"Father has been holding you."

As he said, one hand pushed her up strongly, the other hand stretched out, and the chubby baby was picked up in the past.

Suddenly felt a pressing hand.

"Good weight!"

Nan Yan sat on the bed and smiled and said, "It's half a kilo."

"So heavy?"

"Yeah, when I was pregnant, I just thought he was so noisy, I didn't expect to be so fat."

Although it is already my second child, I often hear people say that it is smoother and easier to reproduce after giving birth, but this time I am extremely difficult and dangerous.

Fortunately, this child was born healthy and strong.

Zhu Feng looked down at the little face that came out of the baby. The newborn child was naturally unsightly. A wrinkled face, like a skinned kitten, could be seen. The nose It's very strong and the eyeliner is very long.

If it is long open, it should be a very beautiful face.

Moreover, two small hands stubbornly stretched out of the baby, clenched into fists.

The crying voice was strong and loud, and the Yikun Palace, which had been burned in a mess, was about to collapse by him.

Zhu Feng hugged him in his hand and gently moved it twice.

Smiled and said: "Good boy, really powerful!"

With that, he raised his head and looked at Xiang Nanyan.

The closer you are, the more you can see the deep tiredness on her face, as if the upper and lower eyelids are fighting, but the smile on her face is as gentle as a spring breeze.

You can feel the softness as soon as you get close to her.

This is probably the nature of being a mother.

Even in the dim light, the smile lines around the corners of her eyes and her mouth contained infinite tenderness.

Originally, Zhu Feng had withdrawn from the battle on the altar, and along the way, he carried the chill of rain and blood on his body, but at this moment, all of this was swept away.

He wanted to reach out and touch her face, helplessly, both hands were occupied by both children.

I could only touch her with my eyes and whispered softly: "Thanks for your hard work."

Nan Yan smiled.

"The emperor will be back."

The process of production is not thrilling, but it did give her a hard time. It was not only the people at the gate of Wu Wan, or the entanglement in her heart, but also because of his situation in the altar, she did not understand .

Now that I see people come back, I feel relieved.

As soon as she let go of her heart, she felt a little ill. She was so tired that she almost began to doze off, and Zhu Feng also saw her fatigue.

Softly said: "Lie down and sleep for a while?"

But when he finished speaking, he looked at the palace and said, "You can't live here anymore. You just finished giving birth and you can't see the wind."


"Go to my bedroom?"

Nan Yanqiang cheered up and said with a smile: "It's still raining outside and it's messy. It's not good for a concubine to go out like this."


"Well, wait until everything is cleaned up."


Zhu Feng nodded and said, "Then, you can sleep for a while, I will guard you here."

Nan Yan shook his head, "I want to watch it for a while."

She didn't say whether she wanted to see him, or she wanted to see the picture in front of her——

Zhu Feng sat in front of her. Although the wind and rain were swaying outside, the familiar breath and body temperature on his body were still warming her; he held the newly-born Chengjun in one hand, and held his curious face in the other, and craned his neck. To see the peace of the baby brother.

This is probably the most beautiful picture she can think of.

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