After walking out of this lobby and stepping out of the small bridge, I immediately saw a familiar figure standing in the courtyard, with a few soldiers following her.

No one else, it was Ran Xiaoyu who came by order.

She was still carrying a small baggage on her back, and she was surprised to look at the originally beautiful scenery, but at the moment, many places were broken down by the fire.

A look of doubt and worry.

Turning his head to see him walking over, that pretty baby face suddenly raised something that was clearly smiling, and his eyes lit up: "Ye Yu——"

Ye Xun couldn't control his expression for a moment.

I don't know what expressions should be used to treat her.

Since waking up, she has been taking good care of herself and is also very attentive. Compared with the past, she has indeed changed a lot, although-the taste of the little pepper has not changed.

But no matter what, she shouldn't be here right now!

Ye Xu immediately stepped forward: "Why are you here?"

Ran Xiaoyu said, "What happened here? It really happened, right? The people you sent back didn't tell the truth, right?"


Ye Xu's eyes flashed: "You, do you know?"

A little anger floated on Ran Xiaoyu's face, and said: "It was the empress who guessed it."


"Do you know how worried she is?"


"What's the matter with you? Why don't you tell the truth?"

Ye Wei only felt that the first and the two were big. This was not the time to explain to her slowly. He immediately said: "You, don't ask first, I will find a place for you to settle down first, and I will talk later. My side I'm still busy."

However, just as soon as his voice fell, he heard Nata's voice coming from behind him.

"Master Ye, what are you doing?"

Upon hearing his voice, Ye Yu's back numb.

Turning around, they found it strange that Nada and the others had all walked out of the open hall. Naturally, Zhu Feng and Ying Shao could not be completely relieved, and they all followed.

A group of people came over and saw Ran Xiaoyu at a glance.

Na replied, "This girl is—"

At the same time, Ran Xiaoyu also saw Zhu Feng in the crowd at a glance!

Moreover, it is Zhu Feng in the clothes of a guard!

Her eyes became round suddenly.

How is this going?

Seeing this, Ye Qi immediately felt a cold sweat burst out.


Ran Xiaoyu didn't know anything, if they shouted something, wouldn't they give up all of their work?

At this moment, Ran Xiaoyu's mind turned quickly. Although she still didn't understand what was going on, she immediately saluted the person who came by.

"Meet all envoys."

"you are--"

Just when Ran Xiaoyu was choked and didn't know what to say, Ye Yu suddenly took the lead and said, "This is-Jiani!"


A gust of wind blew past the Lotus Heart Hall.

In this weird silence, Ran Xiaoyu only felt a buzz in her head, as if something had exploded. She couldn't believe her ears, and turned to look at Ye Wei.

He, what did he say?

He said--

Even Zhu Feng, who was accustomed to strong winds and waves, was shocked at this moment, and looked at Ran Xiaoyu with a bewildered look. He couldn't help pursing his lips and stood quietly in the crowd without speaking.

When the envoy heard it, he immediately laughed.

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be Mrs. Ye. No wonder Lord Ye just said it was a'housework'."

"Yeah, hahaha."

"But why didn't you see Mrs. Ye yesterday?"


Ran Xiaoyu was still looking at Ye Xun, and Ye Xun was also in a cold sweat. He couldn't help but reached out and wiped his forehead. He smiled and said, "That's it. She didn't come before, but something happened last night. She was worried. I specially came from the captain's mansion to give me clothes."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and winked at Ran Xiaoyu's neck.

"Okay, go and rest first."


"This clothes will be changed when the officer returns."


Ran Xiaoyu's face was red and white, tangled for a while, and finally gave him a blessing gently: "Yes, husband, husband..."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Special envoy Nata smiled and said, "Master Ye acted decisively and used soldiers like a god. It turned out that there was a good help from inside."

"Hehe, too, too."

"However, since Madam Ye is here, why not go to the banquet together?"


Ye Xu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead again.

The other party really regarded Ran Xiaoyu as his wife, and he wanted to invite her to a dinner together.

But Ran Xiaoyu has just come here, and is not familiar with everything here, what should I do if something is revealed? Moreover, her temper is straight to the end, and a word is wrong, I am afraid it will cause trouble.

Unfortunately, the special envoy Nata came over with a smile and said to Ran Xiaoyu: "Mrs. Ye, let's go to the banquet together."

Gu Yiyou narrated his words on the side and frowned.

Thinking of a way to refuse.

When the scene was a little stalemate, Ran Xiaoyu smiled at the special envoy Nata at Hudi and said, "Thank you, the special envoy. However, this banquet was hosted by the husband of your country’s special envoy, and the concubine attended. , Something is wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"Besides the husband, the concubine is in charge, and the husband and the envoy are talking about important matters that benefit the country and the people. If the concubine is present, wouldn't it cause trouble?"


"So, please ask special envoy Mo to be modest."

After speaking, she smiled at Ye Yi: "Husband, since the banquet is not over, the concubine will go down first."


At this moment, Ye Qi was stunned.

He didn't expect Ran Xiaoyu to speak like that, and he said something so impeccably that the envoys had nothing to say.

One by one sighed, "It's really a good help."

Ye Yu looked at Ran Xiaoyu, was silent for a while, cleared his throat, and said to the soldiers beside him: "General, please invite your wife to rest in the room over there. The officer will come back later."


Ran Xiaoyu blessed the special envoys again, then turned around and followed the soldiers.

Ye Xu kept watching her walk away.

Then he turned his head and smiled at Nadda and them: "It's okay, let's go back and drink."

As a result, everyone smiled and returned to the banquet.

On this side, Ran Xiaoyu took a long sigh of vain as soon as she walked away. She was scared out of her cold sweat just now, but something really happened.

Fortunately, she was suppressed and did not say directly.

A few soldiers led her to the courtyard on the other side. Ran Xiaoyu looked around. It was obvious that the hall was on fire, but the place was obviously not damaged.

She secretly said, "I have to ask Ye Wei later what happened."

Just thinking about it, passing by a room.

The door opened, and a familiar figure walked out of it.

"you are--"

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