He asked: "Why are there fewer people?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Oh, it's the grandfather and grandson of the Wen family, and my concubine let them go first."

"Huh? How do you let them go first?"

"It's the idiot named Wen Wuyu. He was a little scared when he saw so many people. He had settled down, but he has been making trouble. Xue Yun said that maybe the people here stimulated his memory and worried him. Committed to hysteria, so my concubine let them go first."


"Anyway, they haven't walked long. Our feet are fast and we will be able to catch up soon."


"By the way, Xue Yun also followed them all the way."


Originally, Zhu Feng was walking towards the horse team. When he heard these words, his figure stopped slightly, but immediately went forward and said: "How can she follow?"

Nan Yan looked at his back and whispered softly: "The Wen family also needs someone to take care of it."


"The emperor slept so heavily here, and the concubine is worried that if the emperor is uncomfortable, let Wang Baizhi stay, and over there, Xue Yun can only follow."


"The emperor... do you want her?"

Zhu Feng looked back at her, but only paused.

Then calmly said: "No."

Then he said: "You think too much."

Nan Yan smiled.

When the two people walked over, everyone was ready. Zhu Feng had a rest for a night and had enough energy. He didn't want to sit in the carriage anymore, so he got on the horse. Nan Yan's belly is already much bigger than before. , Naturally can only stay on the carriage.

As soon as I got on the carriage, I smelled a delicate fragrance.

It turned out to be the incense burner placed in the corner of the carriage, and it ignited the incense that Xue Yun had prepared for her.

Nan Yan frowned slightly and told Ran Xiaoyu: "Take this thing out."


Ran Xiaoyu hurried over, holding the incense burner and wanted to take it away, but just about to get off the car, Nan Yan suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Ran Xiaoyu looked back at her: "Niang?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, and still said, "Let it go."


Ran Xiaoyu was a little puzzled. She didn't understand what she was going to do with such capriciousness, but he obediently put the incense burner back in the corner.

Nan Yan sat on the soft cushion and watched the wispy smoke rising from the incense burner, exuding a faint fragrance diffused in the carriage. It was clearly a pleasant fragrance, but it was not just why, but it made her There was some unspeakable depression inside.

She let out a deep breath and turned her face to one side.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at Nan Yan like this, but was silent and did not speak.

The team left the desolate Yumen Pass and began to march south. Sure enough, only after walking for a long time, they met the team in front of them.

Nan Yan was worried that there would be old, young, and sick people in the Wen family, and feared that they would ride a bumpy ride, so they allocated a carriage to them. However, there were not too many people in the carriage. Except for the three of the Wen family, everyone else Is riding a horse.

Xue Yun is too.

She rode a horse behind the carriage, listening to the sound coming from behind, and when she turned her head, she saw Zhu Feng and the horse team behind him.

There was a smile on the originally gloomy face.


She hurried to ride her horse over to salute Zhu Feng, but Zhu Feng already waved her hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, your team will just follow."


Originally, she was arranged to go on the road with the Wen family's youngest three. Although Xue Yun was also concerned about their old and sick illnesses, as a healer, she was duty-bound, but she was always at a loss because she couldn't see the figure in her heart. At a loss.

Now when I see Zhu Feng, I am naturally happy.

I don't even think of being bumped by horses.

Zhu Feng glanced at her: "Are you okay riding a horse?"

Xue Yun hurriedly smiled and said, "I have been practicing for the past few days and I am already very proficient. The emperor does not have to worry."

Zhu Feng nodded.

He glanced at the carriage again and asked, "Where are the three of them?"

Xue Yun said hurriedly: "Wen Wuyu was still a little uneasy on the road. I gave him some calming medicine overnight last night. He took it and there are not too many people around him. He is now asleep."

"it is good."

Zhu Feng thought about it, and then told Ying Shao next to him: "Let them go ahead, lest he see these people around him and make trouble again. I don't want to have any more accidents on the road."

Ying Shao listened and immediately went forward to spread the word.

Xue Yun looked at the team of people being urged to move forward again, some distance from the big team, she hesitated to look at Zhu Feng: "Then, next-do you want to follow?"

After finally seeing Zhu Feng, she didn't want to leave so soon.

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Just before he had time to speak, Ran Xiaoyu's screaming voice suddenly came from the carriage behind him: "Manny, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Zhu Feng heard this sound, he frowned, hurriedly rode his horse and turned around, and leaned down beside the carriage, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The curtain shook, and I could barely see it, Ran Xiaoyu stretched out his hand to embrace Nan Yan.

She whispered: "The emperor, the lady wants to vomit again."

When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Stop!"

Nan Yan in the carriage seemed a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "The emperor, don't delay the trip for your concubine."

Zhu Feng frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Concubine, concubine just wanted to vomit, but didn't really vomit."


"The emperor should let everyone go on. The concubine is fine."

"How can this work?"

There was another silence inside, and then I heard Ran Xiaoyu say: "The emperor, why don't you let Gongzi Xue get in the car to check your pulse for your mother, isn't Gongzi Xue a master of gynecology?"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng came back to his senses.

Turned his head to look at Xue Yun.

Xue Yun naturally heard this too, hesitated for a moment, and hurried over: "Then it will be arrogant."

Ran Xiaoyu eagerly said in the carriage: "Master Xue, please."

The convoy continued to move forward, only the imperial concubine's carriage stopped for a while. After Xue Yun got off his horse, he immediately got into the imperial concubine's carriage.

The people around, some saw it, were a little strange.

A foreigner got on the chariot of the imperial concubine!

The emperor-on weekdays, the imperial concubine is the most jealous, and this time he promised.

What an anecdote.

And after Xue Yun got into the imperial concubine's carriage, the atmosphere was a bit strange, Ran Xiaoyu's complexion was cold-of course, this pretty palace lady, who was as pretty as a jade doll, had always treated herself like this.

She was not surprised.

It's just that the concubine, who has always been self-sufficient and dignified, looked a little embarrassed when she saw herself in the car.

When she didn't know it, she just bowed to Nan Yan respectfully, and then said carefully: "I'm down here to ask for your pulse, please stretch out your hand."

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