Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2125: Who is the next "Zhao Nanfeng"

Nan Yan said coldly: "Pull it down!"


"From now on, she will not be allowed to serve at the imperial court!"

When several mothers heard this, they immediately stepped forward to pull Zhao Nanfeng up, who had been frightened to the ground. Zhao Nanfeng was frightened and kept struggling and crying: "Noble concubine, mother, please spare me, mother, I will never I dare not."

When everyone around saw this scene, they were all stunned.

I forgot to react.

And the maid who brought them here was also a little uneasy at this time. After thinking about it, she stepped forward and smiled and said: "The concubine lady wants to deal with her. You might as well wait for the servants to report to the emperor before sending her off. what."

Nan Yan gave her a cold look.

Said: "Why, the palace doesn't even have the power to deal with an elector?"

"This, this, of course not."

"Don't forget, this palace has the power to assist the sixth house, a small waiter, and the palace said disposal is disposal!"

After speaking, he stared blankly: "Pull it down!"

Several mothers immediately dragged Nan Yan out of Yikun Palace, and she could still hear her crying and shouting "Spare" along the way, but Nan Yan sat there coldly without blinking her eyes. .

The stern voice faded away.

Yikun Palace fell into calm once again, but this calm was tense, suffocating calm.

Every one of the waiters standing in place was frightened.

They didn't expect that it was just a name, and the imperial concubine would directly abolish Zhao Nanfeng. Zhao Nanfeng hadn't even seen the emperor's face.

This, this is terrible.

Ling Shansi, the youngest, knelt to the ground with fright.

The people around also knelt down one after another, everyone did not dare to speak, only knelt and shivered at the feet of the noble concubine.

Nan Yan looked back at them, feeling soft for a while.

But the "wicked man" has done this, and there is no other way, so he said coldly: "Just now the concubine Shun has told you that you must serve the emperor well when entering the palace. And this palace wants to tell you. Yes, after entering the palace, it’s better to be safer. If you let this palace know who has nasty thoughts in your heart, or your family relies on you to enter the palace and run rampantly outside the palace, tarnishing the royal reputation-you, can careful!"

Everyone shivered, and kept bowing and worshipping: "Don't dare, concubine dare not wait."

Nan Yan said: "Okay, let them retreat."

The mother led everyone to salute the concubines, and then carefully lined up and exited Yikun Palace.

As soon as they went out, everyone seemed to have recovered their breath and heartbeat.

Ling Shansi and their cold sweat soaked their close-fitting clothes, and gasped, "Here, this is the imperial concubine, it is terrible!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect her to be so good."

"I heard that Zhao Nanfeng's elder brother is still an official of the fourth grade, and he is actually—"

Yao Ying is also well-informed, and this time she was shocked in a cold sweat.

She reluctantly coughed to make herself seem calm, but her pale face also betrayed her panic at the moment. She said: "I have told you all, this is the majesty of the noble concubine. ."

Everyone nodded: "Now I believe it, I believe it completely."

"From now on, when we are in the palace, we must be careful when we speak and do things."

"Yes, who knows who is the next "Zhao Nanfeng"."

The mother walked aside, heard their whispers, and said impatiently: "It's all right, is it not messy enough? Go back!"

Everyone dared not say anything more, but urged by her, they hurried to Dongyuan.

And the people who stayed in Yikun Palace are still not scattered at the moment.

After accepting the bow of the waiter of the new palace, everyone originally planned to stay in Yikun Palace to drink tea, but when something like this happened, everyone didn't have any interest in drinking tea.

Also feel a little strange.

Although the imperial concubine is the second only to the queen in the harem, and the emperor pampers her exclusively, and has given her the power to assist the sixth house, she does have the ability to deal with any servant, even the concubine.

It is not that she has not dealt with others.

But, like this time, it was the first time to deal with an innocent waiter like this.

Could it be that it was just to establish prestige, kill the chickens and curse the monkeys, so that these newly entered palace waiters would be photographed in her prestige, and dare not compete with her in the future?

Everyone is a little confused.

So for a while, it's not easy to go, and it's hard to say anything.

On the contrary, Ruan Mei was the first to speak. She turned her head to look at the concubine and said, "Isn't it wrong for the lady to do this?"

Everyone was shocked when she said this.

Nan Yan also turned to look at her.


"This waitress, even if her name violates the taboo of the empress, just let her change her name."


"Why must it be so?"


"The emperor doesn't know what the empress did. Don't you be afraid that the emperor will be angry when he knows?"

Although everyone thought so in their hearts, she didn't expect that she would say it directly.

Nan Yan also glanced at her.

But he only smiled faintly: "If the emperor wants to be angry, he will naturally blame Dao's head, and it has nothing to do with the sisters.

With her words, naturally she attributed the responsibility only to herself.

But when everyone listened, it was a different taste.

The emperor's favor for her was something they would not understand, otherwise she would not dare to do so.

Wu Wan sneered and said, "Naturally, it has nothing to do with us. Let's just take a look at the majesty of the imperial concubine empress. Is there a second person in this palace who can have such a prestige?"

Nan Yan raised her eyebrows and turned to look at her.

"I don't understand what Huifei said."


"You said that there is no second person in the palace with such a prestige, then where do you put the empress?"


"Or, in your eyes, there are no more empresses?"

Wu Wan was confused by what she said.

She originally intended to ridicule Nan Yan, saying that she went past the order of the queen, but she did not expect to be hit by the handle she was holding.

She gritted her teeth, only holding back her breath: "How dare you concubine?"

She stood up on the armrest of the chair and said, "The weather is too hot today, and the concubine is a little dizzy from the sun, and the concubine retires."

After speaking, without waiting for Nan Yan to answer, he bowed a hastily and turned away.

As soon as she left, the other concubines all resigned.

Only Concubine Shun Xinqing stayed, smiling and looking at Nan Yan said, "I have worked hard."


Nan Yan looked at her.

However, there was a little clear light in the latter's eyes.

Although she doesn't care about the affairs of the palace, she has a good relationship with the queen, and from Zhu Feng, the queen has done such a thing before.

I'm afraid, she's also familiar with it.

So he smiled: "Let my sister laugh."

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