Hundreds of people were here in the huge altar, but there was no sound except the sound of the wind.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the emperor above the altar.

In the light of the fire, his face was pale, and he seemed to be slightly blue, and he kept looking at the sacrificial text presented by Wu Yingqiu.

Everyone was trembling in their hearts, not knowing what was written in the sacrificial text.

But, at least since Cheng Guogong had publicly interrupted the ceremony, and said those things to the emperor, I could guess it, and what was written in it, I'm afraid it is not good.

Everyone even more faintly felt that tonight, Cheng Guogong was afraid that he would do something big.

At this time, the Queen and Ye Wei's breath tightened.

They still remember that a few years ago, also at this great altar and at such a grand ceremony, King Ning Zhuxuan suddenly attacked and questioned the emperor’s life experience and the legitimacy of his ascension. Although nothing happened in the end, the impact was It was the emperor who had fallen into a bloodthirsty frenzy like a demon barrier.

If it hadn’t been for the medicinal power of “too much forgiving” in his body, if it hadn’t been for Crane Yi to induce medicinal properties...

No one dares to think about what is going on in the world now.

Is it now that such a catastrophe is coming again?

Ye Yu turned his head and pointed at Wu Yingqiu angrily, and said, "Cheng Guogong, tonight is the first emperor's birthday festival. What sin should you do if you disturb the festival!"

Wu Ying begged to look at him coldly.

After all, he was already an veteran of the three dynasties and a prince, and he didn’t even look at people like Ye Xu from a humble background. Talking to the emperor, it’s not your turn to interrupt."


Ye Xu was furious.

Just about to say something, the queen's voice sounded on the side.

"Guogong, you said Master Ye can't interrupt, do you listen to what the palace said?"

Wu Yingqiu looked at her, his eyes still cold.

He gave a sloppy attitude: "The veteran should obey the teachings of the empress. However, it is not the harem lady who can put his beak on the major events in the past."

Xu Miaoyin's breath is a bit uneven.

She was already seriously ill and physically weak. She was already doing her best for today's ceremonies. At this time, she had to argue with Cheng Guogong, and she was a little bit weak, and the concubine Shun at the back immediately stepped forward to support her.

Xu Miaoyin said solemnly: "What harem? What front?"


"Now it is the first emperor's festival. Since the main palace is here, it naturally has the right to speak. You disturbed the festival, it was the crime of beheading; but thinking that you are an old minister of the three dynasties, I don't care about you. Please go down and have a good rest and don't let him disturb the festival anymore."

Everyone is a little strange.

Ye Xu and the queen both spoke, but the emperor had been standing on the altar, silent.

What shocked everyone was that the queen had already spoken, naturally someone should come up to do something.

However, after waiting for a long time, none of the guards came forward.

Xu Miaoyin's face suddenly sank.

She hurriedly looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the guard? Come here! Come!"

However, her voice blasted through the empty and silent altar, but no one responded.

Xu Miaoyin's brows wrinkled.

She was the first to prepare for this festival of the Xianhuang's birthday. Because it was a festival for the birthday of the emperor, sharp weapons were not visible at the ceremony, so no guards were arranged around the altar.

All the guards guarded outside the wall around the altar.

Although there is some distance, she has spoken so loudly, no matter what, people outside should be able to hear it.

But now, no one came in.

what happened?

Did something happen outside?

But when the queen gave the order, there was no sound. The civil and military ministers standing around were also shocked. Everyone showed a panic. Look at me and I will look at you.

Some people are already talking: "What's the matter?"

"Where is the guard? Why is there no one?"

"Could it be the Duke of the country--"

"Shhh, keep your voice down. See what Guo Gong says."

"And the emperor, why didn't he keep silent? What was written in the ceremonial ceremonies of the patriarch?"

Everyone was shocked and stunned, but no one dared to act rashly.

Everyone looked at the people on the altar.

Seeing that after shouting for a long time, no one came forward to answer, the queen's face also showed a look of panic, and Wu Yingqiu was already laughing.


This time, his laughter spread on the empty altar and echoed continuously.

It seems that countless people are laughing with him.

That laughter was both arrogant and compelling.

After the laughter was over, Wu Yingqiu looked at Xu Miaoyin coldly, and said slowly: "Queen, empress, the old minister still respects you as the empress. Although, you are really the virtue of a queen in the palace."


"A dignified queen, but was overwhelmed by an imperial concubine, have you still looked like a queen over the years?


"You don't even have an heir."

When he said this, Xu Miaoyin's face suddenly paled.

At this moment, Concubine Shun Xinqing, who was standing behind Xu Miaoyin, stepped forward and said angrily: "Gong Guo, you dare to speak to the empress empress like this? Do you still know what a ruler is!"

Wu Yingqiu looked at her contemptuously, and said, "A slave and maid just served the master, so he made you a concubine. You really turned into a phoenix by flying on a branch?"


"In the eyes of the old man, you will always be just a servant!"


Although Xinqing is not ashamed of her origin, her face turned pale when she was ridiculed by Duke Cheng at such a ceremony.

Cheng Guogong sneered again and said, "However, in this dynasty, such things are not uncommon."


"A humble servant and maid can sit on the seat of a concubine."


"A woman who has nothing to do, sits firmly in the middle palace for so many years."


"A child of unknown origin sits on the throne of Emperor Yan Guo!"

When he said the last sentence, everyone held their breath, and a deep whisper was made from the crowd.

Everyone, this is not the first time I have heard this argument.

Everyone remembers that last time, at this great altar, it was Ning Wang Zhuxuan who said such things.

Although the matter was later suppressed by the imperial concubine admitting that she had an affair with the royal family of Lai, after that, the imperial concubine not only was not punished, but was still favored for many years, and now she is pregnant with the dragon descendant.

So, it's not that no one doubts.

It's just that no one dares to say.


When everyone was shocked, they all watched Wu Yingqiu walk up to the altar step by step, approaching the emperor step by step.

Zhu Feng finally raised his head slowly.

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