At this moment, Ye Hao walked in from outside.

He was originally anxious to come in to report, but in a hurry, he forgot to report in advance. As soon as he came in, he saw this scene, scared him to "oops", and hurriedly covered his eyes and walked out.

Zhu Feng immediately turned his head and glared.

Although Ye Yin escaped quickly and the tent fell, Zhu Feng's eyes were like a knife, and he shivered through the tent, not knowing whether he should go in again.

I could only hesitate and said: "The emperor? Niangniang? The minister has something to report."

Only then did I hear Zhu Feng's angry saying: "Come in!"

Ye Xu smiled happily, and then carefully opened the tent and walked in. Nan Yan's face was still a little pale, but she was a little embarrassed just like that, and only turned her face to one side.

Ye Wei smiled happily, and saluted them: "See the emperor, and see the imperial concubine."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "You're still very polite."

"Hehe, hehe."

"Let's talk about it, how is the investigation."

When talking about business matters, Ye Yu immediately put away his hippie smile, and said seriously: "The emperor, the minister has been searching around with people, and there is no trace of people and horses stationed."


"The grass colors around are very new, and only one place has been stepped on, that is the one where our brigade came."


"On the other roads, there are indeed no traces."

Hearing this, Zhu Feng frowned.

He said: "There is no large team, what about a few people?"

Ye Yu thought for a while, and said, "If there are only one or two people, it may be really difficult to find the trace. But the people we brought have been very careful. If there are more people, they will definitely be able to find out."


At this moment, Zhu Feng stopped talking.

Is it true that the other party is really only the two people they saw?

Nan Yan was also surprised.

No wonder Ajislan appeared so suddenly, it is really difficult to detect a person's whereabouts in such a wasteland. It’s just that, last night, I always thought that he was taking a lot of people and wanted to ambush, even though he promised again and again, and when he asked if he came alone, he hesitated to answer.

Now it seems that Ajislan actually brought only one person.

His courage is really too great.


Last night, Arislan was outside Yumen Pass, talking to herself all night long.

Then, the man in the cloak did not show up all night last night. Where is he and what is he doing?

She vaguely remembered that Munch took her to find the wizard, but the wizard was attacked on the way back to the sacrificial heaven, wounded and hid in the deserted city.

Later, when they entered the desert city to find him, the wizard was already dead.

After that, there was that long night.

Thinking about it now, it should be the man in the black cloak who intercepted and killed the wizard halfway, and trapped them in the deserted city with a forbidden technique.

The question is, who is that person?

At the beginning, he dealt with Munch and himself like that, but now he is with Ajislan again.

Counting it all, he should at least appear next to Ajislan after Munch and Ajislan confronted each other, but who is he?

She still remembered that after King Beili died, Munch, who was the monarch of the Kingdom of Suo, and King Arislan of Nanli divided his power, and naturally, he also gained a lot of his people and things.

Is it the person who followed Ashig in the past?

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