Xu Miaoyin was silent for a while.

She looked at Nan Yan and said with a solemn expression: "Then you, have you ever thought about Gu Qiqing's situation, what will be the result?"


Nan Yan also fell silent.

After a long time, she smiled faintly, with a little indifferent smile, and said calmly: "This is her own cause."


"Even if the concubine hopes that she can have a good home, but it depends on her luck to make things happen. Sometimes, it depends on her luck."


"The concubine can't take care of it, nor can it take care of it."

Xu Miaoyin looked at her quietly for a while, and finally didn't say anything else, just said softly: "My palace understands what you mean."


"At that time, my palace will give you an explanation."

Nan Yan glanced at her, and did not ask what she was talking about, but smiled and said, "Thank you, Empress Empress."

After speaking, he got up and bowed to her: "I have been bothering her for a long time, and I'm bothering my mother again. My concubine retire first."

Xu Miaoyin nodded, then watched her turn around and walked out slowly.

Looking at Nan Yan's back, she was deeply moved for a while.

I still remember the first time I saw Nan Yan, when she was just a little court lady serving by the emperor, soft and weak, looking like a frightened little rabbit, and saddened by Zhu Feng's indifferent attitude.

All that was in her eyes.

And now, she has become the noble concubine of the Great Yan Dynasty.

She has the strongest backing, and even, together with her family, began to slowly rise. She is no longer as weak and helpless as in the past, always showing panic; now she has firm eyes, calm expression, speaks and does things. At that time, there is an unparalleled perseverance.

If Zhu Feng is the landslide in front of Tai and the color remains unchanged, then she is the elk who is thriving and not blinking.


The two of them can last...

Thinking of this, Xu Miaoyin coughed slightly and smiled faintly.


After the matter was resolved, Nan Yan put down a big rock in his heart.

However, another stone came up again.

I'm afraid that now, Xu Miaoyin and her worry about the same thing.

Wang Wei, would he have the courage and responsibility to leave Chengqian Palace and take on everything himself in front of Zhu Feng?

When thinking of this, Nan Yan only felt that his heart was heavy again.

She had hope for Zhu Chengxuan, as she herself said. She was touched by his gentleness from the first time she met this elder son in Yanwang’s Mansion, so after so long, even if she and his biological mother Qin Ruolan had too much discord between them, but he never reduced his love for this child.

I am also distressed for his efforts to win the favor of his father.

But hard work is not enough.

To sit on the throne of a prince or even an emperor, one needs ability!

Whether he has such ability is up to him.

Finally, I had a long and stable sleep. The next morning, Nan Yan stood by the window and stretched out comfortably. Ran Xiaoyu and the others had already opened the door and brought hot water, towels, hands and feet. Serve her quickly to wash.

Nianqiu said: "Niang Niang, Doctor Xue is already waiting outside. When Niang Niang finishes her makeup, he will come in and ask her for a peace of mind."

Nan Yan said: "She's so early? Usually it's late."

Ran Xiaoyu said as she cleaned the bed, "She said that she stayed in the hospital last night to check the prescription, and did not go out of the palace, so she came here earlier today. She was not on duty today, and she went back after getting the pulse for the mother. "

"Oh, then please."

Just at this moment, Nan Yan was also sorted out, and as soon as he sat down, Xue Yun walked in from outside carrying the medicine box.

He bowed his head to Nan Yan: "Weichen pays respects to the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Doctor Xue, don't be polite, get up."

"Xie Niangniang."

As Xue Yun said, he walked over and put the cushion he had brought on the table. Nan Yan also put his hand on it and asked her to check her pulse.

Nan Yan looked at her while checking the pulse.

Sure enough, I was busy all night, so the eyes looking at her were a little red.

However, today Xue Yun kept his head down, without even looking at himself.

What's wrong with her?

Nan Yan looked into her eyes, and Xue Yun, as if feeling her gaze, made her look a little uncomfortable, and buried his head even more.

Nan Yan frowned slightly.

But she didn't say anything. When the pulse diagnosis was completed, she gently lowered her sleeve and said, "Doctor Xue, what is the pulse condition in this palace?"

Xue Yun lowered his head, and said softly, "You can rest assured."

South Yandao: "Take care of your body in this palace. If this child can be born healthy and healthy, this palace will naturally not treat you badly."

Xue Yun said softly: "This is the duty of Weichen."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Early Doctor Xue is a man of duty."

Hearing her gentle laughter, although Xue Yun wanted to look up and say something to her, she hesitated again when she thought of the selection of waiters in Dongyuan yesterday.

Noble concubine, really, as those people said, is such a "scary god"?

She couldn't be sure, nor could she believe what others said.

Besides, she can still feel that the imperial concubine is a kind-hearted and kind person in these days of getting along. However, it is a fact that she loves her 3,000 in one body, and even what the queen wants to do to her, the emperor will take the lead. Going to protect it, it can be seen how powerful she is in this harem.

If you let her know, I have to the emperor's Qisi...

Xue Yun didn't dare to think about it.

In front of her, she can only respect her duty more and more so that she can live safely in the harem.

When Xue Yun was silent and Nan Yan looked at her thoughtfully, Xiao Shunzi's voice came from outside the door——

"The emperor is here!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Yun raised his head subconsciously.

Nan Yan glanced at her and didn't say anything, but immediately asked Ran Xiaoyu to support herself, got up and walked to the door. As soon as he stopped, he saw Zhu Feng coming in from outside.

"Okay, don't salute."

Without waiting for Nan Yan to salute, he opened his mouth first, and walked in and said: "I have such a big belly, and I still pay attention to this. How many times will I tell you?"

Nan Yan only smiled softly when he heard this.

Zhu Feng was about to walk in with her hand, and when he looked up, he saw Xue Yun standing inside.

He bowed his head and bowed down to him: "Weichen pays respects to the emperor."

"You too."

"Yes, Weichen just finished inviting Ping An pulse for the empress."

"How is the pulse of the imperial concubine?"

"The mother's pulse is stable and the fetus is in good condition."

"Well, now she is about to give birth, so you have to do everything, don't miss anything."


Seeing them walk to the chair and sit down, Xue Yun lowered his head and said: "Weichen retires."

Leave after speaking.

At this time, Zhu Feng suddenly stopped her: "Don't go back yet, wait at the hospital."

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