Zhu Feng smiled and said, "You say this name again."

"Read it again?"

Nan Yan frowned slightly, not understanding the intention of his move, but still obediently obedient, saying: "Jade-door-closed."

When she said these three words again, she gave a groan in her heart.

Yu... the door is closed?


There was a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she suddenly understood what was coming. She raised her head to look at Zhu Feng. Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Understood?"

Nan Yan said, "Yumen, so this place is actually named for transporting jade?"


Zhu Feng nodded and said, "The name Yumenguan is proof."


"So I suspect that the jade used to make the jade suit is exactly the Hetian jade produced in Hotan. If the Yumen Pass is really for making the jade suit, a large amount of Hetian jade is mined and shipped to the Central Plains, then there will be some The remains of this thing, or legend."


"So, on a whim, I wanted to see it."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It turned out to be Tong Si's more than a year ago."

Zhu Feng also smiled and said, "Thanks to him for having more words."

As he said, he lowered his voice again, and said to Nan Yan: "Although his hands are useless, it can be seen that he is knowledgeable, and his experience and experience are not inferior to many officials in the DPRK."

Nan Yan was very familiar with these words.

She whispered: "The emperor wants to do it for him?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while before saying: "Hongyou Temple needs such talents."

Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of it, she didn't ask for this official to help Tong Si Nian, nor did the family guarantee him for Tong Si Nian, but the emperor himself wanted to give it to him.

Moreover, although Feng Guangyu, the last officer of the Honghe Temple, had a good official voice, he was influenced by his daughter Feng Qianyan and later seemed to be demoted. It was indeed more difficult to do if there was no principal in Honghe Temple.

She thought for a while, then said, "But the emperor must be cautious."


"His hand after all—"

Hearing this, Zhu Feng also pondered.

Tong Sinian's hands are indeed a big problem.

If it is another minor disability, it may be possible to conceal the past temporarily, but if one hand is broken, it cannot be concealed in any way. Moreover, Hongyousiqing is facing foreign diplomatic relations, which also represents the face of Yan country. .

Zhu Feng hesitated for a while and murmured: "I have such an idea."


"It's okay, wait until you go back and consider it carefully."

Nan Yan nodded.

The two of them rested for a while, then talked and laughed for a while. Although the road was not very plain, Nan Yan's spirit had been good.

In a blink of an eye, the setting sun slanted west.

Zhu Feng looked down at her, the curtains were blown up by the wind, and the golden sunlight that leaked in was shining on Nan Yan's face.


Nan Yan smiled and shook his head: "The incense that Xue Yun gave to him is really good."


"The concubine feels that it's more comfortable than staying in the captain's house."

Zhu Feng smiled, and looked at the small incense burner in the corner. The curl of green smoke rising from it filled the carriage, and the elegant aroma was indeed refreshing.

He murmured: "Her medical skills are really good."


Nan Yan glanced at him.

At this moment, there was a sound of horse hooves outside, and both of them turned their heads, and saw Ye Wei riding a horse from the front to the window, moving in with the carriage.

Zhu Feng said: "What's the matter?"

Ye Xu said, "My lord, Yumen Pass is in front of you."

When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately raised the curtain and poked his head out.

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