Just as he shouted, a sharp arrow suddenly flew over from the night and shot Ye Wei!

At this moment, Zhu Feng's eyes were dark.

Seeing Ye Xu's whole body froze for a while, he involuntarily let go of the hand holding Wu Yingqiu, stepped back two steps in succession, and then fell on his back.

Rain water, and blood water, mixed on his body.

"Ye Yu!"

The people around were also stunned, especially Xu Shifeng, who was the nearest to them, and when he saw Ye Zhen's arrow fell to the ground, he immediately rushed up.

But just when he was about to rush in front of them, suddenly, the soldiers outside the fence suddenly became confused, as if something had happened suddenly, causing the people outside to become a mess, shouting, footsteps, and even mixed. With a little heavy hoof sound, it sounded in the rainy night.

Xu Shifeng frowned--

How come there are horseshoes?

You know, his people are in the entire altar of worship. He didn't arrange cavalry here. There is no horse in it.

But at this moment, a man and horse, like a black bolt of lightning, galloped in from outside the wall.

He rushed straight towards Master Cheng Guo and Ye Wei.

Xu Shifeng was shocked.

How could such a rider suddenly appear? !

At this time, the officials in the entire altar of worship were also in chaos.

You know, for the celebration of the first emperor’s birthday, this great altar has been prepared for a long time. Not only is there strict guards around it, plus today, Cheng Guo Gong is in trouble, the emperor has sent additional troops to make corresponding adjustments. Catch his men and horses.

Then, it strengthened the surrounding let go.

Now the entire altar of worship should be airtight.

But now, suddenly there was another rider.

Could it be that Duke Cheng’s people have slipped through the net?

But at this time, Wu Yingqiu was also stunned. He stared at the sudden rider and horse, and when he rushed straight in front of him, he didn't even move a bit, only staring at the person in front of him blankly.

The horse was dark all over, and the person on the horse's back was also dressed in black. If it hadn't rushed into the wall and was illuminated by the fire, the riding horse would almost melt into the dark night surrounding it.

At this moment, he rushed to Wu Yingqiu's face, like a big mountain suddenly.

Wu Yingqi lost his response.

At this moment, the man on horseback leaned down and reached out to him.

This man was wearing a dark clothes, from head to toe, even his face was covered with a black mask, only a pair of eyes were exposed, but on such a rainy night, he could not see what his eyes were like.

However, when Wu responded to his request, he shuddered suddenly.

The man reached out his hand to him, and did not speak.

However, the meaning is already obvious.

If you want to live, just follow me!

At this time, Wu Yingqiu's body reacted faster than his brain. When Ye Wei was holding him, he just buckled his hands back and did not tie him with anything. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed him. Stopped that cold and strong hand.

Feeling a burst of powerful force, he pulled him onto the horseback at once.

As soon as he sat on it, he immediately grabbed the person in front of him.


The black-clothed man let out a low cry, reined the rein to turn the horse's head, and immediately rushed towards the way he came.

Xu Shifeng rushed over, it was too late, and shouted, "Stop him!"

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