the next day.

As if nothing like that happened yesterday, her expression was as usual, and Ran Xiaoyu didn't have much to say. After serving her to wash, Nan Yan walked to Zhu Feng's study.

He said to Ran Xiaoyu: "You don't have to follow me."


"You, your heart is over there."

Nan Yan smiled and said to Ran Xiaoyu who was a little red on his cheeks: "Do what you should do, don't twitch around, it's not like you anymore."

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "What is the matter with the mother, let them call the slaves."

"Well, go ahead."

So Ran Xiaoyu turned around and went to Ye Yi's room without hesitation.

Nan Yan looked at her back, only smiled, and then turned around and walked towards Zhu Feng's study. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Jin Yiwei Commander Fang Buyuan with a serious expression and walked out of it.

When I looked up, I saw Nan Yan and hurriedly took possession of him and saluted.

"Meet the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan felt that when he looked at him, his eyes seemed to flicker, and he knew that it was because of Li Bushang — Li Bushang followed in Jin Yiwei, even if he could hide it from others, he definitely couldn't hide it from him. of.

In other words, Fang Buyuan was helping Li Bushang conceal them.

So when he saw himself, his attitude was inevitably a bit subtle.

Nan Yan just smiled, and said, "Did Commander Fang take any other purpose?"

"Yes," Fang Buyuan said cautiously, bowing his body: "The emperor asked the ministers to lead the men and horses to immediately trace the whereabouts of the remaining forces of Hot Moon Bend."

"Remnant forces? You mean, the military division named Long Tingyun, and the people he took away?"


"But, where do you want to find this vast wilderness?"

Fang Buyuan said, "Yan Country, they must have returned to Yan Country."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, but after thinking about it, she seemed right.

I only talked to Zhu Feng yesterday, that what the military division named Long Tingyun did was obviously to seek revenge against Zhu Feng. If you want to talk about hatred, it must come from within Yan Country.

Besides-that mysterious person, hasn't he been active in Yan Country?

This Long Tingyun, I'm afraid it was sent by that person.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and then said: "If this is the case, I'm afraid this line will be hard. Commander Fang Duoduo take care."

"Xie Niangniang caring."

"when are we leaving?"

"Go back to pack up immediately and set off in the afternoon."

"Then I wish you a good journey and success."

"Thank you."

After the two spoke a few words, Fang Buyuan turned around and left, Nan Yan also walked to the study, but after two steps, he heard Fang Buyuan stop and hesitated softly: "Niang Niang..."


Nan Yan turned his head to look at him, and saw Fang Buyuan's expression flickering. After hesitating for a while, he cautiously said, "He, also walk with us."


Sure enough, Li was still mentioned.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Of course this palace will not come to see you off. You, take care."

Fang Buyuan saw her doing this with a look of horror on his face.

After all, Li Bu's practice is neither sensible nor reasonable. If someone finds out, he would really have to behead his head; he has been sympathetic to him all these years, and only helped him cover it when he really couldn’t pass it. About to leave, after all, he couldn't help but speak to the concubine.

And the attitude of the imperial concubine made him realize how bold he was to say those words just now.

He immediately said: "Weichen overstepped."

After speaking, he hurriedly turned and left.

Nan Yan watched his back disappear in front of him. There was no expression on his face, but his expression showed a hint of helplessness. After a long while, he sighed and walked into the study.

As soon as I entered, I saw Zhu Feng working at his desk, apparently starting to work early in the morning.


"How did you come?"

Zhu Feng looked up and saw her, smiled, and immediately walked over, pulled her to sit on a chair, and Xiao Shunzi immediately offered tea.

Nan Yan said: "What was the emperor just looking at? He looked so angry."

Zhu Feng said: "I asked them to interrogate the captured sand bandits overnight, settle the case as soon as possible, and then escorted them back to Beijing and handed them over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for processing. They just read the files that they have sent-these people are really doing everything!"

Having said that, he became angry again.

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "Just leave these things to the people below. Why should the emperor go and see it in person? I am angry after seeing it."

Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh.

Then he said, "That's what I planned."


"Anyway, Hot Moon has been taken down, and they can't do anything wrong in the future. I also intend to speak to the people of the Criminal Ministry. After the interrogation is clear, I will kill a few gangsters to show the public so that everyone can see their fate. Don't dare to do anything wrong on the border."

Nan Yan said: "These things, the emperor has decided."

While she was talking, she pushed a plate of fruit in front of Zhu Feng.

The two ate something and spoke for a while, and Nan Yan asked, "After Reyuewan's affairs are over, will the emperor prepare to receive the special envoy of the Parthian Kingdom?"

Zhu Feng nodded: "Yeah."

Nan Yan asked, "When will they arrive?"

Zhu Feng said: "The news has arrived, and it will arrive in more than half a month."

"So fast?"


"The emperor is planning to meet them here at Shazhouwei?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and said: "I originally planned to do this, but they were unwilling to hear what they said."

Nan Yan asked hurriedly: "What?"

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