He took a deep breath, then turned to look at the envoy Nata, and asked, "What clothes do you want?"

This time, Nadda answered by himself.

He said four words in some voiced Chinese——

"Jade suit with golden thread."

After speaking these four words, the whole hall became quiet, and no one spoke.

But Zhu Feng, who had been silent all the time, narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, and looked at these people again, as if a little light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, no one spoke.

Nadab said another word to Omri, and Omri turned his head to face them and said, "I wonder if your lord did not understand what our special envoy just said. Lord Nadab said, this time the third major event in Yan Nation , I just want to ask your country for a jade garment."


Ye Wei still didn't speak, but frowned slowly.

Jade clothing with gold strands.

He was no stranger to these four words. He followed Zhu Feng and had heard so many royal legends since he was a child. Of course, he knew very well what the jade suit was.

The jade dress with golden thread was once called "Jade" in ancient times. It was the coat worn by the emperor Bin Tianhou when he was enshrined. They have never seen a real jade garment with gold threads, but they have seen some pictures in ancient books, which are made up of countless jade pieces connected by threads of gold and silver.

Said it is a jade suit, in fact it is more like a set of jade armor.

This kind of thing has no real purpose, it is just a funerary object, but it is a costly funerary object. It not only needs to mine beautiful jade in Hotan, but also transport it to the royal capital for thousands of miles. Countless workers crafted it carefully, and it took several years to make one.

It is said that the value of a piece of jade garment is equivalent to the total wealth of hundreds of middle-class families.

Some diligent and thrifty emperors believed that such things were really laboring for the people and wealth, so they banned the use of jade clothing.

Therefore, this thing disappeared.

Unexpectedly, someone mentioned it again now, and he was still a special envoy from the Western Regions.

Ye Wei frowned, thinking about it, and asked, "I don't know why the envoy wants such a thing?"

Nadal hesitated slightly after hearing what Omri said.

Ye Xun thought for a while, and said, "Don’t hide the envoy, this jade garment has disappeared for many years, and no one has ever used it. Even if it is used, there are rules. Only the emperor and the royal family can use it. Not everyone can get it."


"The special envoy came all the way to my country of Yan, asking for such a jade dress, I don't know what it means."


The special envoy of Na Nata said, "I don’t conceal Master Ye, because the lord of our country has a very beloved concubine who loves things in your Central Plains. She wears silk, wears jade ornaments, drinks tea, makes porcelain, and In our palace and country, this trend has also arisen."


"That's exactly the case, that's why this special envoy will come all the way, hoping to communicate with you and exchange what is needed."


"And she had heard a legend about the jade dress with golden thread from somewhere."

"What legend."

"It is said that after the death of a person, if you can put on a jade garment with a golden thread, you will not only be able to keep your body immortal for thousands of years, but if you have a chance, you can become immortal."


"Our lord is very fond of her, and naturally cannot refuse her request."


Ye Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Muttered: "It's the concubine's trouble again."

Hearing this, others were acceptable. Zhu Feng, the "guard" standing behind him, gave a light cough, and Ye Yin looked back and saw that he gave him a fierce look.

What is "again"! ?

Ye Xun shrank his neck and smiled in his heart.

I thought that if it were past, I would definitely not have such a sigh, but since the concubine canonization, he knows how many "faint moves" the wise and martial emperor has done, and how many things he has done that faints his mind.

It is not surprising that the King Anxi sent a special envoy to the Central Plains all the way to the Central Plains for his beloved concubine, asking for a jade garment with gold strands.

From the first two things discussed by the special envoy, it can be seen that the King of Rest is considered a talented man, not a short-sighted person, but for a favorite concubine, it is really a hero who is saddened by beauty.

He had also heard of the legend of the jade suit.

However, it was just because the jade garments were extinct and no one had ever seen it. Just listening to such a beautiful name, someone compiled a beautiful story and spread it among the people.

Unexpectedly, such a story really deceived people.

So Ye Yu smiled and said, "My envoy, the so-called golden jade garment is nothing more than an enchantment after a person's death. It does not have such a magical effect. You should go back and tell the concubine that you don't need this thing. ."

After listening to Omri's report, Nadda looked at Ye Wei again, and said with a smile, "Master Ye, the rumors are not necessarily false."


"Furthermore, you just said that none of you have ever used a jade suit, how can you be sure that it's not true?"


"Or, do you think this thing is not worthy of use by the concubine of our country's lord, so that you perfunct us like this?"

Ye Wei frowned and said, "Of course I didn't mean that."

"Master Ye,"

Nadal said, "Our country is sincerely making good relations with your country, so I have come all the way, Master Ye, isn't it that you are unwilling to agree to such a small request?"


Ye Xun's expression became serious.

He originally thought this matter was not a big deal and should be able to handle it, but looking at the other person's expression, he found that the other person was actually determined to win.

It seemed that King Anxi really loved the concubine very much.

Will give such a great pressure to a special envoy.


Not to mention the shape of the jade garment, only the emperor and high-ranking nobles can use it, even if it is really given to them, this can not be done overnight.

Moreover, this matter can not be made up by oneself.


As time passed by, the sun slowly tilted westward.

Seeing, dusk fell.

Xue Yun was concerned about the situation on the other side, and remembered what Huang Gongzi had said--

I don't like people interrupting my work.

I know that I can sit by the window and wait quietly without letting go of any subtle sounds.

But why haven't they come out yet?

She poked her head out to look outside, but a golden light pierced her eyes.

The place where they lived was surrounded by water and was surrounded by a river like a jade belt. Her residence was especially close to the river, where the sun was shining on the river, and the reflected sparkling waves were facing her.

Xue Yun stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

Seeing her caring appearance, the cloud on the side thought: "Master, do you want to go out and have a look?"

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