Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2165: It's not your turn to take care of it!

The moment the palace gate closed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ran Xiaoyu's body was also sweating coldly, listening to the blessing and the others were a little more collapsed, leaning against the wall at the door and panting.

After a long while, he looked at Ran Xiaoyu as if regaining his soul: "Sister Xiaoyu, here, what is going on?"


"Why, so many people just now?"


"I seem to have seen Concubine Hui. Why does she bring so many people?"

As he spoke, the door was knocked into a frame by people outside.

Ran Xiaoyu frowned, before he had time to speak, Nan Yan's voice came from behind--


They turned their heads and saw that Nianqiu and Aunt Tongyun helped her out.

Nan Yan was still wearing a piece of clothing. It was obvious that he had just walked out after hearing the noise outside. Xue Yun followed behind her. Hearing the noise outside, his face was full of horror.

What exactly is going on?

Why is it so messy in the originally quiet palace?

Someone hit the door unexpectedly?

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Niang, the door is closed. Concubine Hui brought a lot of people over, and they were all guards."


Nan Yan frowned when she heard it.

She took a step forward and looked at the gates of the Yikun Palace. These gates are all very heavy, and it would be very hard to close them even in normal times. So at that moment, she had to close the doors quickly and resist the people outside. They are exhausted enough.

However, with so many people kicking and beating outside, no matter how thick the door was, it was slammed into frames.

I don't know how long it will survive.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Hui Fei, you are so bold!"

As soon as she thought of her voice, the sound of kicking the door outside immediately disappeared.

Immediately, Wu Wan's voice sounded——

"The imperial concubine."

Standing on this side of the door, Nan Yan said in a deep voice, "You know, what is the charge for trespassing in the Yikun Palace in this palace?"


"You dare to bring someone to the house, what should you be guilty of!"

Hearing this, the people outside almost laughed.

They ran into Yikun Palace tonight and ran into her noble concubine. Some people even sneered and said: This noble concubine is innocent and cute.

Wu Wan also sneered and said, "Noble concubine, my concubine doesn't want to run into you, just--"

"Just what?"

"It's just that the concubine can't allow things to happen to the court in this harem!"

Hearing this, Nan Yan's expression condensed slightly.

She winked at them, waved her hand, and a few of them knew, and immediately ran to the backyard, took a lot of thick wooden sticks, one by one against the door bolt.

Nan Yan said: "Unclean court? What a big charge."


"Who do you mean to mess up the court?"

Wu Wan said: "It's you, the imperial concubine!"


"Not bad!"

Nan Yan sneered and said: "Hui Concubine, what kind of crime are you accused of condemning this palace? You are not afraid that this palace will punish you?"

Wu Wan said: "The imperial concubine, is it true or false if you open the door?"


"Do you dare to open the door? Let's go in and see. There is no other man in your Yikun Palace, then I will confess myself."

"Is there any other man in this palace? It's not your turn to care!"

"It's not a turn, or do you dare not let me control?"

Wu Wan became more fierce, and said to the gate of Yikun Palace: "Don’t forget, when the empress empress left the palace today, she has already explained that she can let this palace help manage the affairs of the harem in the harem. --Take care of you!"


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

It turned out that this is the reason why she suddenly said such things in Yonghe Palace today, being so close to herself.

Just to suppress yourself with these words tonight.

Nan Yan sneered.

Seeing the gate, the thick wooden sticks have already resisted, even if it can't be completely prevented, it can at least resist for a while.

So he said coldly: "Hui Concubine, don't forget, your rank is below this palace. This palace is the noble concubine, and this palace has the right to be the assistant to the sixth house."


"You-go back to your Chonghua Palace well, and think about what you should and can't do as Concubine Hui!"

These words are extremely contemptuous.

The anger in Wu Wan's heart was suddenly ignited by her, and she furiously said: "Since the concubine does not want to open the door, don't blame us for being impolite."

After speaking, he took a step back and waved to the guard beside him——

"Bump me the door!"

The guards listened to the two women chattering for a long time, and they were impatient for a long time. For them, the sword and power in their hands are absolute power. It is better to smash the door immediately for any assistant to the sixth house. It is important to take down the people inside.

So, hearing this, everyone immediately said: "Quick!"

"Bump the door!"

"Come here now!"

When I heard the people outside say this, the people inside the door were also a little frightened.

Just now, the bolt on the door can barely withstand the impact of a few people outside. Now, there are dozens or hundreds of people gathered outside, and I feel that there are a lot of people just listening to the sound.

I don't know if this door can withstand it now.

When everyone was sweating and looking at the door, they heard a loud noise outside——


The door shook violently.

A lot of dust and sawdust were knocked down.

However, the door remained unchanged.

The sticks that just arrived have played a big role!

When the people outside hit the door, they felt that the door was much stronger than before. Several people saw the inside through the gap in the door and immediately said, "Oh, they held something against the door!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Wan was also anxious.

"How could this be?"

"What should we do now?"

"You guys, are you all idiots? Can't even knock a door."


The people around looked at each other and couldn't speak.

In fact, when they catch up, if they start hitting the door immediately, they may still be able to hit the door. However, the concubine Hui will have to fight the concubine inside for a while, I'm afraid it was during that period of time. The person closed the door while the people outside were not paying attention.

right now……

Wu Wan didn’t think it was his own problem. He was so angry that he was so angry that he yelled at the people around him: “What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and bang the door for me! Today, I must open the Yikun Palace. The **** of the filthy court!"

When everyone heard it, they could only gather and bump against the door.

The rumbling voice is endless.

When the gate of Yikun Palace was swayed constantly, panic screams came from several places in the quiet harem.

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