"His Majesty……"

Seeing that Zhu Feng was about to leave, Xue Yun choked up and rang out with a trace of hoarse voice.

She stepped forward eagerly, and when she raised her hand, she almost touched the corner of Zhu Feng's clothes.

Zhu Feng hesitated and stopped.

He turned his head, looking at Xue Yun with a complex expression, looking at her slightly red eyes, and the eyes with tears, bewildered.

He felt that she was scared.

But it's not that I am afraid of myself.

But afraid of leaving by yourself.

He frowned slightly. Although he didn't show any impatient expression, his eyes were somewhat unbearable, but his voice was still calm, and said, "What else do you want to say?"


Xue Yun had red eyes and said dumbly: "The emperor, I am to the emperor, I actually—"



She bit her lower lip tightly and almost broke the flap of her lips. She also tasted the salty taste of blood on the tip of her tongue, which made her shudder.

She never felt this way.

It seemed that the internal organs were all entangled in a ball, as if it was pain, but that kind of pain produced an inexplicable impulse, which made her want to vent all the feelings deep in her heart.

She wants to tell him!

When she looked at Zhu Feng again, tears as salty as blood came out again.

Actually, what else should I say?

He knew it.

He should have known.

He had known his identity a long time ago, and by this moment, his words had already reached this point, how could he not understand his own mind.

But even so, Zhu Feng still didn't say a word, just looked at her lightly.

Indeed, he knew it a long time ago.

Since they met again, when he rescued Xue Yun from the quagmire, she looked into his eyes; from the fire in the Lianxin Guild Hall, she desperately rushed to the sea of ​​fire to rescue him; since then, every time they met, Xue Yun's eyes were still trying to talk.

What else does he not understand?

As an emperor, there is never a lack of women around him.

Even if he faded away from the emperor's identity, as a man, he had seen too many women give him such a look.

In the past, how did he look at such eyes?

When he thought of it, he took it lightly.

After all, women are too common for him, and too many. The ring is fat and thin, and the country is beautiful. He does not reject beauty, but it is not too fond of it. After all, for an emperor, if a man Indulging in beauty is the beginning of the country's subjugation

The only one that made him "fascinated" was Nan Yan.


When he thought of Nan Yan, he suddenly felt a rush of confusion in his mind, and many pictures flashed vaguely in front of him, as if it were Nan Yan's shadow, but after careful identification, it was Xue Yun in front of him.

She looks desperate for herself.

She looked at herself, her eyes glowing.

She faced herself, shy and timid.


Xue Yun...

Nan Yan was in his heart, but Xue Yun was in front of him.

Zhu Feng frowned involuntarily.

He stepped forward and walked in front of Xue Yun, looked down at the tearful eyes, was silent for a long time, and slowly reached out and stroked her eyes.


At this moment, Xue Yun's heartbeat almost stopped.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhu Feng with great excitement. He looked down at her eyes and said in a deep voice, "Tonight, it's too long."

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