The next few days were spent in the calm of the dark tide.

The only person who didn't know about the undercurrents was probably Xue Yun, but even if she had made up her mind to stand only in a neutral position and didn't ask much about things inside and outside the palace, she could still feel a little uneasy.

She can only try not to think too much about herself, and only do two things for herself every day.

Give birth to the imperial concubine.

Detoxify the emperor.

On this day, when it was almost noon, she carried the medicine box again and walked to Yikun Palace with the **** Xiaodongzi who was accompanying her.

When passing by the imperial garden, many gardeners were building flowers there.

By this month, almost all summer flowers and plants have withered. Withered yellow leaves and withered petals will give people a sense of ruin and foreboding. Therefore, gardeners must clear these flowers and plants as soon as possible and plant them instead. Chrysanthemum and other things.

When Xue Yun walked over, he saw large clumps of flowers and trees being removed.

She sighed softly and said: "If you know the vegetation, I don't know at this moment, will you be lucky that you will be splendid for a summer before returning to the soil, or will you feel that you are splendid for a summer, but you will return to the soil?"


Xiao Dongzi was aside, listening to this, he didn't know why.

He hasn't read a book, and he doesn't have any mood to hurt the spring and autumn. It's not bad to live a good life every day, and there is no extra mood on the grass.

Seeing him looking at himself blankly, Xue Yun also smiled.

In fact, she is also asking herself this question.

Are you willing to follow your own heart and pursue what you love, even if you may end up with bruises, even - even losing your life?

Or, silently, continue to look at him in the distance?

This question, since she realized that she had a different feeling for Zhu Feng, kept asking herself in her heart, but after so long, she couldn't answer it, and she didn't even have the courage to face it.

Asking questions through flowers and trees, but still unable to answer after all.

She gave a wry smile in her heart, and was about to move on, but her eyes were attracted by a mass of red in the withered leaves.

I walked over and took a look--

It turned out that it was the last rose.

Although it has almost withered, the last few petals are still holding on to the stamen stubbornly, as if to be attached to one's last splendid time.

She sighed lightly and stretched out her hand, preparing to tear the petals down.

Don't be attached, don't be delusional.

Return to the soil quietly, to the place you should go.

But just when her hand was about to touch the petal, she suddenly felt a tingling pain in her fingertips, and she whispered: "Ah!"

He retracted his hand and took a look, the fingertip was pierced by the thorn of a rose, and a drop of bright red blood appeared.

She put her finger in her mouth and sucked.

Xiao Dongzi hurried forward: "Master Xue, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Xue Yun shook his head. It wasn't a serious injury, but there was blood on his fingertips. If he went to Yikun Palace to check the pulse of the noble concubine later, I was afraid it would be bad.

After all, the imperial concubine is pregnant and cannot see blood.

She thought that there was still the box of ointment that she had prepared in the medicine box, so she took it out, and hurriedly applied a little to her fingertips, but the bleeding quickly stopped and there was no pain.

However, it was late, and she immediately packed up her things.

"Hurry up, don't go too late, it's time for the concubine to rest."


The two arrived at Yikun Palace soon, but as soon as they entered the palace gate, they heard a coquettish laughter inside, and Xue Yun suddenly let out a heavy sigh.

Those new concubines in the harem came to invite her to speak.

Ever since I heard that when the concubine's waitress in Xinjin Palace asked her for peace, they belittled her because of the name of an elective waiter. After the canonization, these people surrounded her every day like a bee seeing nectar.

What he said in his mouth was also flattery.

Xue Yun was not accustomed to hearing such words. Every time he came to ask the concubine for a peace pulse, listening to the blunt flattery, he felt a pain in his brain.

However, no matter what the headache, you have to go in.

This is the emperor's confession to her, the concubine Gu Hao must be born.

So she took a deep breath and told Tingfu to interpret it with him, and then she walked into Yikun Palace.

As soon as I entered, I saw a house of beauties.

All of them are full of Lingluo, full of pearls and turquoise heads, beautiful flowers, moonlight and beautiful country, so gathered in a room, it is so flashy that people can't open their eyes.

When everyone heard that she was coming, they stopped talking and laughing for a while and turned to look at her.

Xue Yun walked in and bowed down to Nan Yan who was sitting on the couch: "Weichen pays homage to the noble concubines and all empresses."

Nanyan Road: "Doctor Xue, please get up."

"Xie Niangniang."

At this time, a Chen Meiren next to her glanced at her and said, "Early Doctor Xue is here to ask for a peace of mind for the concubine and empress?"

Xue Yun bowed his head and said, "Yes."

"You have to pay attention, the mother is so gold and expensive, if there is a slight difference, no one of us can spare you."

Everyone immediately said: "Yes."

"This birth of the empress will definitely give birth to a prince for the emperor."

"At that time, the mother will be more expensive with her son, and the emperor will definitely spoil her even more."

For a while, everyone was talking again and again.

Xue Yun lowered his head, but he could only bear with it deeply.

As for Nan Yan, although she kept a faint, calm smile on her face, at this moment, she couldn't hold it anymore.

It is really not that easy to play a role that has strength in the harem and can hold everyone down.

She now sympathizes with Xu Miaoyin in the past.

It turned out that it was such a feeling that so many people were talking around.

I bought five hundred sparrows and kept them in the house.

But she couldn't get angry, she only showed a smile that seemed "unpredictable" to everyone, and said: "Okay, don't talk too much. Doctor Xue, please."

Xue Yun lowered his head and carried the medicine box over.

As usual, she took out the cushion and placed it on the table. When Nan Yan rolled up her sleeve and put her hand on it, she was gently buckling Nan Yan's veins and examined it carefully for a while.

Immediately after the consultation, I heard Nan Yan's "Ouch".

Xue Yun hurriedly said, "What's the matter with your mother?"

Nan Yandao: "It's nothing, but the stomach is a little tight."

Xue Yundao: "Before giving birth, there will be such a situation. Don't worry about it. If the tightness of the abdomen becomes more frequent, send someone to call the minister immediately."

"it is good."

Nan Yan nodded in relief.

She watched Xue Yun pack his things and put down his sleeves. When she just retracted her hand to prop up her chin, she suddenly frowned.


On the tip of her nose, she smelled a faint, almost inaudible fragrance.

Familiar fragrance.

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