"Everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty..."

Nan Yan repeated this sentence, then turned to look at Ran Xiaoyu, and said with a smile: "You think a lot."

Ran Xiaoyu slapped her with a fan, and said, "How can I not want to be a little bit more with the imperial concubine and the maid."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You are indeed much more transparent now than in the past."

Ran Xiaoyu snorted softly.

Nan Yan said again: "But, I think things are not transparent enough. If you can look higher, it will be even better."


Ran Xiaoyu looked at her puzzledly: "High...a little bit?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "You said that you are the maid in charge of the palace, so now you are looking at the problem as a maid."


"But you know, this palace doesn't treat you as a servant."


"In the future, you shouldn't be so accomplished as a maid in charge."


"You have to be better."

Ran Xiaoyu's eyes flickered slightly, as if feeling the deep meaning of Nanyan dialect.

She asked seriously: "The empress means—"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "As the maid in charge of this palace, you are considering everything in this palace. But as a noble concubine, this palace has the responsibility of coordinating the sixth house, and it is even more so favored. You can't just enjoy these pets and be a pet consort."


"In that case, the palace itself will look down upon itself."


"My palace must think more, think more."

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Does the empress have other considerations for the position of prince?"

Nan Yan nodded and said: "First of all, the prince is set up. There is a well-known rule in all dynasties and dynasties, that is, to establish a virtuous and a long-term person. A virtuous person and an orderly growth. Under such a premise, who can say that King Wei is not? A good prince candidate?"


"Besides, the child in this palace is still a few months away. He is more than ten years younger than Wang Wei."


"You also said that the emperor is prospering in the Spring and Autumn Period. From now to the future, he will be the prince. It is less than 30 to 40 years. Therefore, let Wang Wei live under such a child and spend the next few days. For ten years, even if King Wei can accept it, can the ministers in the court accept it?"


"Who can guarantee that this long 30 to 40 years will not happen to brothers smashing the wall?"


"The prince dispute will shake the country's foundation."


"There have been too many such tragedies in the past dynasties. This palace absolutely does not want such a tragedy to happen in front of our eyes, let alone such a tragedy, to happen to my own children, and to his optimistic King Wei."

Hearing Nan Yan's words, Ran Xiaoyu also frowned.

She said softly: "This is indeed a big problem."

Nan Yan said: "After talking about things, let's talk about people."

She looked up at Ran Xiaoyu, smiled and said: "You used to teach King Wei's archery at Chengqian Palace. To be fair, what do you think of King Wei?"


Ran Xiaoyu hesitated for a while, but still said: "His Royal Highness, benevolence and virtue."


"It's just that, too benevolent, the emperor doesn't like it."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter whether the emperor likes it or not. What matters is whether he can be a good king."

Having said this, she sighed and said: "The current emperor is a very promising monarch. He has a grand blueprint in his heart, so he is calm and settled, and there are still many important things to do on the north and the south. These things, It is indeed the name that goes down in history. But—"

"But what?"

"The emperor's wrist is too rigid."

"This is natural, our emperor has been trained on the battlefield."

"This is also a good thing. The emperor who does big things must also have such a hard mind. But I also understand that when I read history books, we must do things with hardness and softness. Our emperor is too strong. It is impossible for him to be soft. Those who ascend to the throne must be a benevolent person."


"Otherwise, if the next emperor still does such a big deal one by one, how can the common people recuperate?"

Ran Xiaoyu fell silent.

Nan Yan also fell silent for a while, looked down at her high-pitched belly, and stretched out her hand to stroke it gently.

I don't know if it was because of these things that I was upset, and it caused the child in her stomach to move, and soon a small bag was arched or kicked in her stomach.

Obviously, it is not a peaceful master.

She said: "I don't know what kind of xinxing this child is. It will take at least a few years or ten years to see it."


"But King Wei's disposition has been set, and this palace and everyone can see it."


"With such a person in front of you, why bother to abandon the distance and wait for an unknown possibility?"

She said, sighed, and touched her stomach: "The emperor hopes to pass on his martial arts to him so that he can ride the world. Of course he can, but the next emperor can't escape like this anymore. "

Ran Xiaoyu remained silent until this time, he said softly: "In short."

Nan Yan looked at her: "What?"

"Niangniang is asking for stability and seeking'victory' in stability."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled: "This is a good summary."


"My palace is to be stable."


"The world is initially set, and the emperor has many important things to do. The court will be stable, the harem will be stable, and the world will be more stable."


"Otherwise, the relationship with the Western Regions will calm the north and the south, including in the future... the emperor still has some arrangements in the east. If the backyard catches fire, he must use his energy. At that time, the children of the palace and the king of Wei will both lose, and the world will suffer If you fail to do it again, isn't it my fault?"

When Ran Xiaoyu saw her talking for so long, her mouth became dry, so she immediately changed her a cup of warm tea and served Nan Yan to drink it.

She said: "The empress thinks so much, but the emperor--he is the one who makes the decision."


"The servants felt that the emperor didn't think so much."


"He just wants to make the prince a prince."

Nan Yan smiled bitterly.

Isn't it?

In other important matters, Zhu Feng was extremely resolute, even a little arbitrary, but in the matter of setting up a prince, he had turned back and hesitated more than once.

It was all caused by my own pregnancy these few times.

If he could divide his decision to do big things a little bit into this matter, it wouldn't be so much trouble.

Ran Xiaoyu asked softly: "If the emperor is determined to wait for the mother's child to be born and become a prince, what should the mother do?"


Nan Yan sighed helplessly, touched his stomach, and muttered: "You are a small trouble, then, but a big trouble."

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