In the darkness, a tall figure slowly walked out from behind the stone pillar.

Although the torch had been extinguished just now, the moonlight above his head and the bonfire shining in the distance made Nan Yan instantly recognize the figure who was not completely unfamiliar.

And the moment she saw that face clearly, her breathing stopped.


What appeared in front of her was a familiar face.

This face is square and handsome, and his profound features make his expression always look extra vivid. For example, at this moment, the sky is full of stars and the moon is hanging high, which makes the expression in his eyes show a bit of longing and urgency.

It seems to be so happy to see myself again.

But once Nan Yan recognized that face, the fear in her heart was immediately replaced by anger. She could only sneer at his almost real emotion.

After all, she knew it was all fake.

Because this person, just like his monarch before, has been using his life experience to deceive himself, deceived his family affection, in order to trap her into the bottomless abyss of Nanli Wang.


Nan Yan called out the name in a deep voice.

As for the other party, the original thick voice, but now with a little excitement, said softly: "Nan Yan,"

I don't know if it was because he had been in this wasteland for too long, and the wind had been blowing for too long, so he caught a cold. When he called her name, although his voice was smiling, it was also a little hoarse.

It is more desolate.

"long time no see."

Although Ye Feng was cold, the other party's tone was all gentle.

But she still couldn't make Nan Yan feel warm. On the contrary, her eyes immediately became alert and hostile, and she said solemnly, "Why are you here?"

Moreover, it appeared here on such a night.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan only felt her back numb, and she looked around subconsciously. Although there were only the slopes and stone pillars, she suddenly became a little afraid. She didn't know how many people were hiding in these places.

She said vigilantly: "What are you going to do?!"

Ajislan looked at her silently.

Those eyes seemed to tell something, but the sky was too dark, and with Nan Yan's mood, she didn't understand at all.

He only took a step back on guard.

But at this retreat, she immediately kicked a stone behind, and her whole body fell on its back.


At this moment, Ajislan hurried up with a stride, protected her, and hugged her into his arms.

He looked down at her carefully: "Are you okay?"

Nan Yan was also taken aback, but immediately pushed him away with both hands. He didn't back up anymore. He only reached out his hand to support the stone pillar next to him, stabilized his figure, and then looked at Aris again with a guarded look. Orchid.

"What do you want to do?"


"Why are you here?"


"Do you want to attack us? Or, have you ambushed in Yumen Pass?"


"You, do you want to be against the emperor?!"

At this point, Nan Yan's eyes were red, and the hand holding Shizhu immediately clenched into a fist, gritted his teeth and said: "Are you here to deal with us?"


Ajislan listened quietly to her finishing these words.

The expression seemed helpless.

After a long while, he seemed to smile bitterly, and then said: "Don't be afraid."


"I just came to see you."

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