Early in the morning, the morning light was faint.

Although he is already the first assistant of the cabinet, He Yi still keeps getting up every morning, sitting cross-legged on the bed, adjusting his breath and practicing his breath and nap.

For decades, there hasn't been a break in one day.

Today, he also did the same. He felt that the true qi was running smoothly in his body, and the whole person was much more comfortable. He took a long breath, and then slowly opened his eyes.

I saw a familiar face right in front of my eyes.


Although he has gone through too many major events, he has long been able to not be surprised, but this kind of situation still makes him unable to help but be surprised.

Open your eyes and look again.

It was Ye Yu!

He was lying in front of his bed, with his hands under his chin, and looking at himself with a smile.


He Yi's breathing was suffocated. When he saw that it was him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said dumbfounded: "What are you doing? Run to my bed early in the morning."

Ye Xu smiled happily: "Look at you."

"Look at me? What's so nice about me?"

"Oh, don't you say I haven't found it yet, He Yi, we have known each other for so many years, why have you not changed at all."


"The hair is still the same, the eyes and nose are still the same."


"Are you not old at all?"

He Yi glared at him infrequently, and said: "A person who cultivates the Tao is not easy to grow old. But with you by your side, I think I will get old too."

After speaking, he turned over from the bed.

He was wearing a short white robe with narrow sleeves and his movements were light. He stood up to the ground and listened to the sound of his clothes, not even footsteps, just like a crane.

After getting out of bed, he went to the table and poured a glass of water.

Ye Hao got up from the bed and said, "Hey, you, the chief minister of the cabinet, live in this three-in-three-out mansion. Why don't you even have a person to serve? Drink water and eat and do it yourself?"


"If you are like this, the emperor doesn't feel bad, and I feel bad too."

He Yi smiled and said: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about it, what are you doing today?"

"Hey, I know, brother, you are transparent, you must know my purpose."

With that said, he walked over and reached out his hand to grab Heyi's shoulder.

He Yi wanted to take his hand away, but he was firmly clinging to him, and he could only do this. Ye Wei said, "I plan to visit Zhenjue Temple today. How about it? Come with me."


He Yi turned to look at him.

Then he smiled and said, "The emperor let you go."


"Then you find me?"


"Don't you know that the emperor will not let me intervene in this matter, but will let me supervise the jade suit."

"Then you haven't officially started yet. Anyway, if you have time recently, accompany me to chant."

He Yi glanced at him, and finally sighed.

Ye Wei only felt a flash of the figure in front of him. Before he could react, his arm was completely empty. He Yi had gotten off his body and said, "Are you really not understanding or pretending to not understand?"


"Why did the emperor let me supervise the making of the jade suit, and let me not care about other things?"


Ye Xun's face also sank.

He thought for a while and said, "Heyi, I don't know anything else, but you--I believe it."


"I believe you!"

He Yi stood still.

Although there were no lights in the room and the morning light outside was very dim, at this moment, there seemed to be light flashing in his eyes.

After a while, he shook his head gently.

It seemed helpless, but also relieved.


Upon hearing this, Ye Wei knew that he had promised himself, and he immediately stepped forward with a smile, and pulled him into his arm again, saying: "How about it, come with me. I haven't been. In those places, I'm afraid I won't understand the rules and be pushed out."

Crane Yi said with a smile but a smile: "I am a cultivator, you let me accompany you to the temple hall, is this appropriate?"

"Hey, what if you are a cultivator?"


"It's my brother who accompanies me now!"


"What's wrong? Come on, change clothes quickly, and let's go when we change."

"You, don't pick my clothes!"


In the same morning light, everyone was busy in Yikun Palace.

Nan Yan got up early in the morning.

Ran Xiaoyu meticulously served her after washing and changing her clothes. Just after breakfast, she walked in from outside after listening to the blessing, and said softly: "Manny, Miss Xu Jia is here to greet my mother."

South flue: "Please."


Hearing Fu turned and went out, Ran Xiaoyu helped her walk to the chair and sit down. As soon as she sat down, she heard a sound of footsteps coming in from the outside. When she looked up, a slender figure walked into Yikun Palace.

"The people's daughter pays respects to the imperial concubine."

Seeing her kneeling down, Nan Yan hurriedly raised her hand: "Miss Xu, please get up. Xiaoyu, give a seat."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately gave her a chair.

After Xu Xiaoxiao thanked her, she sat down.

Nan Yan looked at this Miss Xu Jia carefully, and saw that she was born with apricot eyes and cheeks. Although it was not that strikingly beautiful, it gave people a particularly amiable feeling.

Probably because she came here braving the poisonous sun and her face was sweaty. Although the weather was hot and everyone was sweating, but because of her fat body, she sweated more than other people, but she did not appear sloppy at all. On the contrary, because of the whiteness, no powder is applied, even if the sweat drips down, it is crystal clear.

It feels like only four words——

Fragrant sweat dripping.

This, probably only a girl can be charming.

Nan Yan couldn't help but developed a good impression on her, and smiled: "It's hot outside, and you have worked hard for a trip. Come, serve tea."

Nianqiu hurriedly offered refreshments.

Xu Xiaoxiao said immediately: "Where the imperial concubine empress is, it is the blessing of the empress to be summoned by the empress."

After speaking, she looked at Nan Yan's belly with a pair of smart cat eyes.

He whispered: "The empress is pregnant, and she came to see me for the time being because of Wang Wei and Qiqing, right?"

Nan Yan looked at her and said, "It seems that you are not only familiar with Wang Wei, but also with Qiqing."

Xu Xiaoxiao said: "Minnu just arrived in the capital and had no friends. After finally getting to know Qiqing, she was the only friend, so she often went to Gu Mansion to play with her."

With that, she glanced at Nan Yan.

Said: "Last time, the time at Zhenjue Temple, the girl invited her to go with her."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

This Xu Xiaoxiao is indeed a smart person. Of course, as the queen's niece, she is unlikely to be a dull girl. She knows the purpose of looking for her today, so she didn't wait for herself to ask questions, so she explained it first.

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Miss Xu is really brilliant."


"Then I don't know, are you willing to tell my palace what happened that day?"

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