"I never thought of hurting you from start to finish."


Hearing his words, Nan Yan just sneered.

Ajislan said: "What are you laughing at?"

"Never thought of hurting me?"

Nan Yan repeated this sentence in a sarcasm, and then said slowly: "Then, please remember your Highness Nanli King, what were you thinking when your army attacked Beiping?"


"When you use my ignorance to deceive my life experience, what are you thinking?"


"What were you thinking when you got rid of Beili King Asig by using me, who was pregnant with Liujia?"

She pressed each sentence, and Ajislan's complexion sank little by little.

Finally, Nan Yan looked at him with a sneer.

"I'm always thinking, can Ashig take me away and help me insulate the baby?"

Speaking of all their deception and harm to her, this incident is the deepest thorn in her heart.

Ajislan's expression changed, as if the mask on his face was hit, suddenly shattered.

His smile was a little unsustainable.

Nan Yan said coldly, "If it hurts me, it hurts me. What's hard to admit."


"I am like this. If you recognize me, you can't kill you with a single knife. At any rate, King Nanli still has a reputation for being daring, why not?"


Ajislan looked at her silently for a long time, and finally smiled.

This smile no longer had the solemnity it had before.

On the contrary, after really confessing something, the whole person was relieved.

While smiling, he shook his head and looked at Nan Yan: "No matter if my other words are true or false, but I want to see you are real, Nan Yan, be with you, really—"

He paused in the middle, as if thinking about how to describe it, and laughed for a long while.

"It's not boring at all."

"But I feel nauseous looking at you."

Nan Yan said coldly, "So, what on earth are you going to do, just talk about it."

This time, Ajislan looked at her seriously and said: "I may have lied to you before, but this time, I really did not lie to you."


Nan Yan was startled.

Ajislan said seriously: "I really just came to see you."


Nan Yan's brows frowned slightly.

She was indeed deceived by them, and the deceit was miserable, but after years of hardship, she was not quite accurate in seeing people, but she would no longer recognize people as in the past.

She felt that Ajislan's words were true.

He came here for no other purpose.


This is unreasonable.

He appeared in the camp of Emperor Yan Guo, but was not found, which shows that he really didn't bring too many people.

But he Ajislan is the king of Nanli, who is under one person and over 10,000 people. It is impossible for him to take such a risk, and it is to see himself... a completely boring and useless thing.

how is this possible?

At Shang Nanyan's suspicious eyes, Arislan smiled calmly: "In White Dragon City, I didn't do anything with you."


"At that time, if I had to do it, even if it didn't happen, at least you wouldn't come and go so safely.


"Is it like this, I still can't make you believe that I have no ill will against you this time?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, but only slightly squinted at him.

Those eyes were full of suspicion at the moment.

After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and said, "I understand."

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