Ye Xu glanced outside and said, "The younger sister of the imperial concubine—although she has been erased from the genealogy, she has a special identity. Not many people in the court dared to ask about it. Let's find her first. "

"Let's go."

The two discussed a certain amount, and they prepared to walk out from behind the tree.

However, just as Ye Xu took a step, two people suddenly walked over on the corridor in front of him.

He Yi's eyes were quick, and he hurriedly pulled Ye Yu back.

The two leaned sideways behind the tree trunk, holding their breath, and heard the sound of footsteps gradually walking in.

It's two nuns.

Holding things in their hands, they said as they walked: "That charming guest refuses to eat."

"Hey, don't mention it, I didn't even answer the door after calling for a long time. It's not the first time."

"It's true that our abbot is true. After entering Buddhism, we should treat her equally. Why should we be so polite to her? Not to mention the arrangement of a monastery for her alone, and even her vegetarian dishes are different from ours.

"You came in late, I don't know, she is not willing to enter Buddhism, she is a substitute for the imperial concubine."

"What? Concubine empress? It's today—"

"Yes, the imperial concubine who is most beloved by the emperor today."

"She turned out to be a substitute for the noble concubine?!"

"Not only is the noble concubine's stand-in, I heard that she is also the noble concubine's sister, but the noble concubine empress is in trouble and she originally wanted to go to Buddhism to eliminate disasters, but she wants to serve the emperor, can't go to Buddhism, and is afraid of buying Others were insincere for the body and mind, so I asked my sister to become a monk instead of myself."

"That said, her identity is incredible."

"Otherwise, can our abbot treat her like this? This time, when such a big thing happened, everyone is in danger, and only she is the only one who can do it well."

"So that's the case. Then what should she do if she doesn't eat?"

"What else can I do, send it over later."

"It can only be the."

The two talked again, slowly walking away.

After the two nuns disappeared in front, Ye Yu and Heyi walked out from behind the tree, and the two looked at each other.

You don't need to say anything, you understand.

Immediately walked along the way the two nuns had just arrived.

Fortunately, there were no people in this nun's nunnery, and the two of them were also very cautious along the way. They didn't disturb anyone, so they walked outside a quiet temple.

Ye Xu whispered: "Is it here?"

He Yi: "Go in and have a look."

So, two people walked in.

The two quickly walked to the door, but the door was closed tightly, and there was no sound of wind.

Ye Xu whispered, "Broken in? Or knock on the door?"

He Yi laughed dumbly and didn't bother to pay attention to him. He raised his hand and knocked on the door gently, and said, "Is anyone?"

No one responded.

He Yi said softly: "Miss Si, we are here to harass Miss Si and look at Haihan because of what happened here a few days ago."


"Miss Si?"

He knocked on the door twice again, but there was still no response.

He Yi frowned.

Although the two nuns just said that this Si Muzhen had been ignoring the people in the nunnery, the two of them had already expressed their intentions. Even if she didn't want to see them, it was possible to drive them away out loud.

How could there be no movement at all?

He whispered: "Wrong?"

He hadn't paid much attention when he was just speaking, but at this moment, after a little exploration using the vomiting technique, he discovered that there were only two of them in this temple.

He said, "Ye Yu, go in and take a look."


Ye Xu was a bit impatient at first, and when he heard him say this, he immediately stretched out his hand and pushed open the door forcefully.

Just listen to a cry.

The door hit the walls on both sides, and a gust of wind suddenly poured into this quiet Buddhist room.

Two people walked in and took a look.

This Zen room is not small, and the furnishings inside it are all available. Although it is not too gorgeous, it is quite enjoyable compared to the residences of ordinary monks and nuns.

Even the curtains hanging on the bed are embroidered.

Obviously, the life that Miss Si lived here was not a hard practice.

But at this moment, she is not in this Buddhist room.

Ye Xu frowned: "Where is the person?"


"Isn't it because you knew we were coming, did you run?"

He Yi shook his head and said: "I don't even know that you are coming to see me today. How can she know that we are coming to her today?"

"Then, how could she not see?"


"Did you leave for a long time, or just left?"

He Yi did not speak immediately, only looked at the room, then turned to the door, looked outside, and said, "At least when the two people looked for her, she was no longer in the Zen room."


"If she has just left, there is no way to go there, we can only go this way. On this side, the two of us just came over and didn't see anyone."


He Yi frowned slightly and said, "The people in the temple do not know that she is gone, she may have stolen away."

"This is not just to hide."

"It may be to hide, or it may be—"

"What is it?"


He Yi was silent for a while, did not answer, only said: "Go out and have a look."


The two closed the door, restored it to its original state, and then turned to leave.


In the Yikun Palace at this moment, Nan Yan looked at Xu Xiaoxiao in front of her with a deep face, and she couldn't believe what she said just now.

So I asked again.

"You said, it was King Wei who chose Zhenjue Temple as the meeting place?"



Nan Yan's brows wrinkled.

Before meeting Xu Xiaoxiao, she had a lot of suspicions, even Xu Xiaoxiao, the queen hoped that she could marry Wang Wei and become the princess of Wei, and she would become the princess or even the queen in the future, and if Xu Xiaoxiao knew about Wei Wang and Qingqing I'm afraid that it will be a hindrance.

However, after seeing Xu Xiaoxiao himself, this suspicion was much lessened.

Especially after she said those words frankly to herself.

However, she did not expect that the final answer turned out to be this.

It was Wei Wang himself who chose Zhenjue Temple.

And after Xu Xiaoxiao heard Nan Yan asking this question repeatedly, her expression became solemn and thoughtful, and a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

She looked at Nan Yan and asked carefully: "Emperor Concubine, you asked me that question, did you suspect that it happened not by accident."


"Are you skeptical, someone did this deliberately."


"Wang Wei and Qiqing chose to meet at Zhenjue Temple. Only when they are caught in other people's traps will something like that happen?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, and said to her, "Xiaoxiao, can you tell this palace first, why did King Wei choose Zhenjue Temple?"

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