Nan Yan lay on the window sill, watching the silver-gray rain curtain outside, and the crystal water drops constantly dripping from the eaves, and soon washed the bluestone slabs below.

In Northwest China, such rainy days are rare.

The people outside had already cheered and were too happy to be happy, but Nan Yan sighed.


Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu who followed behind looked at each other.

Both of them couldn't help laughing.

Since Zhu Feng left, she has been sitting by the window watching the wind and rain outside during these few hours, and she sighed from time to time. I don't know how many times.

Aunt Tongyun brought a cup of hot tea to her.

"Manny, don't sit here and blow the air. Be careful to catch cold."

"It's not cold at all."

Nan Yan muttered, "Why do I still feel bored."

Nianqiu covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "As soon as the emperor leaves, the empress will become bored."

Nan Yan glanced back at her, but she couldn't help but laugh. Aunt Tongyun was still afraid that she would catch a cold, so she found a piece of clothing to put on her, and said softly: "Didn't the emperor also say it, just a day or two. Will come back?"


"In the past, when the emperor was busy in the palace, there were some who didn't come to Yikun Palace for a few days."


"Why the mother is so unbearable this time."

Nianqiu said again: "The mother is pregnant this time."


"After pregnancy, I definitely hope that the emperor will be by my side every day."

"You, you shut up!"

Nan Yan stretched out her hand and twisted her, Nianqiu rubbed her shoulders and jumped away happily.

Aunt Tongyun also laughed and scolded: "It's all the empress who is too tolerant, so she is so nonsense that she should tear her mouth!"

Nan Yan also said: "Next time you will tear your mouth!"

While speaking, he picked up the cup of hot tea, opened it and looked at it, and then put the lid on and sighed dumbly.

Aunt Tongyun said: "What's wrong with my mother?"

Nan Yan cupped his face and said thoughtfully: "I don't know what's wrong, I'm always worried that something will happen this time."

Aunt Tongyun smiled and said: "Manny, don't worry about yourself. The emperor is the emperor, and God is blessed to act. Besides, Master Ye and they are all very skilled, what can be done in a small place in Bailongcheng?"


"It's your mother, you are pregnant with a child, mothers are always worried and sighing, which is not good for children."


Hearing what she said, Nan Yan nodded too.

Turning around and walking back to the bed to sit down, Aunt Tongyun took the opportunity to close the window and cut off the slightly cool rain curtain outside.


Several soldiers held umbrellas and protected Zhu Feng in the rain.

Ye Xun also followed Zhu Feng as he walked forward and said: "The emperor should pay attention. This road is the border of the grassland. It's okay if it doesn't rain. If it rains, I'm afraid there will be a lot of ponds under the floating grass. I don’t know what the danger will be."

Zhu Feng said with his hands behind his back, "Uh".

After a while, the soldier led them to the place where the incident occurred.

When I looked up, I saw that the wheel of a horse-drawn carriage fell into a huge pit in the rain. The pit was full of water, and there was some grass floating on the water. I couldn’t see it. It was stagnant water, the depth was probably higher than that of a person, the body was tilted, and almost half of it sank into the water.

The people in that car also fell into the water.

The people turned their backs on their backs, a noisy look, especially embarrassed.

A few fell into the water and couldn't struggle at all. They could only call for help desperately. The heavy rain and the muddy water made them sink.

"Help! Help!"

Zhu Feng took a look and immediately said, "Go and help."


A few soldiers hurried forward.

Naturally, they did not dare to go straight down to save people, but threw the rope they had brought in front of those people. The people in the water were about to sink as they watched, and they all rushed forward to catch them. That rope.

The soldier on the shore said: "Come one by one!"

The driver at the front caught the rope and was quickly pulled up. When he got ashore, the soldier ran down the rope again, pulling people up one by one.

Soon, there was only the last one left in the pond.

The figure of the man appeared to be very thin, his body was muddy, and even his face was covered. He had been unable to distinguish his appearance. He had been struggling for a long time and had no energy. At this time, he was so heavy that only his shoulders and head were left exposed. Outside, he was about to be swallowed by a pond.

Ye Xu was also a little anxious, and said hurriedly: "Quick!"


After the soldier pulled up the penultimate man, he hurriedly threw the rope back and said to the man: "Hurry up!"

The man was dying, stretched out his hand with all his strength and grabbed the rope.

The soldier was about to pull him up in a hurry, but with a "bang", the rope suddenly broke, and the man was about to fall backwards, completely sinking into the mud.

At this moment, Zhu Feng suddenly strode forward.

He has quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the break of the rope, wrapped it around his palm two or three times, and said in a deep voice, "Come here!"

The man in the mud puddle originally felt a loose hand. Seeing the rope break, he was almost desperate.

But suddenly, the rope was tightened again.

Looking intently, there is a tall figure standing on the shore. Although the rain is wide and you can't see the other side's face at all, the firm and calm voice seems to give him some strength. The already soft hand, this At that time, he grasped the rope forcefully, and desperately made a few laps in his palm.

Zhu Feng pulled back vigorously, directly dragging the person's body out of the mud puddle.

Seeing that he was about to struggle, Zhu Feng immediately said: "Don't move!"

I don't know how deep this mud puddle is. If I struggle again, I'm afraid it will sink again.

The best way at this time is to let him lie motionless on the mud puddle, and the people here directly drag him out.

Upon hearing Zhu Feng's voice, the other party immediately did not dare to move.

Lie down there carefully.

In the rain curtain, a pair of twinkling eyes looked at Zhu Feng closely.

Ye Yin and a few of his soldiers came back to their senses and hurried to come to help, but the rope is not long. If they change hands, I am afraid that there will be an accident again. Zhu Feng only said solemnly: Get out!"

Everyone dared not move immediately.

He pulled the man out of the mud puddle and directly onto the shore with a single force, three or two strokes!

The palm of the hand was strangled red.

Seeing that the person was finally rescued, Ye Xun was also relieved, and immediately stepped forward, but before he had time to speak, he saw that the last person rescued came to Zhu Feng's breathlessly.

One staggered and almost fell on him.

Zhu Feng immediately reached out to hold on.

I heard the other party whispered: "...Huang Gongzi."

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