But just as they were about to rush in, suddenly, a burst of flame suddenly burst out of the gate!


The soldier who rushed to the first screamed, as if being knocked out by flames, fell to the ground and struggled, and several parts of his body were already burning.

Everyone rushed to help him put out the fire.

It took a while before the fire was extinguished, but his face was burned beyond recognition and his body was seriously injured.

The other few, even though they were behind, were hit by the flames, and they all rolled on the ground for a long time before finally extinguishing the flames.

Everyone was taken aback.

Looking inside, he was stunned.

Looking through the big hole burned by them at the gate of Yikun Palace, I saw that there was a fire at some point inside. The fire was raging, more fierce than the fire on the gate outside, almost burning to the wall. Up!

Wu Wan was stunned, and said, "Well, what's going on?"

Gao Ce stood aside and frowned when he saw this scene.

He said: "So smart!"

They originally wanted to burn through the gate of Yikun Palace, and then rushed in to control the people inside, but they did not expect that the people inside would also light up the fire. In this way, it is equivalent to adding a fire behind the gate. Block the wall of fire!

They attacked with fire, but they were blocked by fire.

Now, fire has become a headache for them.

Gao Ce's face was also sweaty, and he faintly felt that the people inside seemed not so easy to deal with.

Wu Wan was anxious at this time and said, "What's the matter? Why did they set fire inside?"

Gao Ce said: "They want to use fire to prevent us from entering."

Wu Wan listened, with a fierce expression on his face, turned his head to look at the blazing flames, gritted his teeth and said, "What a cunning bitch, do you think this can stop us?"

After that, she said to Gao Ce: "Immediately give an order to let everyone in!"

Gao Ce frowned.

"Lady Hui, you saw it just now. If you break in like this, you will get hurt."

"I do not care!"

Wu Wan said fiercely: "I finally opened the door, do you want me to wait?"


"Wait, I don't know what the **** inside is going to use to deal with us!"


"You hurry up and order and let your people rush in."

Gao Ce's iron-green complexion was a bit gloomy under the light of the fire.

He said: "Hui Consort, our fate is also fate."

After speaking, he stopped talking.


Wu Wan gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Do you dare not listen to me? You know, when my father gets a big deal, I will tell him if you don't listen to my orders, what will he do with you?"


"Do you still want to be like your sister?"

Gao Ce's expression sank again.

And at this moment, a scream came from Yikun Palace suddenly——


Everyone was shocked and all looked up inside.

At this moment, Nan Yan, even though she was about to smash a bit of her teeth, was still unable to restrain her. She blurted out the screams, and she immediately stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

However, he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

There was a falling pain in her stomach, which was more severe than before, and she felt that her body was going to be split in half.

Xue Yun was beside him, sweating profusely.

Sure enough, the old sicknesses in the concubine's body broke out when she gave birth.

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