"Along the way, you are safer. I don't like people to disturb me."

What he said was cold and hard.

As an emperor, speaking to others is naturally a commanding tone, regardless of whether the person standing in front of him can accept such an arrogant attitude.

Xue Yun also glanced at him.

However, she had just been rescued by Zhu Feng, and her heart was full of gratitude, and besides gratitude, that little strange, soft feeling, at this time, naturally it was all at the mercy of the savior; besides, it can be seen that this "Young Master Huang" "The status and status are definitely not ordinary. Together with these people, they must be doing great things.

So he said: "I know, I won't disturb Young Master Huang."

Zhu Feng nodded now.

After a while, Hu really stopped.

The carriage was stuck in this way, and it was a waste of time to get it up. Fortunately, Xue Yun had a rich family and didn't care about the carriage, so he got on his horse and went back and forth with them.

Because riding a horse is much faster than riding a carriage.

All the way hurriedly, only in the evening, they had already seen the tall White Dragon City creeping on top of the Mangyuan in the twilight, the same as before, looking lofty and magnificent.

Tired all the way, Xue Yun's face was already pale.

But seeing the familiar outline of Bailongcheng still gave her a sense of peace of mind, she smiled lightly, and then said: "Finally... it's finally here."

Her voice trembled a little.

The group soon arrived at the gate of the city.

This time, because the Xue family was present, the guards didn't even ask, so they let them in. Because of heavy rain, the roads in the city were also wet. Many vendors did not stand out today, so they were not as lively as they were last time.

Zhu Feng and the others rode forward slowly, and Xue Yun said softly: "Young Master Huang."


"Young Master Huang came to the city and don't know where he intends to settle down? If you don't mind, you can go to Xue's house—"

Zhu Feng interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "No need."


"I, we have arranged a place to stay."


"If you want to go home, it's okay. If you are like this, you should go back and rest."

Xue Yun looked down at himself. He was indeed looking awkward in clothes that didn't fit, but he said softly, "I still don't want to go home anymore."


"Originally this time, the elders in the family did not approve of Xia Xia's desire to go out. I finally convinced them that if I let them know that I was in danger on the road, and now I come back, I am afraid that I will not be given a chance to go out. "

Zhu Feng snorted coldly: "What's so good about raising flowers in a vase!"


This made Xue Yun's heart beat.

And Zhu Feng himself came back to his senses, he said too plainly, I was afraid that Xue Yun was embarrassed, so he said: "That's fine, you just follow us."


Xue Yun didn't say much, and rode a horse to follow them.

Xue Yun was more familiar with the roads in the city than they were. Seeing their people swiftly enter a remote street, there are not many pedestrians here, but the houses on both sides are very beautiful and quiet.

Xue Yundao: "Are you going to the Lotus Heart Hall?"

Zhu Feng turned to look at him: "You know?"

Xue Yun smiled and said, "I also grew up here at any rate, so I know. The Lotus Heart Hall is very famous in White Dragon City. The big families in the city often host banquets here."

Zhu Feng nodded.

Xue Yun said again: "There are several places with great views in the hall. I don't know where Master Huang is going?"

Zhu Feng only said: "We have wrapped up there."


Xue Yun opened his eyes wide.

Has it been packaged? !

They packaged the entire Lotus Heart Hall?

You know, the Xue family can be regarded as the foremost wealthy business man in White Dragon City, but they can only banquet and entertain guests inside, but they did not expect that they would wrap up the entire Lianxin Guild Hall!

How much will it cost?

Not to mention, since these people are members of the Yan Kingdom court, money is not difficult, but they don't know what they are going to do inside.

Xue Yun gradually felt that what Mr. Huang said, what they have to do must be a "big thing"!

So on the way, I stopped talking.

A group of people quickly arrived at the door of the Lianxin Guild Hall. After entering the city, Ye Hao had already asked someone to come over and say hello. Originally, they came here only as officials of the Yan State. Do not intend to expose Zhu Feng's identity.

Therefore, the people who came to greet them only salute them and call them adults.

Zhu Feng glanced at Ying Shao who was standing at the door, and asked: "How?"

Ying Shao immediately stepped forward and said, "My lord, everything has been arranged."

Zhu Feng looked around again.

Along the way, I also felt that the place was “cleaned up” by Ying Shao and the others. The surrounding high-rise buildings were also covered by them, and there would be no potential dangers around.

So he nodded and got off his horse.

Everyone just got off their horses. Ye Yao was holding the reins, and was about to come over to say something to Zhu Feng, when suddenly he heard a panic behind--


"Master, be careful!"

"My son, what's wrong with you?"

When they turned their heads, they saw Xue Yun somehow fell off the horse when he dismounted.

Fortunately, the people around her were quick-eyed and caught her.

Zhu Feng walked over: "What's the matter?"

Several servants who followed Xue Yun supported her, and saw that Xue Yun's face was very pale at the moment, even his lips were no longer bloody, and his legs trembled slightly without strength.

Looking again, Zhu Feng frowned.

The insides of her two legs were actually stained with blood.

"This, what's going on?!"

One of the maid-like women immediately said: "My son has not been riding a horse for so long, and his legs are worn out."


Zhu Feng frowned.

Counting it all, after Xue Yun was rescued by them, he had been following them on horseback, and it was almost two or three hours now.

Because the relationship between sheltering from rain wasted time, so he hurried afterwards, Zhu Feng never rested.

Ye Xu and the people under his staff have all experienced hardship, and this fatigue is nothing to them, so no one complained, and he didn't feel anything.

But forgot--

Xue Yun is a woman.

Zhu Feng coughed lightly before saying: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xue Yun's face was pale, and the time she fell into the water had caused her to consume a lot of physical strength.

When speaking, the voice is as thin as a mosquito.

Only softly said: "Xia Xia, Xia Xia don't want to delay the important affairs of the son."

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