At this time, Xue Yun took a step forward.

"Wait a minute."

As soon as his words fell, the tall horse suddenly raised its neck, struggling to throw it away from Zhu Feng's hands.

Zhu Feng hurriedly reached out and grabbed the reins.

In normal times, this little thing is nothing to him, but as soon as he grasped the rein tightly, his arm suddenly felt numb, his hand softened, and the rein suddenly dropped.

The horse hissed, and immediately ran away.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this situation, Ying Shao, who had been waiting by the side, hurriedly flew forward and grabbed the rein, holding it firmly in his hand. The horse was still ringing its nose restlessly, stomping its front hoof constantly, trying to break free, but No matter how she shook her head, she couldn't open Ying Shao's grasp.

Gradually, it settled down.

Zhu Feng frowned, watching the horse swaying his head untamedly, with a sense of wanting to struggle, but Ye Xun and the others were already frightened and hurried up.

"Emperor, are you okay?"


Zhu Feng held his arm and stared at the horse silently.

After all, it was just delivered to them, and the horse recognized its birth, I'm afraid it will take some effort.

But his own hands--

Xue Yun walked behind him and said softly, "Your Majesty, it's better not to ride a horse today."

Zhu Feng looked at her: "What is going on with me?"

"Last night the villain reminded your Majesty that although the trauma has been healed, there are still some sequelae that require rest and recuperation to heal. But your Majesty has not rested well in the past two days. Just like that, it is a sequelae."


"I'm afraid it will take another day or two to disappear."


"I just stopped talking, just want to tell your Majesty that if you want to go back to the Queen of Shazhou without showing any flaws in front of your noble concubine, your Majesty should not ride horses today."


Zhu Feng frowned.

You know, if it is normal, he will never care about this little injury or illness, this horse, he will definitely tame it and let it obediently.

But Xue Yun's words reminded him.

After riding a horse like this one day, the injury on her arm would be more serious. If she went back to show her timidity in front of Nan Yan, she would be even more worried.

Standing on the side, Ye Wei said hurriedly when he heard this, "If the emperor is like this, you must never ride a horse."


"The emperor doesn't want the empress to worry, does he?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while and looked up, only to see a carriage slowly approaching the door.

That was what they prepared for Xue Yun.

Before Xue Yun was on the way to Shazhouwei, the carriage was stuck in the mud and had to be discarded. He also knew that she could not ride a horse, so he ordered another carriage for her in Bailong City.

But I didn't think that I actually wanted to--

He looked back at Xue Yun, and after saying those things to him, Xue Yun turned his head and stopped speaking.

He hesitated for a while, only Shen Shen said: "Get in the car."

The carriage just reached the gate.

Although Zhu Feng's arms were still a little numb, he didn't have to struggle to get into the car, and he got into the car with a healthy body.

He sat inside.

At this moment Xue Yun also came over, she hesitated a bit, but hesitating was useless at this moment.

So he reached out and grabbed the armrest, trying hard to get into the car.

It just doesn't have enough strength to fall down.


She whispered, Zhu Feng hurriedly reached out and grabbed her.

The hand suddenly numb.

He gritted his teeth and pulled her into the carriage.

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