But just when she was about to leave his embrace, Zhu Feng's hand holding her suddenly tightened, and he embraced her again.


Xue Yun was taken aback for a moment, his face became warmer, and he raised his head to look at Zhu Feng.

However, Zhu Feng's eyes were staring straight ahead, as if a beast was observing the dangerous situation.

what happened?

Before she could react, she just followed his gaze and looked forward, and she saw behind the thick smoke, a figure suddenly jumped up.

The man was wearing a dark night clothes. Although his face was covered with black cloth, he could clearly see a pair of hateful eyes, as fierce as wild animals. When he saw Zhu Feng, his eyes suddenly became red.

A sharp knife in his hand pierced towards Zhu Feng.

"Emperor Dog, take your life!"

At this moment, Xue Yun was completely stunned.

She didn't understand what was going on, she hadn't even figured out what the words she heard mean, the sharp blade was already in front of her eyes.

With a few brushes, each one pierced Zhu Feng's vitals.

But Zhu Feng's face was not afraid, and he didn't even breathe. He was still agile in his arms around Xue Yun, avoiding left and right.

With each knife, they almost wiped the corners of their clothes.

The man missed a few hits, and his heart became more and more angry. Suddenly the knife in his hand flashed, and he cut it directly at Xue Yun in Zhu Feng's arms.


Xue Yun watched the shimmering blade close in front of her, she whispered in horror and closed her eyes.

However, the expected pain did not come.

Instead, I heard a muffled hum, and at this moment there was a trace of tremor in the arms that were holding him, which were originally rock solid.

Xue Yun hurriedly opened his eyes.

But he was shocked to see that Zhu Feng unexpectedly flashed away and blocked the knife with his arm.

The sharp blade directly left a deep wound on his arm, blood spewed out, and his sleeves were dyed red all at once.


Xue Yun exclaimed.

Zhu Feng's brows also frowned.

At that moment, the knife almost pierced Xue Yun's throat. He had no choice but to help her block the knife, but when the arm was injured, the movement slowed down, and the man hurt himself at first sight. , Immediately culled toward him more brutally.

"I want your life!"

When Zhu Feng stepped back, he felt a heat wave hitting behind him, and there was already a scene of fire behind him.

No refunds!

He wrinkled his brows and saw that the man swung a knife to kill him, but at this moment, Xue Yun suddenly raised his hand, and a dark thing flew towards the man's face.

Heard the man issued a scream: "ah -!"

Looking closely, the dark thing turned out to be a fist-sized stone, hitting the man's face directly, knocking down the black cloth, and bleeding from the nose!

Before that, Xue Yun picked up the stone to smash the door lock.

The moment she saw Zhu Feng, she was so excited that she even forgot that she was still holding a stone in her hand. On the way, being held by Zhu Feng like this, she had forgotten the existence of this thing.

Until this moment, Zhu Feng's life and death were at stake, and she subconsciously lost it.

The man was beaten to blood by her, and he stretched out his hand and wiped his blood.

Suddenly the whole face turned savage, and he cursed: "Fuck, I even killed you!"

At this moment, Zhu Feng said solemnly: "Hold tight!"

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