Nan Yan took out something and handed it to him.

"The emperor should return this to Xue Yun."

When Zhu Feng looked down, it was a somewhat familiar handkerchief, and he immediately remembered that this was Xue Yun's handkerchief.

At that time, they went to Dongxitang for medical treatment. When Xue Yun first asked Nanyan to diagnose the pulse, he used this handkerchief to cover Nanyan’s wrist, but later, Nanyan took this handkerchief away because of this. , The two of them had a misunderstanding, and there was a cold war for a while.

Later, when the misunderstanding was clarified, Nan Yan took the handkerchief away.

He also forgot about it.

Now, suddenly taking out this thing, Zhu Feng was taken aback, and then said: "You said, give this back to Xue Yun?"


Nan Yan smiled and said, "The concubine had forgotten this before. It was this time that she was going back to Beijing. Tongyun found it when they packed their luggage. They were shocked, thinking that the concubine had taken the man's things."


"Concubine thought for a while, or give it back to her, lest—"

Having said that, she smiled: "Causes misunderstanding."

Zhu Feng said, "Can you just give it back to her?"

Nan Yan looked at Zhu Feng, as if something else flashed in her eyes in her smile, Zhu Feng felt that she seemed to have something to say, but she wanted to stop.

After a long while, he only smiled softly: "The emperor should return it to her."


Zhu Feng was silent for a while.

Reached out to take the veil and said, "Never mind."

He put the handkerchief away and looked at Nanyan. At this time, the sun was about to set, and the outline of the tall Tucheng in the distance gradually became blurred. Under the dim light, his eyes brightened a bit, watching. When Nan Yan, it flickered slightly.

Reached out and touched Nan Yan's hair, then said, "You can rest well."


"Pregnant, don't think too much."

Nan Yan also looked at him, then smiled and said, "Concubine knows."

Zhu Feng told Ran Xiaoyu and the others a few more words, then walked over by himself, stepped on horseback, and quickly led a team of people to the Yumen Pass in the distance.

Nan Yan poked her head out and looked at that group of people. There was indeed a figure slower than the others. He was obviously a novice. He was a little fearful when riding the horse. The thin figure was on the back of the horse. It was also vacillating. In the first few moments, he almost got off his horse.

However, she was extremely stubborn, not even saying a word, just following them.

Soon, he also blended into the figure of that team.

Nan Yan just watched, silently.

Zhu Feng's horses were fast, and the sun set faster. After a while, only a faint light and shadow were left on the horizon, and the entire northwestern land was quickly plunged into darkness at a speed visible to the eyes.

They are like Kuafu chasing the sun.

Nan Yan watched for a long time before sighing softly, feeling a faint restless restlessness in her belly. She lowered her head and glanced at her belly, and said angrily and funny: "What do you want to change?"

"It's all because of you, so I can't go over and see the true appearance of Yumen Pass."

There was another stirring in my stomach.

Nan Yan couldn't help but laughed, and then said, "So restless, do you want to go too? But you are too young now, and my mother can't ignore you and follow."

"When you are born, grow up."

"If you really can do what your father wants, you are a boy, then in the future this land will have you galloping horizontally, as long as—"

As she spoke, her eyes flashed slightly.

"As long as your life is smoother, don't have too many accidents."


On the other side, Zhu Feng took the lead. Behind him were Ye Xuan and Yingshao. They led a team of people and galloped continuously. Finally, they could follow behind him. The horses' hoofs in a row raised the dust in the sky and let the original The dark sky was darker because of the setting of the sun.

Soon, they arrived under Tucheng.

Zhu Feng's horse stopped in front of a boulder.

The surrounding stones emerged from the ground in various shapes and strange shapes. Only this one was obviously carved and was three or four feet high. From a distance, it looked like a giant standing on the wasteland.

It was only then that I could see that it was a boundary marker.

Hardened by the wind and sand, the words on it have worn out a lot.

Zhu Feng looked up and was silent, but Ye Xun followed, looked up, and said, "Wang-mouth-heaven."

Zhu Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Turning around and glaring at him: "You will read it to me again."

Ye Wei smiled happily, and then said: "Weichen is just a smile from Bo Huang. This is the three characters Yumenguan."

However, after being tempered by the wind and sand, only the incomplete "Wangkoutian" was left.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him.

It was Xue Yun who reluctantly rode up to follow. After hearing this, she only panted and smiled: "Master Ye is right. The king swallows the world."

Zhu Feng glanced back at her, but said nothing.

Ye Yu smiled and said, "Master Xue is really a close friend."

Xue Yun arched his hands at him.

Zhu Feng turned his head again and looked at the tall city gate in front of him. He said that it was the city gate, but it was actually a huge earth hole. The wooden gate had been decayed and peeled off, but the entrance was huge, about ten meters high, which shows that it was intact. At the time, this must be a magnificent gate.

It is a magnificent castle outside the Great Wall.

Thousands of years ago, during the reign of Emperor Wu, the country was strong and trade with the Western Regions was very close. As such a fortress, Yumen Pass was also an important gateway on the road to transport Hetian jade. It is conceivable how prosperous it was back then.

It's just that thousands of years have passed.

After so many years of tempering, the baptism of war, including the change of the emperor's foreign policy in the Central Plains, the Silk Road gradually declined, and this pass has gradually disappeared from people's sight.

So that no one cares about this earth city.

A gust of wind blew out from the inside, and because of the empty city, the wind screamed, as if someone was roaring low, and it was empty.

At this time, the sun has completely set.

The surroundings suddenly became dark, and the huge gate was really like a big mouth in the twilight, waiting to be swallowed.

I just don't know what it can swallow.

What's in the mouth?

Zhu Feng looked back at everyone, and then said, "Are you ready?"

Everyone responded in unison, and Zhu Feng looked at Xue Yun again, only to see that she looked up at the three characters on the incomplete boundary monument, and then at the huge Tumen.

There was a trace of confusion in his expression.

Hearing Zhu Feng’s question, she paused for a while, and then softly replied: "Ready."

Zhu Feng glanced at her again, did not say anything, only raised his hand: "Go!"

Immediately, everyone rode horses and followed him into the gate.

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