Xu Miaoyin kowtoed to the ground, and said solemnly: "The emperor, the concubine is guilty!"

Seeing this, Nan Yan was stunned.

Coming along the way, she thought about the reason why many queens would leave the capital and ran to this place to meet the holy driver, but she never thought that the queen was here to plead.

And let the dignified Queen of the Palace come to ask the emperor in this way-

What happened?

Zhu Feng's brows were also wrung, and he stepped forward and said, "Queen, what happened?"


"You get up first before talking."

As he said, he reached out to help Xu Miaoyin get up.

Xu Miaoyin was pulled by his arm and barely raised his head, looking at Zhu Feng with a heavy face, and also at Nan Yan behind Zhu Feng.

Nan Yan hurriedly bowed to her.

And Xu Miaoyin saw her already tall stomach at a glance.

It's been more than seven months.

Although Nan Yan's figure is still thin, his belly is already very impressive. Xu Miaoyin saw this, and a little light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He only buried his head deeper, and said in a deep voice: "Concubine Guilty, concubine dare not."


Zhu Feng glanced at her solemnly, and felt vaguely in his heart that things were definitely not easy this time.

After thinking for a while, he walked to the chair directly above the lobby and sat down.

Seeing this situation, Nan Yan wouldn't be right to stay here again.

Although she knew that the queen was coming, she, as a noble concubine, wanted to come over to salute the queen, but the queen would apologize to the emperor as soon as she came.

So he said softly: "The emperor, the empress, the concubine has retired first."

After speaking, he turned and left.

But at this time, Xu Miaoyin said, "Sister noble concubine, you should stay."


Nan Yan was taken aback and turned to look at her.

Only Xu Miaoyin said softly, "This matter has something to do with you."

"What, what?"

Nan Yan was shocked suddenly.

I followed Zhu Feng to patrol the northwest, and it has been half a year since I left the capital. Now what happened in the capital still has something to do with me.

When I heard that it was related to her, Zhu Feng's eyebrows had a few hanging stitch patterns.

He said to Nan Yan, "You stay too."


Nan Yan walked back anxiously, Zhu Feng raised her hand to let her sit down, but the queen was still kneeling, how dare she sit, Zhu Feng repeatedly signaled, she still insisted on standing aside.

Fortunately, there is Ran Xiaoyu behind him who has been supporting her.

Zhu Feng said: "What happened, Queen, you can say."

Xu Miaoyin said: "It's King Wei."


As soon as he heard that it was King Wei, Nan Yan's heart sank.

She was still thinking about what happened in the capital that would have something to do with her. Could it be the problem of the Si family or the Gu family? Now that she heard the words "Wang Wei", she immediately understood something.

There is only one possibility if Wang Wei has something to do with her.

Nan Yan let out a heavy sigh, trying to make her voice sound calmer, and said, "Wang Wei, what happened to him?"

Zhu Feng is strange.

He knew that his son had always been cautious and never dared to take a step beyond the thunder pond.

What can happen to him to make the queen like this?

So he asked, "What did Cheng Xuan do?"

Xu Miaoyin said: "A few days ago, Wang Wei mentioned to his concubine that he wanted to go out and have a look. The concubine had thought that he was too old. Moreover, before the emperor left, he also mentioned it to his concubine, so let King Wei go out to see more. Seeing a long experience, so my concubine agreed."

"It's okay."

"Yes, but I didn't expect that this kid went to Zhenjue Temple."

"Zhenjue Temple?"

Listening to these three words, Nan Yan felt a bit familiar, but for a while, there was a mess in his mind and could not remember.

Zhu Feng's brows were twisted: "So what?"

Xu Miaoyin said, "I didn't expect Miss Gu Jia to be there too."


Nan Yan gasped.


She just guessed that the matter might have something to do with Qingqing, but she didn't expect it to be true.

Wang Wei went to Zhenjue Temple to play, and Qingqing was there.

Is this a coincidence or—

Zhu Feng frowned, glanced at Nan Yan, and then said in a deep voice, "It's Gu Tingqiu's daughter, what's her name... Gu Qiqing's?"

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "Yes, Qingqing is considered to be the cousin of his concubine."

Zhu Feng murmured: "They are both there? Are you meeting there?"

Xu Miaoyin let out a deep breath and said, "Yes."


At this moment, the entire lobby became quiet.

Zhu Feng squinted his eyes slightly and immediately understood.

Nan Yan also understood.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart-she had seen it a long time ago. There was a secret love between the boys and girls, but the marriage of King Wei could not be decided at will, especially the empress and the prince were determined to push him to the position of prince. The choice of the concubine must be selected from the Xu family, or the family related to the Xu family.

The prospects are obviously not in this list.

In the middle, there are too many interests of the former harem intertwined, so even if he sees their affection, Nan Yan does not intend to intervene immediately. Moreover, King Wei's marriage was not determined by the queen alone, and the emperor had to speak, and Zhu Feng, apparently, had not yet decided on a candidate.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about many things.

But unexpectedly, the adults were not in a hurry, but the two children were in a hurry.

They even met in private and met at Zhenjue Temple.

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said calmly: "This is not a big deal."


"Before the imperial concubine took Miss Gu Jia to play in the palace, the two of them also met and played together."


"Children’s house, it’s okay to have fun together for a while."

Xu Miaoyin said solemnly, "Yes, my concubine originally thought so too. But--"

"But what?"

"But that day, it happened to be the birthday of Guanyin."


"Zhenjue Temple was originally a famous temple in the capital. The nobles and ladies in the capital often went there to petition and burn incense. On the day of Guanyin's birthday, less than half of the people in the capital went."


"Somehow, when the two of them met in the backyard of the temple, they were discovered."

Zhu Feng's brows twitched again.

Xu Miaoyin said: "They were both recognized. After the concubine learned the news, she immediately sent people to take Wei Wang back to the palace, and Miss Gu Jia was also taken back to Gu's family. But I don't know who it is, saying that Wang Wei and Gu's The young lady gave and accepted it privately, and this word spread among the people."


"But there is... Xiaoxiao."


Zhu Feng was taken aback: "Is she here?"

"When the two children met, she was not there. But the concubine later sent her to the palace for questioning, only to find out that she had invited Miss Xu to worship Buddha."


"Now, the matter of Wang Wei and Miss Gu has spread all over the capital."

Nan Yan's heart sank.

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