After Zhu Feng left, Nan Yan lay down very worried.

Listening to the torrential rain outside, thinking of the lost soldier talisman and the poisoned Ran Xiaoyu, her heart felt like being bitten by thousands of poisonous snakes, and she was in pain.

However, it can't bear the fatigue of this night.

Finally slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, when she faintly heard the voice of someone talking in her ear, she wanted to open her eyes, but her body was weak and weak, and she could barely open her eyes a line.

I saw a familiar face.

Xue Yun.

She was half kneeling by the bed, seeming to have just finished checking her pulse, and carefully put her hand back into the quilt.

Nianqiu, who was standing by, asked, "How is your mother?"

Xue Yundao: "Nothing."

"Then why didn't she wake up after sleeping for so long?"

"The empress is too tired."


"It was already very laborious during production, and even after being so frightened, ordinary people might faint all the time."


"But the empress woke up for a while, this time, she was really tired."


"You have to let her rest."

While she was speaking, she raised her head and saw Nan Yan's eyes opened slightly, and her heart beat suddenly.


When she heard her name Nan Yan, Nian Qiu hurriedly rushed forward and saw that Nan Yan was already awake.

Surprised and delighted: "Niang, you are awake."


Probably after hearing them call himself, Nan Yan had a little strength on his body. After struggling for a long time, he opened his eyes and said with a weak voice: "Help me up."

Xue Yun wanted to do it subconsciously, but Nianqiu hurriedly pushed her away.

"Doctor Xue, this is not in compliance."


Xue Yun was taken aback, only then did he remember his identity.

Step back silently.

Nian Qiu helped Nan Yan up and put a pillow behind her to make her sit more comfortable. After Nan Yan sat down, she breathed for a while.

Then he asked: "When is it?"

Nian Qiu said: "Manny, you have slept for a day."


"The emperor visited you once, but saw that you were asleep and couldn't bear to disturb you, so he left."


"The servants are almost worried to death, for fear of you..."

Having said that, she sighed again and said, "There will be nothing wrong with my mother."


Nan Yan showed a weak smile.

But now, my business is not the most important thing.

She asked, "Where is Xiaoyu?"

Nian Qiu immediately said: "After the empress fell asleep, the emperor said that she had been rescued by Jin Yiwei because of the poisoning of sister Xiaoyu. Now she is sent to the hospital where the doctor Wang will take care of her to detoxify.


"It's just that I can't move her yet, so I haven't sent her back to Yikun Palace."

"How is her poison...?"

"I said it hurt the internal organs, but fortunately, the treatment was timely and my life was worry-free. I just had to recuperate for a while."


"Just now, Aunt Tongyun made porridge and went to see her."

Hearing this, Nan Yan's breath, even hanging in his sleep, finally fell.

She murmured: "Buddha bless."

Nian Qiu smiled and said, "Niang Niang recites the Buddha, so let the Buddha protect Niang Niang."

Nan Yan shook his head and whispered: "This palace has been guarded in this life, and it is her, who only protects the palace without life. Besides begging the Buddha to bless her, the palace can do nothing for her. "

Nian Qiu said, "The heart of the empress is the great blessing of Sister Xiaoyu."

She was so relieved, and finally made Nan Yan a little more relaxed.

Then, she looked at Xue Yun.

Although Xue Yun hadn't spoken, when he stood aside, his gaze kept falling on Nan Yan, almost looking at her cautiously.

On the contrary, when Nan Yan looked at her, she looked away.

Nanyan naturally knows the reason.

On that night, at the most critical moment when I was giving birth, I got her answer when I pressed her.

Speaking of which, this answer is not unexpected.

Even, when I recalled that when I was in the northwest, I met Nanli King Ajislan and once felt this possibility.

In this world, I am not alone with vision.

In other words, if you like Zhu Feng, you don't need to have vision.

Even if he discards his identity, his ability, and everything outside him, he can attract most women in this world only in terms of appearance.

In this palace, the Queen Shun, the newly-entered concubine, and even Qin Ruolan in the cold palace... which one is not admiring him, and even some people can give up their lives.

She had already understood it.


When he looked at Xue Yun again, a faint gloom flashed in Nan Yan's eyes, but when he spoke, he was still calm and said: "Doctor Xue has been working hard for these two days."

Xue Yun said hurriedly: "Weichen dare not say anything about matters within a division."

Nan Yan smiled.

"Yes, it's a matter of course."


"Many people in this world are so lofty, they don't know that doing well in their own right is already a great merit."


"Xiao thinks things he shouldn't want will cause trouble."

This made Xue Yun's heart sink.

Her lips trembled slightly, and she lowered her head and said, "What the empress teaches is."

Nianqiu stood aside, listening to this, silently, only blinking those big sharp eyes.

She felt a little strange.

Although the imperial concubine is a noble concubine, he is loved by the emperor and has the power to be an assistant to the sixth house. It is not a strange thing to train an imperial doctor in this way, but Nan Yan rarely puts on such an air, and his attitude towards people around him Very kind, even approachable.

Unless someone did something wrong, she rarely trains others.

But just now, she inexplicably taught Xue Yun those words, as if...

It seemed that Xue Yun really didn't keep his duty, and Xiao thought about something he shouldn't think about.

He is a doctor, what is Xiao thinking about?

Is it in this harem...

Thinking of this, Nian Qiu took a deep breath, with a look of consternation in his eyes.

And at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the quiet Yikun Palace, and then a somewhat messy human voice sounded outside.

"Why, are you still blocking us from entering?"

"The imperial concubine is ill. We are here to visit."

"Could it be that the imperial concubine does not want to see us?"

Nan Yan frowned slightly and said to Nianqiu, "Go out and see, what's the matter."

Nian Qiu responded, ran out in a hurry, and came back soon afterwards: "Niangniang, these concubines in the palace, they said they came to visit Niangniang."


Nan Yan frowned.

At this time, she didn't have much energy to deal with these people.

But after another thought, the queen was ill, and the palace went through this chaos again. Someone had to talk to calm people's hearts.

As a noble concubine, I should also take responsibility.

So he said: "Let them in."

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