In her life, her life was not peaceful and smooth. Even after marrying Zhu Feng and becoming a noble concubine, she had many sleepless nights.

I have also been in tears.

Therefore, she is no stranger to this look.

That's what the woman looked like after staying up all night and crying.

She looked at Xue Yun again, her expression became complicated and solemn, especially Xue Yun's dodging gaze made her heart faintly pressed against a big rock.

Last night, she did not sleep either.

Not only did she not sleep, but she also cried.

Ye Yu, who was staying in the camp, saw that Zhu Feng had been meditating, and cautiously said in a low voice: "The emperor, although I didn't find the two people the emperor said around-I am afraid they have run away. However, Weichen was in Shazhou before When guarding, I heard some news."

"what news?"

"Within the territory of Kuo, I haven't been stable for the past two years."

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, was silent for a moment, and said, "Of course."


"Monk and Ajislan have been fighting openly and secretly since the death of King Beili. This is no longer news."

"However, their current struggle has moved from the court to the battlefield."

"Oh? You mean, they have already begun to use real swords and guns?"



"The power of Nanli King Arislan was not weak in the Kingdom of Lao. After the death of King Beili, he absorbed a lot of power, especially I heard that he won a man."


"Over the years, he has been able to fight against Munch, the emperor, because of this man."

Zhu Feng said: "Who?"

Ye Yin bent down, leaned close to his ear and whispered: "This person was heard from the spies sent to Lao when the emperor led the ministers to guard Peking."

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had heard about the guarding of Beiping a long time ago, and he also knew that at the most critical moment of the battle, Nan Yan used a fake jade seal to disrupt the military spirit of the army of the country and won in one fell swoop.

Zhu Feng said: "What else have you not told me?"

Ye Wei said hurriedly: "That incident took too long, and because it was a trivial matter, Weichen almost didn't remember it. Only just remembered it."

"Say, what person."

"There was a national teacher next to King Beili."

"National Division?"

"Yes, in those days, Ashig supported the weak, became a heavy minister, and then rebelled. I heard that it was his idea. We almost suffered from him."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "This person is so powerful, why hasn't he heard of him for so long?"

Ye Yu said: "I heard that after Ashig's death, his power and connections were divided and absorbed by the monarch of the Kingdom of Kuo, the King of Nanli, and some other imperial relatives. It is said that Ajislan originally got a flower hall. ."


"The emperor should still remember that Yihuatang was a killer raised by the royal family of the Kingdom of Sui. Not only that, they also controlled some minerals in our country of Yan, although we have cleaned up a lot since the last time the calcite happened. , But it’s difficult to completely remove it."

"This, I know."

"It can be said that getting Yihuatang was a great help for the Nanli king. But then I heard that he gave up Yihuatang just to change another person."

"That's the national teacher?"


Zhu Feng's eyes flickered, and he recalled what Nan Yan said and the figure he had just seen under the sun.

last night……

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