After a long while, I heard Zhu Feng say: "It's not impossible to ask me to explain you."


"But you have to answer me a question first."

As soon as he heard this, Old Wen was so panicked that he knelt on the ground and walked a few steps forward. He almost walked in front of Zhu Feng and said again and again: "Ask the emperor. The old man knows everything and says nothing."


"Just ask the emperor to release us and let this child--"

He said, looking at Xiao Seventeen who was still at a loss with tears, and said sadly: "Let him look at the sky outside."

Zhu Feng said: "My problem is not difficult."


"You have just said several times that you often exchange some life needs with merchants, even medicinal materials?"

"Yes, it is."

Old Wen eagerly said: "The cups and dishes in this house, we can't beat the wolves and can't eat meat and food in the famine years. We are also looking for opportunities to exchange with those merchants."

Zhu Feng said: "What do you want to change with them?"


Hearing this question, Old Wen was taken aback.

But he immediately recovered, reached out his hand and touched Xiao Seventeen who was kneeling on the ground with him, and said, "Hurry up and get the film out."

The little seventeen was also clever, and when he heard his grandfather's order, he immediately got up and burst into the back room like a puff of smoke.

He only listened to the inside, as if looking for something.

Ye Xun stood aside and heard him say "film", somehow he moved in his heart, looked at Zhu Feng, Zhu Feng also glanced at him, the two of them were silent.

After a while, Xiao Seventeen was holding something in both hands and ran out of it.

Old Wen said, "Grandpa, I've got it."

Old Wen hurriedly said: "Quickly, show your Majesty the Emperor."


Xiao Seventeen obediently walked to Zhu Feng's reluctance, put his two small hands together, and carefully held them in front of Zhu Feng: "Look."

Zhu Feng looked down--

I saw a piece of jade in the palms of his little muddy hands.

Said it is jade, to be precise, it is a jade brand that has been polished.

The jade plate is about two inches square, and the color is emerald green and transparent, and you can see it is a piece of fine Hetian jade.

Zhu Feng held his breath and carefully picked it up from the child's hand.

After looking carefully for a long time, he tapped again with his fingers.

As the book says: warm and moist, meticulous to chestnut; its sound is like gold, clear and longer.

Zhu Feng's breath sank slightly and said, "This is - Hetian Yu?"

Old Wen said carefully: "Yes."


"At the beginning, Yumen Pass was the main pass for mining and transporting jade in Hotan. It was not just a pass. I heard from our ancestors that there were some jade. After the ore was mined, it fainted at Yumen Pass for processing and carving. It was not until it was carved into such a shape. Ship it back."


"Later, when Yumen Pass fell, all the people from the court were evacuated, and some things were taken away."


"However, this kind of jade has been left here."


When Zhu Feng touched the jade with his fingers, he seemed to be able to find out the vicissitudes of thousands of years of history from the warm texture. He asked: "Such Hetian jade is invaluable in many places. Why is it left behind?"

Old Wen thought for a while, and said, "Why is it, Lao Xie is not clear."


"It's just faintly listening to Grandpa mentioning it, it seems it's because - ominous."


There was a little sparkle in Zhu Feng's eyes: "Why ominous?"

Old Wen said: "Well, the old man really doesn't know. I just remembered that when Yumen Pass was still prosperous, burial was popular among the folks. This jade might be used for burial. Since it is a thing of the dead, naturally not many people are willing. Contaminated."


"In addition, the old ancestor has already lost a bet with the old Taoist priest. He wants to stay here. He knows that the land is sparsely populated. If you don't hoard something, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to live on."


"So, he secretly hid many such jade medals."


"It's just that, after so long, we don't have much left."

Zhu Feng held the jade plaque in his hand, and raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing what he said.

This old Wen, there is obviously something hidden in his words. If he wants to come, his ancestors should not hide, but steal a lot of such jade medals. You must know that human greed is the most terrible in the world, let alone it. Things that are ready for burial, even if they are really in the tomb of the dead, once people become poor, they will steal it!

And he so eagerly hopes that Zhu Feng will release them...

For one thing, he should also feel sorry for his grandson, hoping that he can regain his freedom.

Secondly, I'm afraid a very important reason is that in his last sentence, there are not many jade cards left.

The eldest son is dead, and the younger son is suffering from that kind of dementia. Adding to the fact that he is more than a few years old and the younger seventeen is so young, he knows how long a jade medal can last.

However, this is the end of the matter, needless to say.

They are pitiful enough.

So, Zhu Feng shook his hand, pinched the jade card in his palm, and said: "Okay, you can leave here with me. There is only one thing—"

Hearing what he said, Old Wen was surprised and delighted, and couldn't wait to say: "What is the emperor's order?"

Zhu Feng looked back at the back room again.

The curtain of the door hung down, and it was so quiet that the people in the room were clearly asleep, and he could hear his even and heavy snoring from time to time.

Zhu Feng said: "You have to stay in the capital."


"I will arrange for you to live, arrange for people to serve you, and even—" His tone sank slightly: "Arrange for someone to treat your little son."


Old Wen opened his eyes in astonishment.

He thought that Zhu Feng had any conditions, but when he reached his level, there was nothing he could not agree to, and he could not lose. He even thought that even if the emperor wanted his life, he could give it with both hands.

Just let the Wen family free themselves from the premonitions that have bound them for generations.

However, he did not expect it.

Zhu Feng actually put forward such conditions-

Why arranging homes, arranging manpower for them, and helping his idiots to treat their illnesses?

This, is this he dreaming?

How could such a good thing happen?

Old Wen couldn't believe his ears. He stared at Zhu Feng with wide eyes. After a long while, he said tremblingly: "The emperor, is it true?"

Zhu Feng said lightly: "You have no jokes."

Elder Wen was so excited that he hurriedly pulled Xiao Seventeen to his knees, and repeatedly kowtow: "Thank you, the emperor! Thank you, emperor!"

Zhu Feng nodded.

Looking outside again, he was already out of sight.

He said: "Let's change it back."

Old Wen was taken aback and looked up at him: "The emperor, want to go back?"

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