There was sadness and even some fear in his eyes.

"The result is that they all rarely end well."

"A rare good death?"

"Yes," said Old Wen with a sad face: "Although we have not seen the past, we have indeed heard that after our ancestors, people constantly wanted to leave this deserted city and go outside. Look at the world, but in the end, they all return to this Yumen Pass."


"And after coming back, they all died soon."


"It's like—my mother."


When he said these words, his expression was also very sad. It seemed that the whole person's spirit was plunged into a sad past, and he muttered: "At that time, she really couldn't stand it. To live a lifetime in this deserted place, she must leave Yumen Pass. ."


"Her father, the old grandfather, couldn't bear to let her leave her life."


"At that time, he thought that so many people have already spent their lives here. If his daughter can really leave, perhaps the suffering of the Wen family will end here."

Hearing this, Xue Yun's eyes were filled with sympathy and pity.

She asked softly: "What happened?"


Old Wen smiled bitterly: "She did leave, but after a few years, she still returned to Yumen Pass."


"She was pregnant when she came back."

Xue Yundao: "It's—"

Old Wen nodded and said, "It's me."


"She came back pregnant, but she never mentioned where she went, what happened to her in those years, and what she met—people."


"Especially, my father..."


"She never mentioned a word."


"She is as if her heart is dead, and soon after giving birth to decay, she died in depression."


"and so--"

"and so,"

Zhu Feng frowned, in a low voice, and said hoarsely: "You still stay at Yumen Pass, like every generation in the past, guarding the word'Jade'."

Old Wen said solemnly: "Yes."

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent and stopped talking.

Old Wen went on to say: "The Wen family members, in the end, there is only one destination, that is—"

As he spoke, he looked out the door again.

In the dark night, the quiet cemetery seemed to be telling this sad period.

Zhu Feng said: "Then you, will you stay here with peace of mind?"



"When the old man heard his grandfather talk about his mother's past, he also became afraid of the outside world. Although sometimes, he was really lonely, but he didn't dare to go out easily. Later, the old man met an orphan girl who lived here, and She got married and gave birth to two children."

Obviously, it was Xiao Seventeen's father and the man just now.

Zhu Feng asked: "Then, your two sons are—"

Old Wen had tears in his eyes, and said in pain, "Unfortunately, they are also unwilling to rest. The aging eldest son is the father of this child."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and stroked Xiao Shiqi’s hair. Xiao Shishi opened a pair of bright eyes and looked at him blankly. He didn't seem to realize that these stories in his mouth brought him and his people How much suffering has come.

Old Wen continued: "He also wanted to see the outside world, so he left."

Zhu Feng said: "When did it happen?"

"A few years ago."

"Then he—"

"Who knows, not long after I went out, I met the sand bandits."


Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and did not speak.

Obviously, it was the sand bandits who had just been eradicated by them.

With tears, Elder Wen said: "The old man really didn't worry about him. He wanted to go out and have a look. As a result, he saw his body not far from here. It was already broken."


"Old, old dragged him back and buried him in the ancestral grave."


"It's a pity that he wanted to leave Yumen Pass that way, but he couldn't get out after all."

Zhu Feng was silent and did not speak, but clenched his fists slightly.

He couldn't help thinking, if he acted earlier, and if he could get rid of the evil sand bandits in Reyue Bend earlier, would the people here suffer less harm.

Maybe Xiao Qi's father will not die.

This grandfather and grandson will not be so lonely and helpless.

He let out a sigh of relief and said, "Evil should be eliminated as soon as possible."

Ye Wei and the others naturally understood the emotional meaning of his words, they didn't speak, and there was a bit of pain in their eyes.

Zhu Feng said again: "Then your little son is also because of that change--"

"no, he is not."

Old Wen shook his head and said, "He was injured. That was more than 20 years ago."


Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng's breath sank slightly.

More than twenty years ago.

Yumen Pass more than 20 years ago?

There was something flickering in his eyes, but it was well hidden by his calm expression, but when he spoke, his voice was slightly astringent, and he said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

That old man finally stopped crying, his sleeve dried the tears from the corner of his eyes, and then said: "It is related to the second sentence on the stone tablet."

"The second sentence?"

Zhu Feng thought about it for a while and said softly: "Hidden by the smoke?"


"What does it mean?"

"This sentence was also left by the old Taoist priest. For so many years, the Wen family members have followed the first sentence, but we still don't understand the second sentence. The ancestors even guessed that this sentence The'smoke' in may refer to the flames of war."


"Originally, after the fall of Yumen Pass, the Central Plains was caught in a long war."


"We live here in seclusion, although we are isolated from the world, we haven't been involved in it, and we haven't been affected more.


"It's just that, more than twenty years ago, this sentence was fulfilled again."

Zhu Feng asked immediately: "How did it happen?"

Old Wen said: "The old man can't remember what day it was. I only remember that time. We hadn't seen strangers for a long time. Yumen Pass has been at least a few years without any travelers or merchants passing by."


"But on that day, we suddenly saw in the distance a puff of green smoke rose."


"My idiot, he didn't have the disease at the time. He was also full of yearning for the outside world. He suddenly saw fireworks outside and knew that someone was outside, so he wanted to go out and see."

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