Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2095: None of what the palace wants can be fulfilled?

"I beg the emperor and the empress to punish the concubine for negligence, and the concubine is willing to accept the punishment, without complaint!"

Nan Yan looked at her coldly.

There is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even want to laugh a little.

But of course, she didn't really laugh, just took the handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her lips, and wiped off the arc that was almost hooked.

Zhu Feng stood up and walked slowly in front of Wu Wan.

Seeing Wu Wan kneeling at his feet, he was silent for a long time.

Wu Wan's words were earnest, and the people around them felt that this kind of thing would be inappropriate even sitting on Concubine Hui, so Xu Jieyu and the others boldly knelt down.

"I beg the emperor to forgive the concubine Hui."

"Yes, Concubine Hui is also innocent. Who would have thought that An Bi——Gao is such a person?"

"The Gao cheated us all, she is the culprit."

"The emperor, the emperor forgive the concubine Hui."


Zhu Feng slowly leaned down amidst the begging of everyone.

Reached out and reached the front of Wu Wan.


Wu Wan was taken aback and raised his head suddenly, and Zhu Feng looked at her gently and said, "Get up, what does this matter have to do with you?"


Wu Wan's eyes reddened and he hurriedly stretched it out.

Zhu Feng grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

Wu Wan stood up and said timidly: "Does the emperor really blame the concubine?"

Zhu Feng said: "What Gao did, naturally she deserved it. You were also blinded by her. How can I blame you?"


"You, don't worry."

"Xie Emperor."

Wu Wan sucked his nose, and the panic on his face turned into a look of grievance, and said: "It's just that the concubine is really scary. Such a wolf-hearted and snake-hearted person has stayed with his concubine for so many years. Fortunately, the concubine has not. If you have any selfishness in private, if you are caught by her, now I am afraid that the concubine will not know what the end is."

With her words, not only did she try to get rid of herself, but incidentally, she hit Wei Wang Yihe again.

After all, it was because Wang Wei and Gu Qiqing had a private relationship that they were seized on the opportunity to set up a situation. If they acted properly, others would not be able to harm them.

Upon hearing this, Xu Miaoyin couldn't help but frowned.

She immediately said: "The emperor, Wang Wei was also a victim of this incident. Moreover, after thinking behind closed doors for so long, he was also punished, and he asked the emperor to—"

She didn't finish her words, Zhu Feng waved a big hand and prevented her from continuing.

Coldly said: "Is that punished?"


"Concubine Hui is right. If it wasn't for his own misbehavior and thinking about meeting people in private, how could others find such an opportunity to set up a situation to harm him. In the final analysis, he is not good."


"I see, I am not in a hurry to let him out."


"Let's keep thinking behind closed doors for a while."

Hearing him say this, Xu Miaoyin's heart sank.

However, the Emperor Jinkou Yuyan said that she could not help it.

Can only whisper: "Yes."

Zhu Feng glanced at the people again, his final gaze fell on Nan Yan, but he passed by in a hurry, and then said: "Okay, today is the Queen's birthday. You come to invite An to give the gift. , Do whatever you should do."

Everyone hurriedly got up: "Yes."

He turned his head to Wu Wan and said, "Let's go, I will return to Chonghua Palace with you."

"Xie Emperor!"

Wu Wan was overjoyed and hurried out with Zhu Feng. When she reached the door, everyone heard her eagerly said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the sinner of the Gao family has done such a bad thing. The sin is very sinful. Do not spare her lightly. Ask her as soon as possible."

Zhu Feng's voice came from afar: "I, of course, will not let this culprit go."

The voices of the two people slowly moved away.

Everyone who stayed in Yonghe Palace, you look at me and I look at you. They were all at a loss for the embarrassing atmosphere and the queen's gloomy complexion.

After a long time, Nan Yan spoke first.

She walked forward with Xinping and said to Xu Miaoyin: "Empress, since it's already late, the concubine will return to Yikun Palace with Xinping."

Xu Miaoyin only glanced at her.

There was a bit of tiredness on his face, and he waved his hand lightly: "Go."

"The concubine retires."

After Nan Yan finished speaking, he left calmly, and after her, everyone also bowed their greetings.

Yonghe Palace fell into silence soon.

Xu Miaoyin sat alone in his seat, facing the still lively Yonghe Palace, suddenly felt a little unspeakable in his heart, as if it was hollowed out like this palace.

The maid Chun'er next to her stepped forward and whispered, "Niang Niang..."

Xu Miaoyin didn't look at her, but waved his hand: "Go down."


"Go down and leave this palace alone for a while."


Finally, even they went out.

Looking at the loneliness in this room, Xu Miaoyin suddenly felt a biting chill, which made her shiver. She hugged her hands tightly and murmured: "Could it be that in this life, the palace wants nothing Consummation?"

"If so, what happened to this palace in this world?"

"Why is my palace so hard and patient?"

"After all, why...?"

She hugged herself tightly, and in such a lonely shudder, she kept asking herself on one side.


Nan Yan took Princess Xinping and walked slowly forward, followed by Ran Xiaoyu behind him.

After walking for a while, I returned to Yikun Palace.

All three of them were sweating profusely. Nan Yan asked the nurse to take Xinping down and wipe her change clothes. Turning her head, Ran Xiaoyu had already handed a veil soaked in cold water to her. She smiled and took it. Wipe the sweat from both sides of your cheeks.

During this period, Ran Xiaoyu had been standing by silently.

Although she didn't say a word, the confusion in her eyes had already been seen by Nan Yan, so she smiled and said: "It's okay, knowing that you don't ask on the road, and don't ask in front of your children."


"Well, seeing you endure so hard, what do you want to ask, right?"

While speaking, he handed the veil back to her.

Ran Xiaoyu threw the veil back into the basin, and immediately a little court lady came in to clean up. She offered another cup of tea to Nan Yan's hand, and then asked softly: "The emperor, it's impossible to read it right. Gao is just a scapegoat. Right?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Even you can see it, then you will feel that the emperor is not as good as you."

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly shook his head: "Of course not."


"It's just that since you know that Gao is a scapegoat, the surname Wu is the culprit, why doesn't the emperor deal with her?"

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