Wu Wan was followed by small chess pieces and several powerful eunuchs from Chonghua Palace, all the way to the south.

At this time, the gates of many palaces in the harem were closed.

Several palace gates leading to the harem were closed earlier, and there was hardly anyone walking on the long avenue.

Wu Wan took them and walked forward quickly.

But as she walked, she suddenly stopped.

The little chess piece next to her looked at her, and said carefully: "Niang?"

Wu Wan stopped because they just passed the gate of Yikun Palace. She raised her head and looked at the still-open scarlet palace door, which was still brightly lit.

In this place, the palace gate has not been closed tightly. After all, the doctor Xue just entered. If the palace gate is closed, the doctor will not be able to get out, which will cause people to gossip.

Wu Wan sneered.

The little chess piece said: "Manny, do you want to go in?"

Wu Wan said: "Not now."


"But soon."

After speaking, she waved her hand again, and led the crowd to move forward. Soon, they passed the dark, long corridor and reached a palace gate.


Here is one of the several gates connecting the harem with the front dynasty. It is usually closed very early. In order to prevent accidents caused by people entering and leaving the harem, it was naturally closed early today.

However, although the door was closed, it couldn't stop the faintly restless voices outside.

In this kind of night, across a scarlet gate that almost blended with the night, the faint human voice seemed extraordinarily infiltrating.

Wu Wan shuddered suddenly.

The little chess piece accompanied by his side, whispered softly: "Niang?"


Wu Wan swallowed his saliva and said, "Go, you guys, open the door!"

Those little eunuchs didn't know what she was going to do, but it was a felony to open the palace gate.

Everyone is hesitant.

Wu Wan said angrily: "Damn, you dare not listen to the orders of this palace? Are you trying to die?"


"Wait until the father of this palace is done, look at how many heads you have!"

Upon hearing this, everyone still didn't understand.

Frightened and hurried forward, he slowly pulled down the huge door bolt with a trembling, and suddenly felt a huge force from outside directly impacting, knocking the few eunuchs who opened the door directly into the air!


Wu Wan also whispered in fright.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the already dark night, outside the open door, with heads trembling, countless figures shaking in front of her eyes, like ghosts walking out of the depths of hell.

She was frightened in a cold sweat.

But at this moment, a tall figure walked out of that figure, and bowed to her: "Manny!"

Upon hearing the low voice, Wu Wan was taken aback for a moment, and then took a closer look.

It is a high strategy that has always followed Cheng Guogong.

When she saw the familiar figure, she immediately felt relieved and said, "Did you bring people here?"

Gao Ce said: "These people are all members of the country's princes, who have mixed into the imperial army, and will join in the grand event tonight.

"good very good!"

Upon hearing this and seeing the familiar figure again, Wu Wan felt relieved immediately.

Not only was she relieved, she was even more excited, and even more excited.

Said: "How many people do you have? Is it enough to control so many palaces in the Sixth House of East and West?"

Gao Ce said: "Please don't worry, Empress."


"In the harem, there are no people, only those eunuchs, and some women who have no power to restrain the chicken, which is naturally easy to deal with."

"it is good!"

When Wu Wan heard it, he was even more excited.

Said: "You immediately let your people, each palace send more than a dozen people over, watch the palace gate, and say that there is a change in the palace, and they are not allowed to leave their respective palaces. If you dare to leave, kill them!"


Gao Ce immediately turned around and whispered a few words to the eager figures behind him. In an instant, a large group of people poured in from the Longfu Gate.

Wu Wan only felt like a raging tide before his eyes.

These people swiftly ran around the Sixth House of East and West.

Soon, I heard some horrified sounds coming from the front of the palace. It was a palace that had not yet closed its gates. Suddenly seeing so many guards with swords, it was obviously frightened.

Gao Ce said again: "Manny, then we--"

Wu Wan said coldly: "Now in the harem, the empress and concubine Shun have both gone to the altar of worship. Now the biggest in the harem is naturally the imperial concubine..."


"You know, she is still pregnant with a dragon seed!"

Gao Ce listened and his eyes flickered: "The Duke of the country also meant to control the noble concubine. If things happen, kill her to sacrifice the flag. In case of an accident, she and the child in her womb are also a hostage in our hands. ."

"Not bad."

Wu Wan sneered and said, "Go, go to Yikun Palace, and see this magnificent concubine who is the most honored consort!"

After speaking, he turned and walked towards Yikun Palace.

Gao Ce walked behind her, looked at her back, was silent, waved his hand, and took the horses behind him toward Yikun Palace.


In the Yikun Palace at this time, Xue Yun had already finished the pulse diagnosis for Nanyan.

She said: "The mother seems to be very worried."

Nan Yan looked up at her.

After a long while, he smiled and said, "Doctor Xue is asking for the peace pulse in the palace, or is he looking at the heart of the palace?"


"Do you see the seriousness of this palace?"


Xue Yun frowned slightly.

She could feel that the imperial concubine tonight is a little different from usual, or in other words, the eyes of the imperial concubine looking at her are different from usual these days.

It looks complicated.

But tonight, she obviously didn't have much movement, but she was so aggressive that Nianqiu came to the hospital to invite herself, saying that she had a tight stomach and was about to give birth.

Now, again...

Xue Yun was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Weichen dare not spy on the mother's mind. It's just that the mother and the fetus are connected by blood. If the mother's heart is heavy, the fetus will respond."


"Did the mother really feel tight in the past few days?"

She emphasized the word "really".

Nan Yan glanced at her, and was about to say something, suddenly frowned again.

The abdomen really tightened again.

She coughed slightly and said, "Yeah."

Xue Yundao: "This—"

Before she could finish her words, Nianqiu ran in from outside, panting and said, "Niang Niang."

Nan Yan looked up at her, saw her expression different, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nianqiu said, "Niang, someone just saw that Empress Hui took a group of people and went to Longfumen."

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan's face sank slightly.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at Nan Yan and said softly: "Concubine Hui is going to Longfumen? She—what does she want to do?"

Xue Yun listened to the side, still a little inexplicable, not knowing why they were so nervous, but Nan Yan frowned and thought about it, then suddenly raised his head.

"Xiaoyu, let people quickly close the gate of Yikun Palace!"

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