Now, the emperor has no punishment at all!

This shows what?

This clearly confirmed his previous guess that the path Zhu Feng had set in advance was the place that was used to lure the main force of the Reyue Bend Sand Bandits, and he really attacked Reyue Bend by another. road.

Therefore, Wu Ding was sent to death on that road!

"My son Wu Ding, my son Wu Ding!"

Wu Yingqiu gritted his teeth and said word by word like a knife: "Just like this, you are framed and surrounded by sand bandits. Now, life is better than death!"

"I won't just forget it!"

"Sorry to my son, I will pay back one by one, no matter who it is!"

Having said that, he clenched his fists, turned and left.

From the old and rickety back, there was a deep killing intent.


On the other side, the news reached Nan Yan's ears.

She was drinking the anti-fetal medicine delivered from below. She heard about this just after drinking half of it, and immediately put down the medicine bowl in her hand: "Really?"

Ran Xiaoyu smiled and said, "How dare you cheat your maidservant?"


"It was when the slave servant went to take care of Ye Qi, he told me."

As she said, she leaned to Nan Yan's ear and said softly: "It seems that Ji Santing and Xue Ling will get married soon and stay with Shazhouwei."

"This is good, this is great."

Nan Yan was overjoyed.

Lovers finally get married, which is something everyone would like to see. Moreover, Zhu Feng wants to bring Ye Yin back to the capital. Only Yang Dai and a few lieutenants are guarding here, which is somewhat unreasonable.

And this season's three stop, judging from this incident, it can be considered courageous and strategic.

If you train for a while, you may not grow into a general.

Under Zhu Feng, the generals are not enough.

Originally, this time, he wanted to let Ye Xun come out for experience, but as soon as Ye Xun was injured, he couldn't bear it and wanted to transfer the person back. It seems that this person has a hard mouth when talking about others, and it's his turn to be completely soft-hearted.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan couldn't help but laugh, then looked up at Ran Xiaoyu, and said, "It seems that your words are still quite useful."

Ran Xiaoyu narrowed her mouth and said, "Mother, don't tease the servant girl."

"Why am I kidding you?"

"How could the emperor really listen to the slave and maidservant saying that and then do it? He had made up his mind a long time ago. The slave and maidservant's words are just a gossip about the emperor."

Nan Yan also laughed: "You still know."


"Yes, it seems that I am really willing to use my brain."


"However, the emperor was not aimless in doing this. You don't want to think about why Ye Xu separated from you? You said you want him to see your changes, but if you don't encounter anything, how can you see it?"

Ran Xiaoyu's eyes lit up: "So, did the emperor deliberately test slaves?"

"Of course."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You, it has survived."


"In this way, the matter between you and Ye Yu, at least the emperor will not be between you two."

When Ran Xiaoyu heard it, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled with joy. He also felt that his feelings were too exposed, a little embarrassed, and ran to the side with his blushing face.

Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

However, thinking of Zhu Feng's worry, for his own sake, he couldn't let the two of them be together, and felt a little guilty.

After a while, Ran Xiaoyu took a plate of candied fruit back.

To Nan Yan said: "Don't be afraid of hardships, Niang Niang, quickly drink the last bit of medicine in the bowl, here's the one for you."

Nan Yan sighed.

The little soup medicine left at the bottom of the bowl was the strongest and the most bitter. She originally wanted to play it over, but Ran Xiaoyu was still so careful. She had no choice but to pinch her nose and pour it down.

With this drink, she felt a sticky concoction, exuding a strong smell of bitterness, and stasis in the throat, and she could hardly swallow it. She suddenly felt nauseated and retched.


"Oh, my mother!"

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly put down the plate and gently patted her back to help her smoothly: "What's wrong with you?"

"I—" I didn't finish, and there was another retching, almost vomiting out the soup medicine I just drank.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly took the spittoon over to help her continue.

While gently patted her back: "Manny, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

Nan Yan panted and waved his hand gently.

Ran Xiaoyu was worried. When she stopped vomiting, she hurried to pour a cup of tea to rinse her mouth, and finally rinsed out the fishy smell in her mouth. Ran Xiaoyu asked worriedly, "What's wrong with my mother? "

"It's okay, maybe the medicine is too strong, it makes me vomit."

Nan Yan waved her hand and comforted her: "It's okay."

However, she was not as okay as she said.

From this day on, her nausea and nausea became more and more serious every day. Sometimes, she would vomit two or three times before even eating a meal.

Nan Yan was scorched: "What's the matter? I have never vomited like this before when I was calm."

Ran Xiaoyu guarded her by his side.

Can only say: "This baby is different from before."


"After Dr. Wang came to see, didn't he also say that there is nothing wrong with the mother, maybe the fetus grows bigger and bigger, and it's against the mother's stomach."


"Besides, morning sickness is common to other pregnant women."

Nan Yan was angrily: "It made me unable to eat."

Ran Xiaoyu smiled and said, "The empress is so angry for this."

The two masters and servants were talking and laughing, and they heard a rush of footsteps outside. Turning their heads, Xiaotai listened to Fu and ran in with an excited expression.

"Niangniang! Niangniang!"

Nanyan Road: "What is so urgent?"

Listening to Fu ran in and bowed down to her, then smiled and said, "Niang, Aunt Tongyun and Miss Nianqiu are here."


Nan Yan widened his eyes in surprise: "Are they here?"

"Yeah, just arrived."

"What about them?"

"Go to the emperor first, and they will come when the emperor has finished explaining."

"it is good."

Nan Yan nodded and asked Ran Xiaoyu to clean up the spittoons. After a while, she saw Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu each walking over with their boss's luggage.

As soon as he entered the door, he happily bowed down to Nanyan and saluted: "The slave and maidservant pay respect to the empress."

Nan Yan smiled and raised his hand: "Get up all the time."

The two of them stood up from the ground with a smile, and Nan Yan said, "Is it hard to come this way?"

Nianqiu said immediately: "No, the carriage ran so fast, the road was bad, and the slave's waist was broken."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It's hard for you."

Nianqiu waved his hand immediately: "No bitterness, no bitterness, knowing that the empress is pregnant with the dragonborn, the servants are too happy to be happy.

Nan Yan smiled and turned to look at Aunt Tongyun. Aunt Tongyun smiled and said, "The servants are all happy for the empress."

Nanyan Road: "By the way, why did you come here?"

Aunt Tongyun said: "It was the empress who asked the servants to come."

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