Hearing these people's unbearable remarks, Si Muyun's brows became a knot.

And Gu Yiyou's eyes were even red.

He couldn't help but got up to argue with those people, but Si Muyun hurriedly reached out and grabbed him, and whispered, "Don't be impulsive!"


Gu Yiyou looked back at him, then looked at the swear words of those people one by one, and sat down with anger and punched the table fiercely.



"They, they don't know anything, how can they talk so nonsense?"

Si Muyun sighed for a long time and said, "Have we experienced less in these years?"


"The concubine empress has gone through so many things since her canonization, and how many people can really understand it."


"The people are dull, good things sound good, but not irritating; only those foul language that sound good and irritating, of course those who speak are happy to say it, and those who listen are more willing to listen."


"You can't argue with them."


"Come down and drink."

With that, he picked up the jug and poured some wine into the cup in front of Gu Yiyou, and Gu Yiyou took it up and drank it.

I drank in a hurry and my eyes turned red.

He put the wine glass on the table again and said, "But, let them talk such nonsense?"


Si Muyun was silent for a while, and then said: "What else can we do if we leave them alone?"


"Now that the matter has not been resolved, it is useless to say anything."


"I just find it weird."

"What's weird?"

"Ye Yi mobilized people from the Sixth Army in the Forbidden City to look for Mu Zhen's whereabouts in the city. Although the movement was a little bigger, I know that he is still very cautious in his actions. Moreover, this matter has no eyebrows. Who is he catching."


"Why, in just a few days, the whole city knows."

Gu Yiyou was slightly startled.

Looking up at Si Muyun: "Do you think someone deliberately leaked the news that the government was searching for Mu Zhen?"



"I don't know, but if you want to divulge this news, it can spread so quickly in the city, that is not something ordinary people can do."

Gu Yiyou nodded softly when he heard this.

Si Muyun murmured again: "Furthermore, there were only some rumors at the beginning, but now that the news of the arrest of Mu Zhen spreads out, this matter has been condemned as a guilt, and moreover, it is all to Mu Zhen. On the body."

He bit the nail of his thumb and murmured: "I don't know why, I always feel that this matter is strange. Although Mu Zhen is inseparable from this matter, I am afraid that it has something to do with it. Yes, she is not the only one."

Gu Yiyou opened her eyes wide: "You mean--"


Although the sun could not be seen in the sky, the sultry weather still made Ye Zhen sweat all over.

When he walked outside the imperial study room, his underwear was completely soaked.

But at this time, there is no room for complaint.

He held his neckline and shook it twice. He fanned himself in a cool breeze, and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat on his face. He planned to report to the emperor.

But as soon as he walked to the door, he heard a "creak" and the door of the Imperial Study Room opened.

From the inside came out a figure that had not been seen for a long time, but was very familiar.

Ye Xu glanced at him and was stunned for a moment: "Commander Li?"

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